Marijuana to be Legalised for ANYONE in California


Well-Known Member

Im sorry i dont understand what you mean....???

" Exempts marijuana sales profits from income tax "

This is what I am talking about. Yes there will be stamps at the storefront level to help collect some revenue for the state. But this exemption from income tax is going to turn many people off, and provide ammunition to those trying to keep this from passing.

Say I am a grower that supplies 20 pounds a year to this storefront business. I sell my 20 pounds to the retailer for $60,000. I might pay a $50 fee for the right to grow each plant, but I would get away with my $60,000 of MJ income without paying taxes on that income.

That is what I am talking about.
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James Bond

Well-Known Member
I didn't know anything about Cali's alcohol laws, but her they don't sell anything other than beer on sundays and you can get liquor only at a state lisenced liquor store.


Well-Known Member
i just got back from my "club". they have a table full of petitions. i asked if they had this one. he said "no". they tried months ago to get involved but everybody was dragging their feet. it is kinda bad that it just comes out to the public now. that's a lot of sigs to collect. if i can find out how to sign it i will. i don't have a printer. :(


Well-Known Member
Ok, after a bit of research i found this:

You have to print it out and sign, if you could print them out en masse and leave a load at the centers, people would be more inclined because they wouldn't have to do anything except sign it, because 1 main person at the center would deliver them. I would do it, but i dont live in Cali(i wish).
well they certainly didn't make it easy. :evil:

Weed Guy

Master Roller
I have to hand deliver it(which someone at the club could do for everyone) and pay $200(which isnt so bad considering weed will be legalized). i I wish we could have this in the UK...We are increasing penaltys and jail time here.....


Well-Known Member
I think there should be a better regulation for per-plant grow licenses. Now if someone like fdd pulls out a 100 oz plant (is that what it was?) they make mad profit, but someone doing an indoor grow would be much worse off. In addition, how does a SOG grow fit in? Isn't it technically a perpetuation of "one plant"? What would this do to the cost of seeds? $600 for 10 seeds? What about male plants?

I'll print out my copy and mail it in, but I think the tax system is flawed. Flat-rate taxes according to YIELD, not plants. (sorry fdd)

Personally, if this kind of thing ever passed, I'd just set up like a 5-strain SOG aeroponics grow and keep myself happy. (I've always wanted to do that, but I can't justify it for myself cost/risk-benefit style)


Well-Known Member
I have to hand deliver it(which someone at the club could do for everyone) and pay $200(which isnt so bad considering weed will be legalized). i I wish we could have this in the UK...We are increasing penaltys and jail time here.....
you're not kidding!!!! the rozzers may take ur stash and slap ur wrist if u have bout 1/2oz or less for percy but any more and ur pretty much fucked over for the "up to 15yrs sentence" for dealing....and this is AFTER the government reclassed ganj to a grade c "narcotic"- on a par with barbituates.
still far too illegal.and gordon "nazis" brown now wants to upgradeit back to a grade b drug!!!!!!
the dutch have the right idea. toleration is the key if they won't legalise it. it's technically still ilegal in holland but it's tollerated so they can go after the real crims and not us normal ppl who just enjoy a smoke and don't harm anyone!!
this will NEVER happen in the british isles in my life time!!
you yanks have my support on this and would sign it with hesitation if i was one of u!!!!!
good fucking luck!!!
still can't quite qork out if i believe it or not tho!:peace:


Well-Known Member
guys if they can do this it will be the single biggest win for us all over the country

picture it u gettin arrested in nevada when right across the border its all good.

dudes just let them concentrate on the task at hand and legalizing california, it just may work

then californians need to work agaisnt the fed trying to impose thier will then other states are more likly to follow after that battle is one. you know states rights states rights but i garantee only the cool states will follow.


Well-Known Member
if we're gonna be intelligent about it they should include provisions in there that will divert money saved from battleing pot heads in california into child drug prevent programs and stiff sentences for anyone caught selling or giving marijuana to a minor

just like alcohol,

somebody tell them to put that in there. makes us look responsible. that is the right way to do it, and "they" meaning "haters" will see that & not be able to deny it anymore


New Member
I hope it passes, if CA makes it legal then maybe my state will follow. Personally I feel that making Hemp Illegal is a violation of my civil rights. It affects my pursuit of happiness.

Marijuana Conspiracy - by Dough Yurchey <------- very informative.


Andrew Mellon became Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury and Dupont's primary investor. He appointed his future nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger, to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.

Secret meetings were held by these financial tycoons. Hemp was declared dangerous and a threat to their billion dollar enterprises. For their dynasties to remain intact, hemp had to go. These men took an obscure Mexican slang word: 'marihuana' and pushed it into the consciousness of America.


Well-Known Member
I think the exemption from declaring income on the sale of marijuana has something to do with declaring a federally illegal form of income. That could get sticky. It seems like a way to protect growers and sellers from the feds. I dont know though.


Well-Known Member
Were not that lucky yet.... it still needs the signatures to get on the ballot.......with this late release date and the lack information, I am all to sure there is some political pocket padding going on. There has to be a big business that feels threatened by this, hmm wait let me think, the alcohol giants, fiber and paper product producers, drug screening companies, i could go on.....

But we did ban together for prop 215..... you never know what could happen. I just wanted to throw this point of there....:peace: :mrgreen:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Did anyone read the "comments" posted on the Article page? I only skimmed them... but this one was my favorite:

Posted by JRB
"$5 per 8th will up that number considerably."

I agree with that tax.

"$50 per plant IS a tax."

A well tended hydroponic plant will yield about 1.5 to 2 lbs of high grade tops, while bottom leaf and stem can be isomerized for hash oil or have the THC leached out by cooking it in butter for edibles. This is an enormously profitable cash crop.
Production equipment in any kind of manufacturing is taxed. In this case it would be the plants.
As for the income a medium to large scale grower could make, I think that if I pay tax on my paltry little income, they can certainly afford to pay income tax out of their profits.
Income tax is a whole seperate deal in any business.

ROFL.... now that's funny! I'm not saying it isn't possible... but that post makes it sound like getting a pound or two off of each plant (grown hydro) is commonplace. I think most of us here know that's simply not the case.