HI I have a few questions... I have abused Alcohol to the Max. I have Tripped hard on shrooms (Mexican Cubensis) I smoke good bud regularly, and have dabbled with coke, but am really interested to know how much MDMA is suggested as a safe amount to do on your 1st go ?? Also what happens...how long does it take to feel something ?? How long does it last ?? what brings you down (if needed) ?? Can I drink Alcohol at t6he same time ??
Really I just wanna know everything about it..Also like how to tell the difference between good and bad stuff, is it dangerous ?? can you O/D on it ?? etc etc...
Be glad of any and all replies

many thanks - STELTHY
Depends where you are and what sort of a night it is I guess. Yes people do bomb 500mg`s like Dave said, I did 300mg on my first night probs 120 or so at first and the rest redose redose.
Also depends on how much mdma you have, unless your a "heavy hitter" go for 80min 150max in my advice but I go easy. Alcohol isn`t the best idea but its do-able. Bud will be great for when its wearing off. Propably peak in an hour to hour and half then anywhere from 2-3 hours? Don`t let yourself come down, get a happy moment 3 hours in and you will find your face in a massive grin again

Its sorta "reviveable" like any drug...
If you want alcohol just have a drink or two. I`d advise pints and not vodka

If your dancing hard try drink a pint of water an hour and no more.
When I take mdma I sorta feel a little kinda high in the beginning and then all the come-up happens very suddenly. You come to a 5 minute timespace where it all happens, heart beats like mad and you get up if your sitting down and start moving around

It makes everything feel great, everybody is your best friend, very talkative, big ass pupils, you have the ability to chat up anyone around you, literally. You will realise you can talk like an engine or listen like your someones best buddy.
Your looks and the way you act is will be pretty obvious as to what your doing if your taking more than 100mg

Have some trance or techno going, I listen to musics I never would, Vocal Trance is great, maybe DJ Tiesto/Armin Van Buuren etc...
You won`t be dissapointed its a great feeling

Look at it as a "3 hour lecture about happiness from a chemical teacher" and try and carry some aspects of the feeling to your life, let it teach you what its like to be a social butterfly and enjoy life to the max!!