I never said melting into the couch is a bad thing

I believe the stomach to be terrible for absorbing drugs, so I'll either CHEW it and shove that bitter pile of nastiness under my tongue and suck it, or shove it up my nose. I found the latter to be WAAAAY preferable :/ I hear you on the drip, though. I invented what I call The Snorkel Blaster to deal with that. Instead of rolling a straight tube, I make it cone-shaped with the big end the same size as my nostrils. Use it thin-end down.
Some miracle of aerodynamics makes that it coats your nose really evenly. With the right amount it all absorbs, no drip, and with a nice saline spray on hand you can take care of any other little niggles. It does, however, have quite the little sting!
Besides, you don't want to see what chewing my drugs has done to my teeth, especially the paper acid...
You guys are in for such a rocking time... Yup, those caps be FAT.
My only advice is to crush it up a bit finer, easier on the stomach, and also try take the short end off the cap just before you swallow, both those bits of advice are with possible nausea in mind.