Mandtids - Preying Mantis - Elf - Entity Hallucinations


Well-Known Member
They live in hyperspace, take DMT long enough and you'll meet them... just google it.


Well-Known Member
There are far out encounters with these entities... I believe we have to be totally comfortable with the trip to allow these creatures to break out through. If at any time you're holding back the transition is not possible!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I have had many experiences in sensory deprivation devices.
Tanks, V-beds mounted in water beds.
Oxygen, Nitrous infused via mask delivery iv V bed applications.

Mostly on K (easiest for me)
and safest over all.
But had successes with L and D .... on its own. Around fire. It seems to bring them out for me .... the others.



Done under supervision off course.

But you can go way deeper than that.
At least ... I believe I have. And you do not need any gear ... that is just for fun.

Ever go digital on K ?


Well-Known Member
ok, you might find this a bit weird, but the non-coporeal world, is inhabited. Large hamanoid mantids are one of the species that inhabit it.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
yUP ...all you have to do is jump a dimension so to speak aka (tune into a different frequency) ...

Another way of looking at this is that it is the common denominator linking millions of trip experiences as per reports given.
It seems that at some threshold .... these creatures ... reveal themselves to us.


Active Member
i met them on a salvia trip lol...well not really meet but i heard them talking as i was in a pezz dispenser type machine along with all the other people that were, either in the same state of mind or "frequency" as me or they were having they're encounter with them too. i to this day am stilll trying to figure out what the significance/lesson/meaning behind it and i think ive got a small chunk of started a chain reaction that has me thinking and thinking. same with other amazing tripps on different substances but this one is most memorable.

as for the people that dont get it..."you have to get in a cannon and shoot yourself over to this side of the river"


Well-Known Member
I wanna meet some mantids, do gnomes like things count? I once, in a childish manner, took far to many different drugs together started with jack daniels and vidocen and somas. then went to a diff freinds house were they were drinking store bought cough syrup and poping tripple c's, i had not ever done that before and they warned of mixing it with alcohol but i did not heed there warning and in a show offy kinda way took two bottles of syrup down the hatch and 15 or so tripple c's no idea of the dose, and there were other drugs but i dont remember what they were at all, all i rember after that was hurling a few times and curling up in a fetal position and the grass shot past my head the world began to break away from me, i had no connection to reality my eyes may have been closed i dont know but they felt open I explored this crazy land , jungle plants reached for me and small gnome like men came to great me and show me around, then all of a sudden bam i was sitting in my friends yard wrapped in blankets(they were very worried about me haha) at 10 am in the morning, the day light had been there for hours and I never noticed, i was still robot feeling and had to relearn the world quickly like being born again and growing up in about ten min. but do gnomes count are they some of these beings?? is that were I went? to this other frequency???


Well-Known Member
where so you think gnomes in stories come from? People just sucked it out of their arses?


Well-Known Member
I wasn't sure you could get there on that kind of drug, i've never been back and have never, experinced anything visual like that before or since. at the time I passed it off as like a coma dream.


Well-Known Member
I've seen the entities plenty of times on DMT, a few times on GREAT shrooms, and once on acid.

I have tried to extract information that i was not aware of from them to no avail.

They were only able to say/tell me things I already knew or have heard verbatim from other sources before.

This leads me to believe that these entities are, in fact, a product of your own infinitely powerful mind.

No hyperspace, no other dimension, just imagination.

It's drugs people, you can learn things from them, but not more than you already know.

Trust :joint: