Well-Known Member
Hello fellow RIUppers, I was planning on maybe starting the usual "after-frost" seasonal cannabis grow around May, but this year I am a bit too impatient. Last years grow was from July to Early November. It was successful and my first grow to be finished(pictures and threads for that grow are in my profile). It is March and I am in the southeast and from sources, the grow season for Mary Jane here is in late March. I started 3 seeds in soil late February due to pretty good warm temps and one popped up outside where the flowering pot is. I brought it inside and put the pot under two 26 watt CFL's once one seedling showed and it was just about in the center with a bit of purple from the cold. It will be going back outside once it has a stable main stem to withstand the wind and whatnot. It is now just about 4-5 days from sprouting out and this one I hope will be this years herb to feast off of. Here are a couple of pictures to start off the year and I will certainly keep you all up to date...