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The difference in purity of my mdma crystals & ketamine is just plain wrong!!

I do hope they legalise drugs one day and its all snow white!

We aren`t just drug users, we are bi-product users too :D

Sorry for them being in baggies, was in a hurry and kept having people coming into my room lol

I had someone forget their keys and knock on my room window at 2am the other morning while attempting to rail a line :D They didn`t see me but it was all hyperspeed!

You can wash with anhydrous acetone to brighten up those crystals. Not so difficult and increases the purity, sometimes quite substantially depending on the starting composition.
You can wash with anhydrous acetone to brighten up those crystals. Not so difficult and increases the purity, sometimes quite substantially depending on the starting composition.

That sounds useful, is there any reason why I should do this? Any idea whats giving it the brown colour? I guess it would make it better for insufflation? :)
no i would say DIE. i could cut this shit with a gram of vitamin c and anybody who took it would still be rollin hard off a point
no i would say DIE. i could cut this shit with a gram of vitamin c and anybody who took it would still be rollin hard off a point

Huh? For starters I got mine from someone I know. I also have tried it...

Seriously, 30mg of this stuff and you can feel the roll, I don`t think its cut dude. It was .15 less than expected but I`m not even unhappy :)
That is very interesting .... DID you test your product with Marquis reagent ?
How do you know of the purity of given compound ?
I do not do MDMA as it lacks the 'visuals' you speak of.
Define, experienced visuals ...
I have been high on 2CB since last nigh ... lots of visuals here !!


MDMA is one of my favourite halucinogens, yep, you heard me right.
After a night's frying and and hour or so of napping, or just sitting quietly I consistantly get some of the nicest visuals this side of DMT.
Huh? For starters I got mine from someone I know. I also have tried it...

Seriously, 30mg of this stuff and you can feel the roll, I don`t think its cut dude. It was .15 less than expected but I`m not even unhappy :)
sorry i should have quoted who i was talking to. i was responding about my post on the last page
That sounds useful, is there any reason why I should do this? Any idea whats giving it the brown colour? I guess it would make it better for insufflation? :)

The brown color is an excess reactant - depends on your standards if you want to purify it further. Up the nose is probably the worse way to ingest it (in terms of comfort) Up the pooper or ingest grapefruit juice prior to oral ingestion for best results.

Look in the last section on recrystalization for a better insight in what is involved.
HI I have a few questions... I have abused Alcohol to the Max. I have Tripped hard on shrooms (Mexican Cubensis) I smoke good bud regularly, and have dabbled with coke, but am really interested to know how much MDMA is suggested as a safe amount to do on your 1st go ?? Also what long does it take to feel something ?? How long does it last ?? what brings you down (if needed) ?? Can I drink Alcohol at t6he same time ??

Really I just wanna know everything about it..Also like how to tell the difference between good and bad stuff, is it dangerous ?? can you O/D on it ?? etc etc...

Be glad of any and all replies :) many thanks - STELTHY :leaf:
HI I have a few questions... I have abused Alcohol to the Max. I have Tripped hard on shrooms (Mexican Cubensis) I smoke good bud regularly, and have dabbled with coke, but am really interested to know how much MDMA is suggested as a safe amount to do on your 1st go ?? Also what long does it take to feel something ?? How long does it last ?? what brings you down (if needed) ?? Can I drink Alcohol at t6he same time ??

Really I just wanna know everything about it..Also like how to tell the difference between good and bad stuff, is it dangerous ?? can you O/D on it ?? etc etc...

Be glad of any and all replies :) many thanks - STELTHY :leaf:

doubt you would od really unless your slamming grams+ i got a few mates who had half gram bombs their first times haha they were FUCKED to say the least buy obviousily enjoyed it serious case of body gurns haha
HI I have a few questions... I have abused Alcohol to the Max. I have Tripped hard on shrooms (Mexican Cubensis) I smoke good bud regularly, and have dabbled with coke, but am really interested to know how much MDMA is suggested as a safe amount to do on your 1st go ?? Also what long does it take to feel something ?? How long does it last ?? what brings you down (if needed) ?? Can I drink Alcohol at t6he same time ??

Really I just wanna know everything about it..Also like how to tell the difference between good and bad stuff, is it dangerous ?? can you O/D on it ?? etc etc...

Be glad of any and all replies :) many thanks - STELTHY :leaf:

Depends where you are and what sort of a night it is I guess. Yes people do bomb 500mg`s like Dave said, I did 300mg on my first night probs 120 or so at first and the rest redose redose.

Also depends on how much mdma you have, unless your a "heavy hitter" go for 80min 150max in my advice but I go easy. Alcohol isn`t the best idea but its do-able. Bud will be great for when its wearing off. Propably peak in an hour to hour and half then anywhere from 2-3 hours? Don`t let yourself come down, get a happy moment 3 hours in and you will find your face in a massive grin again :) Its sorta "reviveable" like any drug...

If you want alcohol just have a drink or two. I`d advise pints and not vodka :) If your dancing hard try drink a pint of water an hour and no more.

