Matt Gaetz


The Daily Beast obtained images of additional text messages that purport to show Greenberg helping Gaetz get duplicate IDs—outside of proper channels on a Sunday afternoon. On Sept. 2, 2018, Greenberg directly asked an employee to quickly create a new card that complies with the heightened security standards of “REAL ID,” a process that would normally require providing additional documentation, according to the images.

“Amy- is there anyway to assist one of our Congressmen in getting an emergency replacement ID or DL by Tuesday 2pm? His was lost yesterday and he’s got a flight Tuesday. Doesn’t have any other form of ID currently on him. Sorry to bother you on Sunday,” Greenberg wrote.

Greenberg then confirmed that the favor was for “Matthew Louis Gaetz II,” born on May 7, 1982.
Relationship Between Greenberg & Murky As Scandal Grows Even More Sordid

Katie Benner, Justice Department reporter for the New York Times, talks with Rachel Maddow about the latest details being reported in the cases of Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz and his associate Joel Greenberg. As more is learned about their actions, the nature of their relationship remains a question.
Two former republicans talk about Matt and some late breaking news. Nicole Wallace is a former republican with some insight into these matters. Apparently Matt's buddy and perhaps Matt too paid for underage sex with Applepay and texted his head off to them, what a pair of entitled fucking morons!
'Stupid and Brazen': Nicolle Wallace Sounds Off on Gaetz Scandal

MSNBC Host Nicolle Wallace joins Michael Steele to discuss the mounting allegations against Rep. Matt Gaetz and what they signal about the state of the Republican party.
with FAS you'd be missing your septum the little road below your nose and above your top lip. with FAS it doesn't exist.
I don't know what's wrong with him but he creeps me out. His eyes are so close together, they practically pinch off the bridge of his nose. There has been a lot of inbreeding in the south. I'm guessing he inherited a brain disorder and the House of Gaetz (or his mother's line) issues sociopath monsters from time to time. Like the House of Trump. Sickness in that family.
Matt "pompadour" Goatz, with elongated forehead. Swelled skull syndrome.
Edit: hydrocephalus. John Revolta wannabe.
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