I keyed into politacal stuff watchiong alex Jones long ago but hes too christiany zionist lovin and xenophobic fear mongering now for my taste. i watch a few rt shows. RT and presstv have alot of gun grabber people. not all , but basic theme is take my gun on that subject.. Both rt and presstv have no problem exposing imperialism at its root in the u.s. , i like that. u.s. t.v. cant compete. cant upset their sponcers lol. There are several types of propaganda , osme true ! some specaled with truth, osme all out lies which msm thrives upon .Fuck zionist loving al jazeera too ! Got a war crime ? the'll cover your back ! Inless your a black leader. lol. Thats why the cia has to open media in other countries lioke venezuala and others ,lol. Gotta keep that propaganda going and forment hate between people to overthrow countries with thier hegelian dialect ..why never touch on the cause MSM ? lmfao. John perkins not allowed ,lol. U.s. media should go to jail for thier hand in it trying to program the u.s. public so u.s. can go to war and such. . fuck you NPR too ! Insolent pieces of shit run rampant in the u.s media. presstitute whores is all they are. ! jOB # 1 for u.s. media. Hows the satying go "excepting insolence for freedom is always been the hallmark of a slave ". There are lots of good alternative media and books thankfully. Not talking "democracy now < thier ford foundation gate keepers. lol. Real journalism exposing u.s. warcrimes just is not on u.s. t.v. lol. but they will have criminals and ex generals and corporate fucks making money on the bombs and parade them in front of you to fuck with your mind ! lol. well , not since 1987 has joutrnalism been real , Presstitutes just repeat the state point without question . Guess thye dont want to end up like Hellan Thoams for speaking her mind. so plain to see looking in. . Freedom , can ya smell it. lol. Fuck you got to go collage just to here a name like john Pilger. Cool how the u.s. bans anything truthfull about them it seams to me.. . so free , so so free.
well , that my take , take it or leave it....lol. Infighting will not solve the problem. Only helps the gov ! We all have a comman enimy . And its not my brother................One shoe doesnt have to fit all., im good with that !