Marijuana Now legal in CO! What does it mean for us MMJ patients?

The DEA, along with other branches of law enforcement, have made it a common practice to ignore the will of the electorate. Nothing new there.

Having these laws in place allows people to pursue court cases that can go to the very highest level.

It won't end over night, but giving the big legislative :finger: to budget-bleeding prohibitionists is the start down the road to legalization.
Nothing for awhile.

Dispensaries for MMJ and and ones for " regular " weed will be different.

For one thing it will be almost 8 months before it goes into effect.

Dispensaries for " regular " people will be way more expensive to set up...the zoning laws will be tighter ( If allowed at all )

The legal battle is not will be appealed by the Gov.

It's a good step forward though but will take time to find out the pros and cons. ( Biggest cons is that Colorado will be known as the pot capital of the US due to people buying and then smuggling it out of state....which will bring down the Feds and maybe ruin it for MMJers.)

Regardless of the peoples will....the Feds are going to be putting Colorado under a microscope.

As far as dispensary quality and price...I don't know.

I grow my own smoke and it's just as good or if not better then the dispensary. Proud of that fact. " Thumps chest "

I do hope good quality seeds start showing up...been looking for Mango forever.

Pot shops will not be open until January 2014.
What do you mean "appealed by the governor"? There is nothing he can do.

Fuck the feds, they do not have the resources to deal with us and would look stupid for going against a popular vote.
I am wondering the extent of this new amendment... Now that adults 21 and older can grow six plants and possess an oz for recreational use, can we grow more, or do we have any better advantage? Lets hear it!

legal in Alaska also so the internet says lol. 1oz and upto 24 plants in your home, 24 plants 1 oz lmfao what they do not say is they can take the whole plant and use some odd type of math and bust you with one small plant in veg 'no bud on it' and say it's over a oz, and the shit stands up in court..
I've here the other day up here they busted a dude for resin left in his pipe when he got stopped for no ture signal.. what a bunch of shit
Just hope you don't have too many Johnny Appleseeds tossing seeds and not chopping males... Don't want clouds of pollen flying around in the fall!
They mostly certainly are heavily scrutinized.

Mine was....even had to see another doctor.

Still got it.

Not everybody can smoke.

I hate to burst anyones bubble but having a doctors rec. for more plants doesnt protect you under the law right now.
IF you get a visit from the law and you have more then 6 plants they can arrest you. You then have to prove in court that you actually need that many plants/medicine ect.
The LAW in Co. that protects med patients are for 6 plants...3 flower 3 veg. if your inside the law the state cant touch you
First I would like to say I am proud to be in one of the 2 states that said UP YOURS to the federal governments prohibition of cannabis I cannot wait for all that 64 will bring the good and the bad we need to see change!

Shops will not open untill next year once all the regulations are put in place the actual law however goes into effect on the 6 of Dec. MMJ and Retail Cannabis shops cannot be in the same premises so I would imagine the MMJ industry slowing going away unless there is some sort of limit on THC % or maybe limiting extracts for sale with 64? who knows what regs they will come up with since 64 did not specify much. Seeds will be available from your local shop as soon as they open we hope especially some 303!! keep the locals in mind when all this starts going down support Colorado local biz. Also my favorite part is by 2014 industrial hemp laws are required to go into effect!!!! yeah cheaper hemp jeans haha

Also I agree GMO cannabis is on the way along with corporate greed but at least the home growers will still be able to keep it organic I plan on having a greenhouse with a lock so I can guarantee some high UV rays!!!!
^ That's what I dont want to see. I hope that there are not any limits put on concentrates or potency.
Yes GMO and industrial agriculture are going to run in as soon as they can.
Yea probably patent their seeds, grow giant fields of it and when it pollinates the small guys crops via wind, they come in and sue just like they have done with the agriculture industry 80% of foods on the shelf are GMO and they go to any lengths to not label...ORGANIC OR is the culling.... If i start seeing GMO pot, imhiding in the mountains....
You will be able to purchase seeds at a retail outfit who is licensed to sell cannabis. I guess the limit is 1 oz of seeds per transation. You will have to pay tax also, so your 10$ goes there instead of on a T-shirt or shipping.
Well, and you are no longer importing / trafficking narcotics and getting into federal mandatory sentencing territory. That's maybe a significant difference.