Mayday, Mayday, Code Blue, One Adam 12, One Adam 12!


Well-Known Member
My cousin lives in Orlando and her neighbor grows right out in his backyard like its no big deal. He's been doing it for a good 4 yrs. Thats the last time I was there and he had six fat ass lil trees in his back yard.

I've decided that the Orlando police are busy with big city problems or something. Small town/county cops have time to look for dope maybe.

Having said all that I'm partial to the mid-west. I love the fall/winter weather. Plenty of outdoor spots. Rivers etc.


Well-Known Member
Sincere thanks for all of the responses.

TEUFELHuNDEN420, Hawaii is a great idea, I have been looking into it for most of this morning, wow I don't know why I did not think of it. Rent seems to be the highest in comparison to other locations, but lots of remote areas seem to be available...the climate looks killer!!!

redking11...what areas in NM would you advise checking out, or for that matter Utah as well????I do not know anything about these states!

Dutch1976....I have travelled to and stayed in Orlando many times, as well as the Ocala area north of Orlando...considering this sunny location strongly.
An additional bonus would be the superb Largemouth Bass fishing all around!!
Bass and Buds baby!!!


I love RIU, as you guys are the greatest!!!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
here is the down low on the Southwest, Always remember that they all have endless backroads, and the cost of living is dirt cheap.
There is the four corners area (where the four states com together. It is a high desert plateau about 5000-5500 ft, with mountains all around. the Colorado mountains are about an hour drive if you want to do a mountain grow. There are tons of national forests and Indian reservations which are all good for guerrilla farming.
South East Utah is low elevation (relative) and hot as hell but sunshine is constant you could grow year round near St. George and in southern Nevada. All areas have more middle of nowhere places than you could ever grow in and the deserts all have mountains close by, but nowhere will it rain enough for you not to have to water on a regular basis. Hell the Polygamists find plenty of room in Utah.
SouthWestern Utah is mountains that would grow fine but winters are cold. (Utah will fuck you harder than anyone though)
Mid New Mexico have mountains that would be great, Southern New Mexico is low elevation and hot. The rockies run along the western side of NM they are dry but great for deep Guerrilla Check out silver city, New Mexico. Check out Durango Colorado. taos, Santa FE and Ruidoso. NM
It would be really easy to by land in southern colorado and grow pot in fields and thats no shittin. Tiny towns about 400 people, half of them already smoke and your farm is 45 min in the middle of nowhere.. grow your ass off!!
Arizona has great mountains near Flagstaff. the rest is low elevation (relative to the area of course) hot and dry.


New Member
Keep in mind that Florida specifically south florida dade county are very active in looking for all drugs grown and transported they have entire division just for this kind of thing so that makes that state a very bad choice. Plus Florida sucks I just got back from a week in Miamai south beach and would never go back.The sunbelt overlaps the bible belt which those state have very harsh drug laws.You want a middle ground were you can do it outside but if worst case scenario you dont get life.Your gonna find a bunch that you should avoid as I have been to most of these and have friends in prison in most. Avoid Fl,Alabama,Miss,Georgia,Southern or east ARkansas,kentucky,oklahoma,missouri,and just for extar states stay out of Arizona and neveda.texas is real lean on punishment but that means you have to live in Texas enough said.The safest areas are north and northeast but you loose that extra grow time you want.just some thoughts from expirence in these states
Fletch is right, S Florida is to far, but id say come to Central FL its so chillin here and ive grown my shit out doors here, and the climates perfect.


Well-Known Member


a state where ganj has been decriminalized (i'd say ohio but ohio just sucks and wouldn't be worth moving there even if you could have an acre of ganj - okay a little less than an acre)

I hear.... oklahoma is mad lax right now.. i think it's oklahoma. check NORML


Well-Known Member
damn bro, i hate to hear that you're going to have to pull up and run. always best to listen to your instinct though. biased but i would say Georgia because the climate is perfect other than the harsh droughts that hit sometimes. the "presence" is definitely on the upswing and i doubt you want to deal with that. those asshats get so much "homeland defense" money that they have to spend they use it on lots and lots of flyovers.. since we're terrorists and all.

central fla is great too, especially since you're already used to the yankees and all their shenanigans. :)

i just hope you stay safe wherever you go.



Active Member
North florida and central florida stay away from buying any land near the osceola forest, thats the only advice I got. Forestry division is something serious here. I finally just now found a place I'm going to put about 30 plants down, and took me about 5 years to find a spot I actually trusted.