When I take mdma I sorta feel a little kinda high in the beginning and then all the come-up happens very suddenly. You come to a 5 minute timespace where it all happens, heart beats like mad and you get up if your sitting down and start moving around :D It makes everything feel great, everybody is your best friend, very talkative, big ass pupils, you have the ability to chat up anyone around you, literally. You will realise you can talk like an engine or listen like your someones best buddy.

Your looks and the way you act is will be pretty obvious as to what your doing if your taking more than 100mg :D Have some trance or techno going, I listen to musics I never would, Vocal Trance is great, maybe DJ Tiesto/Armin Van Buuren etc...

You won`t be dissapointed its a great feeling :) Look at it as a "3 hour lecture about happiness from a chemical teacher" and try and carry some aspects of the feeling to your life, let it teach you what its like to be a social butterfly and enjoy life to the max!! :)
Old school pills were around 125 mg. I think I've had maybe 1 or 2 pills that had that dose over the years but certainly not in the last decade. When rolling, pre-loading with 5-htp and taking some when after the peak helps for a smooth re-entry and lengthens the roll a bit. An SSRI like prozac or zolof when you are done and ready to sleep mitigates any long-term negative effects that might be possible.

A roll usually lasts about 6 hrs, <= 1 hr to notice effects. Best if done on an empty stomach or with some grapefruit juice (contains enzyme that inhibits the breakdown of mdma) You'll know if you have the real deal if your heart opens, fear disintegrates and you want to reach out to touch and be touched.

If you are into abusing substances then you'll want to check out ibogaine. Not having personally experience with it myself, I heard that compound will straighten out your shit real straight. You'll have a visit from your ancestors and it's been very effective in breaking hard drug abusers of their habits.

btw, you can OD on mdma, however most of the deaths reported have been associated with dehydration from victims in a club environment with no access to water.
Thought I`d share this from the link rosecitypapa sent, +Rep buddy!

The crystals will be a brown-yellow color. Now scrape the crystals into a jar, and pour ~20mL of acetone onto them. Swirl the mixture. The crystals won't dissolve - but a lot of the brown will. The brown-acetone is poured off, and the acetone wash is repeated.
After the acetone wash, dry the crystals. You should have around 15g of dry crystals. That's 150 hits. The now 'almost white' crystals have melting point values over the range from 145-153 ° C, depending on how much water was in there during crystallization. And these crystals are ready for consumption. 60mg is not enough. 80mg is great for my wife. 100mg is a great dose. 125mg is balls-to-the-wall. 150mg is too much. For me at least. Fun for me is actually 80mg MDMA+70mg MDA in one pill. WHOH. But I guess you'll have to do another synth - right?

I`m going to get some Acetone to clean some stuff of my room walls prior to inspection, might give 200mg of crystals a go and see how it works out... Handy info to know though thanks!
Thought I`d share this from the link rosecitypapa sent, +Rep buddy!

The crystals will be a brown-yellow color. Now scrape the crystals into a jar, and pour ~20mL of acetone onto them. Swirl the mixture. The crystals won't dissolve - but a lot of the brown will. The brown-acetone is poured off, and the acetone wash is repeated.
After the acetone wash, dry the crystals. You should have around 15g of dry crystals. That's 150 hits. The now 'almost white' crystals have melting point values over the range from 145-153 ° C, depending on how much water was in there during crystallization. And these crystals are ready for consumption. 60mg is not enough. 80mg is great for my wife. 100mg is a great dose. 125mg is balls-to-the-wall. 150mg is too much. For me at least. Fun for me is actually 80mg MDMA+70mg MDA in one pill. WHOH. But I guess you'll have to do another synth - right?

I`m going to get some Acetone to clean some stuff of my room walls prior to inspection, might give 200mg of crystals a go and see how it works out... Handy info to know though thanks!

Remember, it has to be anhydrous acetone. It's easy enough, take a couple of pounds of epsom salts and put into oven to bake dry and then put into your acetone to dry it. Otherwise you'll get diddly for the mdma will desolve in the water fraction of acetone not properly dried.
Nice lookin moon rocks. I'm guessing they're dutch?

My friend's old stash:
I guess not lol, I used to get them all the time, then the quality of pills started to drop off, and i just quit em totally, now i cant find them for the life of me... I did buy and 8th molly from a good friend, but I messed it up during delivery and ended up lost in mail land... SSuuuucckkkksss.. lol
I can not EAT that/those thingZZ for the LOVE OF ME .... but there is certainly something to say about the lovey and gushy and squishy feeling of the 'Hug Drug'
With s certain citrus freshness reminiscent of chewing a fresh stick of OF the NEW MYSTERIOUS Flavor of STRIDE ....


Didn't know people where responding to this hahaha.

that is the whitest the rocks have been, these days they tend to be more like glass. and by glass i mean shards of glass its BEAUTIFUL.

not had one person get some and not get some more atleast 4 more times the next week hahah. Everyone is loving molly in my town right now haha
everyone loves them some molly. i still think they cops are looking for the lost girl molly at edc orlando lol.