Mayor Pete!


Well-Known Member
Too funny that moment.

His testimony was long winded and went on and on carefully delving into minutia. Until that question.

When asked if a President could be charged after leaving office, without hesitation he answered "YES, oh hell yes"
You think he'll get a pardon?


Well-Known Member
Collusion isn't even a crime. If it was he'd have been convicted easily, since he did it right on live TV.

Instead, he obstructed justice when an investigation was trying to see how far the collusion went and if it included criminal conspiracy. That investigation netted many arrests, but a sitting president can't be indicted. He's going to face criminal indictement for the obstruction of justice after he gets voted out though.

This this guy will probably kill himself.


Well-Known Member
Petey is inexperienced and has sell out written all over him
Fired a black police chief without even listening to the tapes of what happen. The black chief got in the ass of white police officers saying racist shit over communications. He will not get the badly needed black vote and Trump would eat him alive. I personally have been to South Bend and not impress with what I saw. The only thing South Bend has going for it is the Fighting Irish. Pete will make the black vote stay home.


Well-Known Member
Petey is inexperienced and has sell out written all over him
Fired a black police chief without even listening to the tapes of what happen. The black chief got in the ass of white police officers saying racist shit over communications. He will not get the badly needed black vote and Trump would eat him alive. I personally have been to South Bend and not impress with what I saw. The only thing South Bend has going for it is the Fighting Irish. Pete will make the black vote stay home.
That's your opinion. I don't believe that black people actually have such a herdlike mentality that they all vote the same way all the time or think the same way. I also do not believe what another person was saying, which is that black people will summarily reject him because he's gay.

Sounds like bullshit to me, but I'll admit your opinion on the matter is worth more than mine, as I'm just a white Mexican from near the border. I have family on both sides and I know that both sides of my family care more about issues while realizing nobody is perfect.


Well-Known Member
That's your opinion. I don't believe that black people actually have such a herdlike mentality that they all vote the same way all the time or think the same way. I also do not believe what another person was saying, which is that black people will summarily reject him because he's gay.

Sounds like bullshit to me, but I'll admit your opinion on the matter is worth more than mine, as I'm just a white Mexican from near the border. I have family on both sides and I know that both sides of my family care more about issues while realizing nobody is perfect.
who said anything about sexual preference.? Blacks wont vote for him because he has done nothing for them as Mayor. I have family in South Bend and go quite often during football season. So I see first fucking hand
..and you???? Answer this why is South Bend property rate for blacks twice that of the nation? I come with facts I suggest you Google to verify. Your hatred for Bernie has you blinded. My vote going to the man/women who has the better plan for the poor and middle class and looking out for black/brown people as well


Well-Known Member
who said anything about sexual preference.? Blacks wont vote for him because he has done nothing for them as Mayor. I have family in South Bend and go quite often during football season. So I see first fucking hand
..and you???? Answer this why is South Bend property rate for blacks twice that of the nation? I come with facts I suggest you Google to verify. Your hatred for Bernie has you blinded. My vote going to the man/women who has the better plan for the poor and middle class and looking out for black/brown people as well
So, property rates for black people in South Bend are double that for nation, that is your claim. And you blame Buttigieg for that?

Have you even bothered to look into his policies? His Douglass plan has a lot in it about property ownership.

As for Bernie having a plan. That's extremely laughable. It's even funnier than the notion he has ever accomplished anything, in 30 years in politics. I mean, it would be one thing if you could simply say, nothing changed as a result of his time in office, even if had been office for a couple of terms. Quite often, things do not change so rapidly. Bernie has been in politics 3 decades. NOTHING! Not a damn thing. His 97 trillion dollar economic agenda includes funding for less than half of the healthcare portion, which is only a third of it. I suggest you Google to verify, because your hatred of Buttigieg seems to have you blinded.

I mean, that whole trope of yours about conspiracy theories the day you had a Biden meltdown was hard to watch, much less support. But if Biden of all people, can do so well with black voters, I don't see any kind of bias in that voting block. In fact, I just consider them "voters".


Well-Known Member
To say that Buttigieg is "doing poorly with black voters" is kind of bullshit anyway. About 4% of his support comes from black voters. That's about the median. It's right on par with Yang, Bloomberg and even Booker before he dropped. Besides, he has some local support in Indiana.

I'm not dismissing the claim that black voters have summarily rejected him, but I'm definitely skeptical of that.


Well-Known Member
Have you even bothered to look into his policies? His Douglass plan has a lot in it about property ownership.
Is that why his campaign had to lie about hundreds of African Americans who hadn't endorsed it?

“How it was rolled out was not an accurate representation of where I stand,” Thigpen told The Intercept. “I didn’t know about its rolling out. Somebody brought it to my attention, and it was alarming to me, because even though I had had conversations with the campaign, it was clear to me, or at least I thought I made it clear to them, that I was a strong Bernie Sanders supporter — actually co-chair of the state, and I was not seeking to endorse their candidate or the plan. But what I had talked about was potentially giving them a quote of support in continuing the conversation, because I do think it’s a very important conversation.”

Thigpen said he thought rolling out the big list of supporters was intended to show broad support in the black community, despite the reality. The letter was published out of the blue, Thigpen said. “I actually had not circled back to give them a quote, so I was alarmed and very much surprised to see, particularly, the headline as such because I do think it muddies the water, I do think it was a misrepresentation, and it easily could have confused a lot of people as to where I stood. That was, from the very beginning, concerns that I expressed,” he said. Thigpen said he reached out to the Sanders campaign to let them know what had happened, and aides there said they would talk to the Buttigieg campaign."
