Well-Known Member
Projection at 538 puts the most likely result in the Senate between bare majority and 54 seats. The House is most likely to go to Republicans.It will be a struggle, but look at all the help Trump and the republicans are giving you!Win enough in November and it will be whole new ballgame, lose, even the house and it will be chaos at home and internationally. Trump will most likely set the republican house agenda from his cell, "Get me outta here"!
Of course, it's too far away from election day to put much credence in these forecasts. We've come a long way since June when all signs were "Republicans win both houses in landslide". I can't say Democrats did anything to earn it. Sentiment is squishy and can go either direction depending on what happens in October. Republicans keep shooting themselves in the foot. But we always see dirty tricks from them in October, so, who knows?
Oregon is pretty safely Democrat. Except for:
The Governor's race is tighter than normal, mostly because Democrats picked a farther to the left candidate than the state's moderates would like. Also, Phil Knight, the billionaire owner of Nike is funding a run as an Independent by a former moderate Democrat. She can't win but can tip the race to the foaming at the mouth right wing Oregon Republican Party.