McCains Funeral

Nice effort trying to bury the proof of rolli's (lack of) site administration skills.
Otherwise, tell us something we didn't already know about you. ;)
if this website sucks so badly why do you keep making sock puppet account after sock puppet account and coming back, nazi?
You are.
I don't think it's limited to your argument style or lack of logic but extends to being able to use search functions as well.
You are completely and not selectively imbecilic.

Keep proving it for me. ;)

i've never heard you state that you're not a pedophile either, so by your logic you are definitely a pedophile
I hope John McCain's last days are peaceful Didn't share his politics, but he gave his whole life to public service. And when he gets down to regrets, I'm sure his biggest one is not being able to carry on the family business. He would have been the 3rd Admiral McCain if not for the broken legs and such. That has to hurt more than losing an election.

And for funeral songs, this one is a keeper.

what were you doing in 84-86 ?
Where you even born. college ? working ? high school ? elementary ?
Trying to get a feelz for what you would know first hand about Libya and Muammar then. You already made an error in your dates when you associated it with petro dollars. Do you remember the TWA high jacking ? What were you doing in 1984-86. I was AIM HIGH...sometimes chilling at 50,000 ft prefer 30,000 and you
You're so quiet.
Nothing like running away from the derailing topic you started to show you can't answer a simple question about how the Libya bombing was justified and in the interest of the US public.

Did you learn that run away tactic in the USAF or from Buckold? ;)
You're so quiet.
Nothing like running away from the derailing topic you started to show you can't answer a simple question about how the Libya bombing was justified and in the interest of the US public.

Did you learn that run away tactic in the USAF or from Buckold? ;)

Change your food, suck a bone, get your booster shots and lay down like a good boy.
1. Yes they still own.
2. No you can decline making the sandwich.

But we’re not really talking sandwiches, which if someone were hungry and ASKED I’d share..

What are we really talking about, Rob?

I am talking about self determination and how charity can't come via force, it has to be mutual and voluntary between all the involved parties or it ceases to be charity.

It is virtually impossible for government to be involved in charity, since it cannot escape it's involuntary origins. That would be like saying a guy who robs people, does charity work when he takes some of his loot and buys the kids in the neighborhood ice cream while forgetting HOW he acquired the money.

Sandwiches ? I'll take a tuna sub with swiss cheese, toasted and plenty of hot peppers please.
I am talking about self determination and how charity can't come via force, it has to be mutual and voluntary between all the involved parties or it ceases to be charity.

It is virtually impossible for government to be involved in charity, since it cannot escape it's involuntary origins. That would be like saying a guy who robs people, does charity work when he takes some of his loot and buys the kids in the neighborhood ice cream while forgetting HOW he acquired the money.

Sandwiches ? I'll take a tuna sub with swiss cheese, toasted and plenty of hot peppers please.

You’re talking apples and oranges.

But if you look at countries such as Denmark you’ll realize we expend (personally) as much and receive nowhere near.

It doesn’t end on 4/15..throughout the year we are being financially shifted in all areas.

Corporations are the Boogy Man under your bed.

He has your sandwich.
You're so quiet.
Nothing like running away from the derailing topic you started to show you can't answer a simple question about how the Libya bombing was justified and in the interest of the US public.

Did you learn that run away tactic in the USAF or from Buckold? ;)
Again what were you doing in the year 1984-86. No need for me to go any further if you can't relate to the times. Were you even born then ?
Again what were you doing in the year 1984-86. No need for me to go any further if you can't relate to the times. Were you even born then ?
I didn't claim the military action was justified and in the interest of the US public.
You did, but declined to describe how bombing a foreign country over the death of 1 US citizen in a German discotheque.

I just asked you why.
You ran away.
Why would that be? ;)
I didn't claim the military action was justified and in the interest of the US public.
You did, but declined to describe how bombing a foreign country over the death of 1 US citizen in a German discotheque.

I just asked you why.
You ran away.
Why would that be? ;)
I'm going to put it down as you have no fucking clue about the climate of the world in 84-86, due to the fact you were not even fucking born. Let you tell it Gaddafi never supported terrorism , because you read it :roll:
You one of those fuck fucks who complain about war/conflicts, but yet use every fucking natural resource that we war/conflict over. What type of vehicle you drive ? Do you make your own oil/gas. You have the freedom that you enjoy today due to our military. Sad that is that way, but that way it is. Now run along Jr. and do something special for your mom
I'm going to put it down as you have no fucking clue about the climate of the world in 84-86, due to the fact you were not even fucking born. Let you tell it Gaddafi never supported terrorism , because you read it :roll:
You one of those fuck fucks who complain about war/conflicts, but yet use every fucking natural resource that we war/conflict over. What type of vehicle you drive ? Do you make your own oil/gas. You have the freedom that you enjoy today due to our military. Sad that is that way, but that way it is. Now run along Jr. and do something special for your mom
he flashed around $1200 like it was the most money he's ever seen in his life

i laughed so fucking hard

definitely a kid
I'm going to put it down as you have no fucking clue about the climate of the world in 84-86, due to the fact you were not even fucking born. Let you tell it Gaddafi never supported terrorism , because you read it :roll:
You one of those fuck fucks who complain about war/conflicts, but yet use every fucking natural resource that we war/conflict over. What type of vehicle you drive ? Do you make your own oil/gas. You have the freedom that you enjoy today due to our military. Sad that is that way, but that way it is. Now run along Jr. and do something special for your mom
Still can't come up w/ a good reason?

Well then of course use the boogyman of terrorism. As popular as an excuse for politicians these days as it was back then.

The military is tool, just as a gun is.
The thing is that steel, brass, lead, and powder don't have free will or intelligence of their own and depend on the morality of the bearer.
A person does have the choice not to be the tool of anyone they have the intelligence to choose not to serve.
Still can't come up w/ a good reason?

Well then of course use the boogyman of terrorism. As popular as an excuse for politicians these days as it was back then.

The military is tool, just as a gun is.
The thing is that steel, brass, lead, and powder don't have free will or intelligence of their own and depend on the morality of the bearer.
A person does have the choice not to be the tool of anyone they have the intelligence to choose not to serve.
reason was given, unfortunately your stupidity gets in your way to grasp an understanding. No need for me to continue a conversation with a fool who was not even born during the time period.
What type of car do you drive ?.