Well-Known Member
G'day mate , why not skip across the pacific and live in aussie? Sure beats the hell out of the u.s.a lol

Australia's cannabis laws

May 23 2003

Possession of cannabis is a criminal offence, but first or second-time offenders with less than 50 grams may be cautioned.
Possession is criminal, but with less than 15 grams, offenders can receive up to two cautions.
Government plans to decriminalise possession of up to 30 grams or up to two non-hydroponic plants, but $200 fines will apply. First-time offenders are now cautioned.
Possession is criminal, but adults may be cautioned. ACT Possession of up to 25 grams, or five plants, is not a criminal offence but carries a $100 fine.
Possession by adults of not more than 100 grams or one non-hydroponic plant is not criminal but carries fines of up to $150.
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Possession is criminal, but offenders with less than 50 grams may be cautioned.
Possession by adults of up to 50 grams or two plants is not criminal, but carries a fine of $100


Well-Known Member
I am grateful for the many suggestions.

el1... I admit to having been intrigued by Australia ever since I met a kid I went to HS with who lived there for a couple of years.
I will look into immigration laws regarding how long I can stay there, or possibly becoming a citizen, can you reference any sources? I am most disenchanted by the perpetuation of the immoral prohibition here in the US.

7x, thanks for the kind words, I have been to Atlanta a few times and I enjoyed the atmosphere! Can you recommend some out of the way locations?

redking11, Thanks for the info, I am particularly interested in NM and am investigating the possibilities; I would like to avoid the stark reality of winters!!!

I have made arrangements to have all of my dogs cared for in my forthcoming absence and this is a huge relief. Eventually we will be reunited (once I sell my now useless property, and settle into a new area!)

I plan on narrowing down my options tomorrow or so, and shortly thereafter embarking on my life's last great adventure as I am a relatively old fart!!!

Thanks again to RIU!:joint:


Well-Known Member
northern ca. oregon or washington are the most marijuana friendly states and if you stay away from urban areas it is less expensive. the climates of northern ca. and parts of oregon are ideal for the most potent outdoor buds. i sleep through earthquakes. you would love it

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
You know, if you haven't already loaded up the U-Haul and hit the road, you might want to give some serious thought to Hawaii. I used to live there, and the Big Island is just made for growing dope. An island the size of the state of Connecticut, with only 120,000 people living on it - 115,000 of whom don't give a rat's ass about anyone's business but their own. There are places where if you just hike in a mile or two off the main road, you're walking on ground that no human being's set foot on in 10 years. Place is huge, thousands of square miles of public land, and the beauty of it is that there are so many people growing dope, if you plant small patches (like under 25 or 30 plants), they won't waste time trying to bust you. If they find it, they'll just spray it with a helicopter and move on. Sure, you lose that particular patch, but you don't go to jail. They don't have the resources to stake out every patch they find. Grow year round, plant patches all over the place, and you'll always have a crop coming in.

Another nice thing about the Big Island is that rent and property is extremely cheap, compared to most places on the mainland. When I lived in Hilo, I had a 12th story 2-bedroom apartment with a balcony, right on the beach, and I paid 650 a month. Most mainland cities, you can't even rent a cardboard box for that. Land's cheap, too, if you get 10 or 15 miles out of town. If you don't mind living close to the volcano, you can find good land with an ocean view for $1,000 an acre or so. Can't beat that anywhere.


Active Member
Hawaii might work for you, myself being born and raised on Oahu and still stuck on the rock. According to more recent local news, Big Island police have shown a little more concern over outdoor crops, but I haven't heard of any big crops being pulled or burned in quite awhile. More just shutting down hiking trails due to dangerous booby traps.

Skunk Buster gives good advice and is right in saying that they simply don't have the resources to pursue the growers. Hell, my grandma lives in a former plantation town called Kohala, where they share just a handful of cops with the neighboring towns.

Also, the Big Island is the home to the THC Ministry where, according to the wikipedia article, their belief is that, "cultivation and enjoyment of cannabis sacrament is a fundamental human right provided by God and protected by the Constitution." They even have these little conventions and everything in Kona. Not too religious, but I've always wanted to check that out.


Well-Known Member
I live here in Houston Texas growing is not that bad outdoors aside from the humidity it stays pretty nice weather all year round. Threw a plant out in mid January not expecting it to really grow and its still alive growing kind of slow but growing and alive. If I had my choice I would probably try Caralsbad New Mexico, but thats if you are willing to grow in pots being that it is mostly desert in that area. I would choose there for the fact of how small of a city it is, it's not real humid, and they have pretty decent weather except for the heat during the summers-it can be a drag. Where ever you choose good luck with your grow man hope all goes well!


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, Oregon is the best. Washington has more cloudy days, California is too expensive to live, and Oregon is the perfect middle.


Well-Known Member
i would recommend against texas

if your moving somewhere you might as well pick someplace "perfect" (hawaii, cali, oregon, washington, or colorado)


Well-Known Member
shit I live in Montreal and here your lucky if you get 3 months of acceptable weather for outdoor so all you people I envie like f#%?&*g crazy , i will be in hawai next year taking a year off work to travel and shit, maybe I just won't come back
I don,t give a shit about volcano's , I love the ocean and shit if I have to go religious to sit back and freely smoke my weed than fuck it and HALELUIA!!!!!...LOL


Well-Known Member
wavels where are you? you vagabond you.
Hahaha, yup this is my new life as a nomadic vagabond...
I am in North Carolina right now, kicking the tires on a fact finding tour!!!
I am going to check out Georgia next...thanks for the info 7x!