marijuana halucinations?


Active Member
the only time I have had hallucinations with weed I had some magic cookies and smoked about 3 grams of hash with a friend and like 3 ore 4 shots of jack Daniels.

I was very weird, I got very little slept fore like 2 days before, I was very tied. I started to fall a sleep while tying to chat with a guy. I went in to a kind of dream state and everything just stooped making sens, so I wet to lie down on the grass and closed my eyes, I started dreaming while listening to the music in the house.
It was weird man.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the whole hallucination thing is bullshit i think.Its just confusion in the brain or a part of your body catching up to another. Like i ate a shti ton of strong as brownies and then smoked a ton of hash and some good good good ass bud and like drank all night and when i drove home(yes stupid i know) the road was all weir to me but that was just beeing fucked up...not hallucinating...if that was the case i have hallucinated off of alcohol.


Well-Known Member
I believe there is a tripping point and a hallucinating point. Some trips won't have hallucinations. I think it's close to impossible to smoke enough weed to trip. Eating weed.... that's a different story... lol

Willie North

Well-Known Member
I almost hit a few deer while driving high
thats about it
all I saw were there glowing eyes and thought they were Ghots haha

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I have hallucinations all the time when smoking it! :weed:

It all depends on how much I have how surreal or deep the trip is - sometimes its like "can't quite concentrate" which is when your mind wanders...other times its like, "in a different world" which is heavy daydreaming, with your mind whirring all sorts of made-up crap and you can't function or even speak properly :joint:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I'm 42 and have been smoking on and off since I was about 13 or 14. In that time I've only had one hallucination while high on just mj ... I'll never forget it as long as I live. I was 17 ... it was around 5:00am and my friends and I were driving to an out of area wrestling match (we kept score for the team... flirted with the guys... etc. etc.)... anyhow... we drove up in my car and got high on the way. I drove behind some car for about 40 miles... making sure to stay at least a few car lengths back because it was still dark out and I was stoned. Just before I exited the freeway the car in front of me was all of a sudden at a dead stop... I didn't even have time to hit the brakes... I drove right through it... it didn't exist. I freaked out... none of the other girls in the car knew what I was talking about because they were busy gabbing during the ride.

Honestly I think I was trying so hard to concentrate on keeping it together while high that my brain saw the car as a way of keeping me in check and driving slow.

I've never liked driving high since and pretty much won't do it. I might make a run 1/4 mile to the Tom Thumb market... but that's about it.


Well-Known Member
If your weed is making you trip, its probably laced.

Although saying that, when I first started smoking (first six months or so) I would get realllly high and when I shut my eyes I would see myself flying down a tunnel of diffrent colours.

One of the first times I was properly blitzed, the first time I linked my own draw, me and like 5 of my mates got a half oz, and we were all so god damn stoned seriously, I was on the toilet inventing/hearing an amazing drum'n'bass song complete with visuals and I just remember thinking, if only I could record this, i'll be fucking rich ;D


Well-Known Member
i had a trip off salvia this one time and totally went to another world where it was like itchy and scratchy style but being chased by tom and Jerry. Best i can explain it, fuckin awesome if you know what your doing.


Well-Known Member
I got closed-eye visuals all the time off weed. I lay back and see purple, blue, green, red, all flashing before my eyes. Every now and then I get tracers on stuff if I'm in weird lighting, and sometimes I get blotches of colors on the walls and things.


Well-Known Member
when i close my eyes,when stoned.i am able to change thought DAMN RAPIDLY FAST,i guess everyone has this trip : like,i imagine bycicle,then its wheel,then road,then car,then man in the car,then house where the man lives,then the door of the house...
all things are connected,but its fucking rapid and awesome. ^^


Active Member
Yeah, when I drive stoned I always feel really crazy sensations. I don't drive while stoned anymore because of it. Last time I did it I felt like I was in a video game and I could just feel my head and I thought I had lost my body and since I was driving really slow cars were passing me I thought their lights were lasers being shot at me. Also I felt like I was in a spiral vortex. I didn't really see anything to impressive, it was just really hard to focus, it was really strange. It wasn't a visual but like a feeling of seeing..... I didn't supply the marijuana that time (which was not smart) and I found out after moving away that this guy puts pcp and sometimes meth into his weed. So who knows perhaps I wasn't just stoned......... But, when it is my stash, which is only weed, I think I have felt a few trips before, nothing major. Basic things like you guys are saying.
So words of advice, if smoking with unknown people, bring your own spice and know it well!

O yeah almost forgot, yeah ganja and alcohol make me trip out also. Last New Years I thought I was wax and I was seeping through the couch, anyone felt anything close to that with weed and alcohol?


Well-Known Member
i often mix weed and alcohol,u can mix weed with anything really ^^
yeh,u usually have better trips with weed and alcohol,they are different ,better.
i cant remember any special trip from that state,oh,when i was holding my girlfriend,i closed my eyes,and heard someone asking me : "do you got bycicle" and i told him 'yes' with my head,by shaking it forwards and backwards.that kind of trip happens often to me,hearing voices,in head.not outside


Well-Known Member
Never heard voices, but I seem to have alot of silent closed eye visuals, usually like still frames. At one point I was working in a factory for some cash, that week I smoked up and had a vision of those roller things (that trays roll down from the machine) in a square, with a dog sliding round on them barking (but silent barking).
The best was when I put my head into my pillow and had a visual of my own head, but blurry, flying into a rocky canyon, where there were rugby posts and I had to aim to get my head through the posts. There was an audience and everything ha ha!

These visuals are off of weed?!?!?! ....Well, as far as i'm aware, they're fun though :D


Well-Known Member
Oi, I actualy forgot, I did have a massive time warp when I just started smokeing...

We got together in my backyard after school... and had a smoke... suddenly i was convinced it was time for my mom to come home... (which was about 4 hours early)... meantime only 20 minutes or so went by..

Not technicaly an halucination, but it was significvantly diffirent from just getting stoned.


Well-Known Member
when I started smoking I used to get really high of some cheapy weed and my eyes would blur just enough that the world would turn into dot-matrix and I would run around in mario world. My neighborhood even had its own little mario world. it was awesome! :weed:


Well-Known Member
a friend/aquaintance brought some weed back from his visit to africa... about 6 of us were gathered around a camp fire at night smoking out of a pretty simple pipe. He was like, "Be carefull, this shite is strong." I took one giant hit.... and as i was blowing it out i said, 'Oh, shite dude, you shoulda warned me...' He started laughing and was like, "I did :D" Everyone else stayed upright but i immediately layed down on the ground and just dreamed with my eyes closed while wide-awake for about 2 hours before i had to get up and go home. Very vivid waking dreams.


Active Member
Well the first time i smoked weed me and a friend of mine went to the beach and smoked atleast 6 joints then a couple mins after the last joint i started to feel dizzy and Lightheaded and i looked up at my friend at He went upside down and my vision started to spin But after that i passed out and woke up a couple hours later Wantin more bud haha I donno it was a scarry/awsome first time haha I donno if u would call it a halucination or not....haha


Well-Known Member
I had some crazy hallucenations with chronic and LSA... trees where forming together to become caves, one of my friends face turned into a squirrls and I was hearing people talk before they actually made the sound movement in their mouth... it was pretty crazy. Though just normal bud i've never "tripped" on