Matt Gaetz

You can't make this sh*t up.... :roll:
Gaetz to be featured speaker at pro-Trump women's group event
The organization praised Gaetz as one of the “few members of Congress” willing to “stand up & fight on behalf of President Trump & his America First agenda.” Women For America First says on its website that “We won’t be pushed around by bullies who tell us who we are ‘supposed’ to like.

Why am I not surprised?
Well, it seems Matt asked Trump for a blanket pardon, since a pardon is an admission of guilt, guess who might be a witness at his trial! This little bonus keeps getting better, imagine the heat that psycho buddy of his is under, he's been in jail for weeks, getting a preview of his future life, until they take him out in a body bag. This guy will roll over no problem at all, he will have to do ten years mandatory minimum for the underage sex crimes though, no way out of that one.

Matt made a lot of enemies and some of them are gonna make the call on his future, the republicans, with a couple of exceptions are running for cover. It's so bad even Trump wouldn't pardon him, is keeping his distance and hasn't said a peep about it. Matt is still on the judiciary committee and he's only been in congress for two terms, but he was a showman and that's all the republicans care about these days, all smoke and no sizzle. Their steadily shrinking base are willing to believe the most transparent of lies, as long as it props up their delusions. Trump can even rip them off en masse by cleaning out their bank accounts. At one point Trump's scam accounted for 3% of all credit card fraud FFS, they weren't too bright to begin with, but fear, hate and racism have robbed them of whatever brains they might have possessed. The republican party these days is mostly composed of two types of people, conmen and their marks.
Gaetz Sought Preemptive Pardon From Trump Before He Left Office: NYT (

Matt Gaetz sought a preemptive pardon from Trump before he left office, according to report

  • Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz sought a pardon from Trump before he left office.
  • The New York Times reported that Gaetz wanted "blanket pre-emptive pardons for himself" and allies.
  • The lawmaker is under federal investigation over whether he violated sex trafficking laws.
Fmr. Federal Prosecutor: Matt Gaetz Is ‘His Own Worst Enemy’

The New York Times reports that Congressman Matt Gaetz asked Donald Trump for a blanket pre-emptive pardon for himself and congressional allies. “What does that mean? ‘I want a pass, Mr. President, for all crimes I have ever committed in my life’ – and that is quite an ask,” says fmr. federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner. “You don’t ask for a presidential pardon unless you need a presidential pardon.”
You can't make this sh*t up.... :roll:
Gaetz to be featured speaker at pro-Trump women's group event
The organization praised Gaetz as one of the “few members of Congress” willing to “stand up & fight on behalf of President Trump & his America First agenda.” Women For America First says on its website that “We won’t be pushed around by bullies who tell us who we are ‘supposed’ to like.

Lol, I see the sort of folks that were alright with 30 year old youth pastors preying on their kids have found a new champion. Good for them and their future secret abortions.
Matt Gaetz=Chomo

Being a sleezy old man who hit on young adult women vs. paying kids to rape them is equal to you?

I remember in the 80s when it was big news that Clarence Thomas used to put his pubic hairs in women's Coke cans, now we have these GOP Congressmen sex trafficking children. What a world we live in. Just crazy how these nutbags think Nancy Pelosi is an alien with a dungeon full of kids she uses as blood bags, when the GOP is actually being caught raping children left and right. I'm a Libertarian and can't stand either party, but with the GOP sinking deeper and deeper into conspiracy theories and propaganda, you have to support the lesser of two evils.
I remember in the 80s when it was big news that Clarence Thomas used to put his pubic hairs in women's Coke cans, now we have these GOP Congressmen sex trafficking children. What a world we live in. Just crazy how these nutbags think Nancy Pelosi is an alien with a dungeon full of kids she uses as blood bags, when the GOP is actually being caught raping children left and right. I'm a Libertarian and can't stand either party, but with the GOP sinking deeper and deeper into conspiracy theories and propaganda, you have to support the lesser of two evils.
It will be nice if Republicans could start voting for the most sane/qualified candidate that they have to choose form and not let the crazies in their areas and not what the internet trolls convinced them to vote in the primaries.