Matters Of. Size

Why do all the porns have 12 inch guys? It makes me feel inadequate. They need to get some smaller-dicked guys in porn.
Edit-Holy shit, that's a good idea. They should make dildos with inches marked off on it. You should patent that.

Fuck that.. if I watched a porn with a guy that had the same sized dick as me.. I'd hate my life even more!
From what the fiancee has told me, width is more the common preference.

She's a petite girl, and unfortunately we've had trouble with tearing. Being 5'4"-5'5" and having two previous partners doesn't help when you're with a boy who's 6'2" and is well...blessed in areas.

But to men with smaller members, there are 1,000,000 and 1 ways to stimulate the woman. Size isn't everything, and I think it's rather strange that men would ever need to compensate. Such a stupid social taboo. We're never gods in the sack our first times, and I think everyone can pick up tricks here and there to make her scream and cream.
[I was just slapped upside the head when she saw those last three words :)]

Try moving your hips in a circular motion in the missionary position. Even better, try and angle the movement of the shaft upwards. That flow plays with the G spot, a part of the female body about 4-6 inches in that gets swollen and feel sort of like a flower bulb. Believe me, you can't miss it.
Ive heard on a couple places that the average dick size is only about 4 to 4.5 inches. I was surprised to hear that mine is way over average, but not huge or anything.
I myself am a magnum man and from what I've noticed, it's the TIGHT girls who don't like the bigger guys. But I like the tight ones. XD
please explain...

thank you

Although I might sound like a dick (haha) for saying that when I'm not in the ranks (at the same time, I also don't have a "MY DIK IZ SO B1G IT PUT5 F1RE HOZEZ TO SHAME" ego), I think people need to stop thinking that all girls just appreciate size.
A lot of female friends of mine have told me that they had doubts about this or that "small" guy, until he made her come until sunrise.

Size=something, but not everything. Now actually being good in bed? That's something to be motherfucking proud of, fellas.
lol, nah the average in china is 2-3 inches lol. I guess it all depends on the girl if size matters or not. id say as long as ur bigger then 5 inches and not that skinny then u should have nothing to worry about but anything less then 4 and ur fucked unless u learn some extra shit. Sex isnt the only thing in a relationship all girls are looking for things a little bit different.
emm okay, i know i am quoting myself, but thats only because i did not write this!! :S:S pretty creepy, i remember writing the rest, but this part is just ludicrous lmao, i wouldnt ever say that . probs just dozed off, but actually little girls like smaller ones, because big ones tend to hurt lol, if really, big dicks are overrated, the guy just needs to know how to work it lol.
This reminds me of the time i bang this tiny chick. I thought see was gonna be a super gripper. I mean she was like 4"11 89lb. She was one of the looses. But whats wierd was a year later when we boned it was tighter.

Now its not about the size but how many time she cums. Just make her splash and youll have a sprung bitch. If your small just buy i huge dildo and bang the dhit out of her and have her go down on u. I bet head would be way better if your dick was small. ( u just gotta find one who will do it instead of laughing)
As a female, when I'm shopping for a new toy, I look at girth more than anything. The entrance and first few inches of the vagina are more sensitive, and it tapers off from there. The right size dildo (or cock for hetro ladies) is just enough girth to feel slightly stretched and short enough so you can thrust with some power behind it, without punching your cervix (which hurts like a bitch and ruins the mood).
But to be perfectly frank, I don't know any female that orgasms from penetration alone. But every girl I've spoken too can get an amazing orgasm just from stimulation of the clitoris. If you can manage both, even better.
Does size really matter? No, it does not, basic knowledge of female genitalia is essential though. You can "hammer the nail" all night with whatever size you've got, but NOTHING BEATS POLISHING THE PEARL.
As a female, when I'm shopping for a new toy, I look at girth more than anything. The entrance and first few inches of the vagina are more sensitive, and it tapers off from there. The right size dildo (or cock for hetro ladies) is just enough girth to feel slightly stretched and short enough so you can thrust with some power behind it, without punching your cervix (which hurts like a bitch and ruins the mood).
But to be perfectly frank, I don't know any female that orgasms from penetration alone. But every girl I've spoken too can get an amazing orgasm just from stimulation of the clitoris. If you can manage both, even better.
Does size really matter? No, it does not, basic knowledge of female genitalia is essential though. You can "hammer the nail" all night with whatever size you've got, but NOTHING BEATS POLISHING THE PEARL.

hello dearest ms passion..

Although your expertise in DILDO shopping is beyond my scope of expertise... i would like to propose that A BIG MEATY KAK and a dildo have different purposes...

although a girthy short dildo may be the way to go for SELF PLEASURE..

it seems that many many woman can not resist the temptation of finding and riding a big healthy specimen... the size intrigues the rider... it allows the rider to test and push their outer bounds of KAK handling ability...and it blurs the line between pain and pleasure...

There is a certain pleasure that woman derive from be overtaken and surrendering to a nice loving POUNDING.. with a big meaty hammer...

I also think that a small KAK is not as much of a turn off as--

an owner of a small kak that wears his insecurity or his over compensation on his sleeve.. that is the major turn off..

yes, carrsing the man in the canoe is important an allows men to show their love and giving-ness to KAK hungry ladies...

super gripper.


i have never really had a POON that was too tight or too loose.. they all have their special feel..

there is the very special POON that sort of sucks on the KAK... it has PULLING power... it is amazing... it is kinda like a magnetic force or pulling action.... it is a sloshing typhoon poon... these woman are across the board VERY easily stimulated and can leave a man with nothing but dust..
