MDMA Addiction

My mental state is BEYOND fucked up, I'm going crazy. I feel like I'm having a psychotic episode honestly. After about the 4th day of this molly binge that's when I knew things were going to go down hill but I didn't expect them to go this far. I realized things were bad when I couldn't stop redosing. I've done a whole ounce (28.12g) minus 1.72g I have left in 11 days. I'm doing nearly 3 grams a day, the highest dose being around 4.5g
how am I still alive? What's the LD50?

if you go to the er, they will put you in psych and you will be there for a minimum of 3 days..even though you volunteered yourself in..they won't let you go (danger to yourself) and they won't give you anything until they staff shrink shows in the am..he'll give you psych meds of some sort but not necessarily anything for the WD and definitely nothing for pain..of course your locked up now and can't go comforts of home..your better off having someone come to sit with you in case you convulse and get to a sub certified doctor in the AM..
racer is right, go to the hospital! they will evaluate your mental state and most likely baker act you. then they will not discharge you until they find a treatment center for you to admit yourself to.

on second thought..if you have warrants that isn't even an option is it..i don't know but if it is that is your best bet imo. be safe dude please don't end your life over a molly binge.

hospitals won't call the cops on you just because you have some warrants as far as i know..
yo trippy Foreal just fight it ur stronger than that. and if u truly feel you can't you don't have any friends that can watch you for a few days.. terrible to hear this about you my dog..
then he needs to get the fuck in there! i'm worried about you trippy mayne. hell i don't even know you and i care about you. think about that dude get your ass into the hospital where you can receive the help you desperately need!
then he needs to get the fuck in there! i'm worried about you trippy mayne. hell i don't even know you and i care about you. think about that dude get your ass into the hospital where you can receive the help you desperately need!

i agree cc.. i don't know much about trippy, other than reading some of his posts, but chirst, i hate to see a drug take anyone down like this as i've been there, more than once even..

and i also agree, he should go to the er, all of these suicide threats are very real, and should be treated as such, and seen by a professional..
You bought 30 grams of molly and got twisted . Get sleep, you will feel normal after a good 10-15hours of sleep. get food and fucking sleep man. Dont go to a hospital unless your heart rate is high. dont go to a rehab until you are making a clear, sober decision to get help.
If I don't go will I be dead?

i can't say for sure you'd be dead, but the way you're thinking, harming yourself is a very serious possibility trippy...
just do the right thing man, i know it sucks balls, but it is the best thing for you to do right now.. take care of you..
You bought 30 grams of molly and got twisted . Get sleep, you will feel normal after a good 10-15hours of sleep. get food and fucking sleep man. Dont go to a hospital unless your heart rate is high. dont go to a rehab until you are making a clear, sober decision to get help.
dude i'm sorry but he needs to go to the hospital no doubt about it. suggesting otherwise is horrid advice.

please go asap!
Just consumed the other 1.7 and I'm rolling right now. This is it, as of now i have the empathy to check into the local ER. It's about fucking time. I've been on the run for along time now nearly 7 months and now it's time for me to face my actions. This is something that I KNOW I will regret, but if I don't do this I know I will be dead by tomorrow morning. You guys won't see me around for a LONG time but I'll be back eventually. Just keep me in your prayers and I hope I'll be out soon.
Im officially out of molly and am on my way to the hospital right now.

Raymond Graham
You bought 30 grams of molly and got twisted . Get sleep, you will feel normal after a good 10-15hours of sleep. get food and fucking sleep man. Dont go to a hospital unless your heart rate is high. dont go to a rehab until you are making a clear, sober decision to get help.

he's talking about killing himself, i take that very seriously..
and there's no way in hell he's going to be getting any sleep at least for a few good days minimal, way too long to be left alone in his frame of mind..
i agree cc.. i don't know much about trippy, other than reading some of his posts, but chirst, i hate to see a drug take anyone down like this as i've been there, more than once even..

and i also agree, he should go to the er, all of these suicide threats are very real, and should be treated as such, and seen by a professional..

my only concern is in florida police usually get involved when you're baker acted..