Marijuana Related Deaths

There are no cannabinoid receptors located in the brain stem, which means that it is not possible to stop breathing or lose other vital bodily functions from ingesting too much marijuana.
Reading threads like these always put me in a fowl mood lol
Hey Quizoking..I know from reading plenty of your stuff that you have responded to this question many more times than you probably
would have like
or was it the mention of finshaggy being re-born...on page 1
Considering i have 6 days off starting 1 hour ago. Im going to sit down with my bong and try to kill myself. Me, myself, my cheech bong, over 30 strains to choose from in my collection and netflix. Im thinking the bong will blow up before i die of weed.
Call me when your dead and I'll come over and dispose of your stash so the fuzz doesn't get it.
You're more likely to die from cardiac arrest following straining too hard when you poop on the toilet than you are from marijuana toxicity. The actual acute toxicity numbers for cannabis are so high (no pun intended), I doubt one can physically ingest that much at one time.
I have read that it can cause arrhythmia in some people which can lead to death. I have heart issues and some strains can cause me chest pain and messes with my heart beat. So I guess it could happen. I just don't smoke that kind anymore.
Yes, if you have pre-existing heart conditions, you will want to be careful choosing the strains you ingest. But, you are statistically more likely to die from a heart attack from straining too hard on the loo than from cannabis.
We need to clarify this!

Please send me a bunch of your best cannabis. I will smoke it all back to back, on TV, while simultaneously preforming "roadside sobriety tests"
palpitation can be cause by just thinking about them. :)

Just sayin.

No one has died from arrhythmia as a result of smoking pot.
I'm afraid to say how good I feel, since I started ingesting pure gold. :)
Ha! I be using trying/using it before I would send it to any of you for safe "disposal". Lol I thought there were some very high concentrations of thc in these things...more so than hash. I will have to try and find that info. Hey, I'm old (well feel old) and not hip on all the funky ways to concentrate/use marijuana. See beck when I was a kid, pot, hash and oil were the big there's all kinds of shit I know nothing about. And brownies!
Well just trying to be helpful, offer still stands - lol. I'm an old fart too but once the kids grew up and out the door I got caught up real quick, my son's room became the nursery for outdoor within a month of him moving out ;) Sounds like you'd appreciate the seeds I got about a month ago, haven't had a chance to plant any yet but they'll be going in next round - Acapulco Gold ;)
Wow I haven't smoked Acapulco Gold since I was a teenager...mid-late 90's
Neither have I, probably late seventy's the last time I smoked any, so when I saw them I couldn't resist. It's not the original, don't think it exists unless someone saved it themselves through breeding but it'll bring back some memories and should be a hit when I pull it out at some party with a bunch of old stoners from my day ;)
Panama Red was the first weed I smoked. Well...first weed that got me high. Really high. Turned blue high lol
Nothing that wasn't fixed up by my weasel of a brother.
As soon as he found out what was wrong with me. He tosses a loaf of bread at me and says...start eating dude. Then he says...You don't want that weed anymore eh?! and he took it. What did I care. I had turned blue by it from just getting to high.
A couple hours later, I came down.:wall: Realized I made a mistake by giving my brother what I did. and he knew it right off the hop.
At least I wasn't baked anymore after eating half a loaf of bread. Didn't know what to do about my weaseled weed. :lol:
Panama Red was the first weed I smoked. Well...first weed that got me high. Really high. Turned blue high lol
Nothing that wasn't fixed up by my weasel of a brother.
As soon as he found out what was wrong with me. He tosses a loaf of bread at me and says...start eating dude. Then he says...You don't want that weed anymore eh?! and he took it. What did I care. I had turned blue by it from just getting to high.
A couple hours later, I came down.:wall: Realized I made a mistake by giving my brother what I did. and he knew it right off the hop.
At least I wasn't baked anymore after eating half a loaf of bread. Didn't know what to do about my weaseled weed. :lol:
Ouch, ripped off by your own brother when you're down, sucks :( Panama Red, Columbian Gold, Acapulco Gold, It'd be nice to be able to get some of those (original) strains just to compare them against what's out there today. In the day, they were the cat's ass, I wonder how they'd stack up to some of the stuff out there today. I just finished curing some Jack The Ripper from my last round that rips your face off, my son sent me a text after giving him a sample and couldn't even spell WOW! right - lol
It seems to me it SAVES more people than it KILLS...Cause it's easier to find someone alive from Cannabis than any dead ones. So I say it doesn't kill people from my line of sight.....As compared to the officially Harptler gov. approved intoxicant.....booze. For sale in big fancy stores. I mean what is liquor really?????????????'s a legal intoxicant. If invented today it would never be made legal. But no one goes to jail for being in possession of booze, beer or wine. Hypocrite fuckers. Grinds my ass. Our Fuhrer drinks beer...but he's okay with his own vices. Prick
Booze, an intoxicant?
It's a legal poison! lol The fuckers!
It's side effect is intoxication and death. Awesome stuff eh? lol

but its OK to addict and kill people
and at the same time say you are trying to help
by killing them faster and raking it in
and keeping people sick.
actualy i know of one 2009 nine 18 year old kid smoked for the first time wanted to know what the hype was about and went and smoked at the lounge in los angles left and hit someone ran a red light got killed and killed people in the other car first time getting high.. the owner of the mmj shop went to prison i believe he got something 25 to life... not kidding ill look for the article..

right, but that isn't directly attributed to smoking. thats like, an inexperienced kid got way too baked and tried to drive because he wasn't so smart.