Martin omally apologizes for saying "all lives matter"

None of it matters. There is no purpose to any of this. You're born, you die. Game over.

this is very true.

at the moment of death your body floods with the most potent psychotropic known to man, 'DMT' hence, near death experiences for those revived who can tell of this phenomena light at end of tunnel..i knew there had to be a connection because of what your brain is capable of during 'sleep paralysis' shadow man/aliens..during extended periods of wake with 'tweekers' and shadow people etc; now that i think about; there must be a connection between the latter both instance the dreamer believes he is awake and he's partially right, he's awake yet he's dreaming..

we experiment with this a lot and this movie just came out 'lazarus effect', which explains in greater detail.
Rightie is upset because rightie is xenophobic. Equality is something that rightie has to suffer, if rightie does at all.

You're saying gay people can't be openly gay? Why do you get to be openly straight?

example: find me a business that highlights (other than porno) hetero sexuality in it's name.

i found 'big gay' ice cream for you:wink:
Parents of unarmed teen shot dead by police while on a first date claim he was murdered - as private autopsy finds he was 'shot him from behind'

  • Zachary Hammond, 19, was shot on July 26 in Seneca, South Carolina
  • Was on a date with Tori Morton, 23, who was eating ice cream at the time
  • Police set up a drugs buy to snare the pair for possession of marijuana
  • Officer has claimed he shot him because he feared for his life
  • The force have refused to reveal his name despite the response

Family are now demanding answers and want someone held accountable


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Next to a Post from You any/every Post looks Classy, Bucktard
Such a well thought out and eloquent argument. I just love how you always put together premises and a conclusion when you post. It's so thought provoking and educational to read your comments. Thank you for contributing such amazingly well written remarks.
your brand of racism and hatred will never be classy, no matter how crass and trolly i choose to be.

and you suck at growing weed. kill yourself.

are you this bitter all the time, vanilla face?

^^^ Racist

So, do all lives matter, or not?

yours doesn't according to the people i gave your information to.

^^^ Snitch

anyhoo, you go on living in your bigoted southerner bubble of mental retardation, that same bubble where you work endless 112 hour weeks installing "greese" traps for your three tooth having, sister fucking daddy.

^^^ Bigoted

i know who i'd rape.

^^^ Rape Culture

it takes an especially shameless hypocrite to try to accuse others of that which he is guilty of himself.
Another White Teen shot dead by a Cop... But it don't matter.. ..

Well you're absolutely wrong about this because it was plastered all over CNN, MSNBC, etc. etc. this morning when I was checking the news.

Edited to add: Googling "South Carolina white teen shot" netted About 8,400,000 results (0.29 seconds).
The family's attorney Eric Bland told The Washington Post: 'The shots were so close in proximity to each other that it would be physically impossible unless the car was stopped and the officer came up very close to an open window.'

He also commented on the lack of outcry following his death, suggesting recent police-related shootings have received more press coverage.

'It’s sad, but I think the reason is, unfortunately, the media and our government officials have treated the death of an unarmed white teenager differently than they would have if this were a death of an unarmed black teen.
Here's a very simple fact for you cc2012: The black community is 1) tighter knit 2) more vocal 3) receives more media coverage because of a long history of bigotry and racism towards them. There are many black activists that are rallying behind the death of Zachary Hammond, and if his parents wanted media attention they shouldn't have waited to lawyer up, stay silent, and then come on the scene. With things like this you need to get on it immediately.

Truthfully I'd trust CNN or an American news outlet that's closer to home and has the full story than The Independent, the UK's largest tabloid.

There is outrage over this.
Also this 'All Lives Matter' is some paltry BS to deflect the issue by a bunch of people who are uncomfortable with the fact that there are other races, people who don't actually understand the meaning of 'Black Lives Matter,' closeted bigots, or just straight up racists.. When people say 'Black Lives Matter' they are not saying 'ONLY Black Lives Matter' what they are saying is 'Black Lives Matter TOO' as in also. Not that they matter more than other lives, but that they matter just the same as a white/latino/asian/arabic/inuit person's.

Here's a very simple fact for you cc2012: The black community is 1) More prone to violence .

So then why are 79% of the people in prison for domestic abuse white? How many wars have been started by black men? How many millions have been killed by black people rather than Europeans? Here's a fun fact: 1 genocide in Africa in modern history, 3 genocides in Europe in modern history. We can compare statistics all day and it will get you nowhere because good God that's a racist statement.