Marijuana.. Legal in Colorado.

It doesn't really matter what form the tax is. In the western world it is pretty much always the case that the taxpayers pay for services that the non-tsx payer gets to use. It doesn't matter who it is, where it is, the police have to respond to a murder. Anyone coming in with the "don't use...." Mindset, well they're just an idiot. When I say that, I do not mean that they are not being logical, but I'm saying that in that they simply don't understand reality. The tax payer ALWAYS ends up subsidising someone whether we like it or not. That is life. That is how taxes work. Even if everyone paid tax, as per my previous post, it would still be the case. Rich people pay substantially higher tax rates than the poor yet they all get the same service. Just as the lowest tax rates get the same service as those paying no tax. People have no right to ask people who don't pay tax not to use services so long as they accept the super rich paying higher tax rates.

Dont want to turn this into something its not.
We are going to have to agree to disagree on somethings.
I'm glad we can. Glad we can use the 1st amendment to battle with words not fist.