Marijuana.. Legal in Colorado.

top notch zips on the street going for 120 bux.
This shit will never fly.

Zips are 180 here in N MI. Everyone's commercial grade is actually medical grade. I haven't smoked bad weed in the last 5 years now that so many people are growing.

The dispensaries still get away with top dollar selling to people that for some reason do not know some one that grows. 2 other people on my block are medical caregivers, thats just the ones I know of, and these fucks just can't find a caregiver lol.

The patient I grow for hasn't spent a dollar on weed this last* year. If zips are 440, then I have saved him over 5k by just giving him 1 a month last year (I always give him extra too). I am not even sure why caregivers charge their patients. Greedy fucks, they are making way more weed off them than they are giving away.

Anyway, congrats Colorado! You guys can start off the new year with a cloud of smoke. Sorry that its so overpriced but freedom has its costs I guess.
I live in Colorado and I am glad I grow my own. It cost me approx. $6.66 an Oz to grow my own per crop. Sometimes less.
Anyway, congrats Colorado! You guys can start off the new year with a cloud of smoke. Sorry that its so overpriced but freedom has its costs I guess.

Its really just a big tax on tourists. People who live here either have their red cards to pay way cheaper prices, grow their own, or buy it off craigslist.
Who cares what they're charging for it? Honestly, never thought a bunch of stoners would love to find the negative in anything and being a site for growers, I'd think most people here grew their own ffs..
I can't remember the last time I had to buy a bag personally, but I can remember the last time I was in jail for under a gram of cannabis, something people in these two states will never have to worry about again ..
But yeah, let's just be pissed off that willing people are paying $400 / oz instead of being grateful people aren't spending time in jail over it anymore .. what was I ever thinking ..

been several years here since anyone went to jail for under an ounce so......
Under an ounce has been a 100 dollar fine for probably a decade or better.
If you believe such a high tax is appropriate wherever it is you live and you do time for a gram of weed then it will probably never be legal there.
I wish I hadn't, it's ALMOST got me talked out of growing my own.

its cheaper to grow if you smoke a lot lol.

Nobody is forcing anyone to buy it from a legal shop now, I'm sure ti black market will still exist .. so who cares if a cop stops you with an ounce that you got from a dealer vs. an ounce you got from the pot shop?
The results are the same, no jail time, and isn't that the important part here after all?

Not trying to start a argument but I was just saying my opinion... I can't even buy it from a shop for two simple reasons... I don't live there, and I'm not old enough.
Seriously, for many years now marijuana has been legal for recreational use in Cali also!
We also have very well over 1500 shops in L.A. alone to get pot for recreational use.
Woo hoo! Can't argue with that!
been several years here since anyone went to jail for under an ounce so......
Under an ounce has been a 100 dollar fine for probably a decade or better.
If you believe such a high tax is appropriate wherever it is you live and you do time for a gram of weed then it will probably never be legal there.

How much tax do you think smokers pay on a pack of cigs? Idk about Washington or Colorado, but in my state taxes on a pack of cigs are almost 40% of the total cost per pack..
been several years here since anyone went to jail for under an ounce so......
Under an ounce has been a 100 dollar fine for probably a decade or better.
If you believe such a high tax is appropriate wherever it is you live and you do time for a gram of weed then it will probably never be legal there.

And so great, no jail time for you for an ounce, let's just say fuck everyone else who lives in the same country as you but has to face prosecution for small amounts of cannabis, is that what you're saying because it sure as shit sounds that way to me..
Oh, but why doesn't everyone who doesn't want to be arrested for cannabis just more to Washington? Probably because of the attitudes people in this very thread have displayed, that's why not ..
Taxing anything more than 10% should be straight up outlawed, and those that suggest otherwise should be beaten about the head and shoulders with a largemouth bass until rendered unconscious.

G'damn selfish human beings.
How much tax do you think smokers pay on a pack of cigs? Idk about Washington or Colorado, but in my state taxes on a pack of cigs are almost 40% of the total cost per pack..

Dunno, not into keeping up with all the current taxes and silly shit like that. 40% seems high but then it's cigs and those are known killers aren't they?
One of the reasons I quit smoking cigarettes 7 years ago or so was the increasing price. Another more important reason was knowing I could live without nicotine.
Taxing anything more than 10% should be straight up outlawed, and those that suggest otherwise should be beaten about the head and shoulders with a largemouth bass until rendered unconscious.

G'damn selfish human beings.

How about doing what most of us on this site already do and grow your own? What's so hard about that?
Don't have to pay taxes on something you don't buy in the first place .. which is why if my state ever legalized and wanted to tax it at 100%, guess what, it'd never cost me a red cent because I don't buy pot, that shit grows on trees, haven't you heard?
And so great, no jail time for you for an ounce, let's just say fuck everyone else who lives in the same country as you but has to face prosecution for small amounts of cannabis, is that what you're saying because it sure as shit sounds that way to me..
Oh, but why doesn't everyone who doesn't want to be arrested for cannabis just more to Washington? Probably because of the attitudes people in this very thread have displayed, that's why not ..

Do you really think weed just up and legalized itself here? wtf man. It's up to the people and if you live where there are a bunch of uppity hypocrite bible thumping fucks it really isn't my problem and yes one of my suggestions would be to move from that area to a more weed friendly area if that's wtf it takes, if not, abide by state law and live happily.
Those same people are very desperate!
I think it is new and cool and they have too much disposable income. Supply and Demand with a touch of greed happening today. The westword reported that a place in breckenridge was selling grams only @ $25 a pop.