Fuck that rolling without weed is lame. Keep it to a minimum if you're not a heavy user, but I assume people on a pot growing site are generally heavy smokers.
I heartily disagree, for the first 4 hours at least. After that I can go through an ounce no problem. Once you start hitting the herb, it all slows down, trust me on that one. I was a reluctant subject on this one, but after 3 hours the real sunshine hits if you're NOT smoking, incredible physical tingles that make every hair stand on end.
It also makes that you don't get the 'sleepy' waves. You know how sometimes it's like a see-saw, up and down? That's the herb.
I find personally it's got a lot to do with how AWARE I am of how anything affects my body or emotions on MDMA. I can't handle sugar or sugary drinks, feels like poison. Alcohol I can feel in my muscles with just a sip or two of good wine. So you hit some reefer and you become fully aware of the relaxing effects you don't feel as a chronic smoker, and it does tend to make some people feel a bit 'down'...
Trust me, if you're used to pills and want that solid buzz, avoid the herb for at least 4 hours. Try it once, Mr Duck, if you don't like it then no harm done. But odds are that, like me, you will find simply that wait to be worth it. The first hit of green after 4 hours of UP is like having your first toke of something truly dank all over again.
I don't know many people aside from my parents that DON'T take molly at least 12 times a year. I've tapered down a lot, in my young days I'd have it every weekend. My nickname is NumbLung so that kinda gives you an idea of how many chillums I smoke per day. So the advice comes from a self-confessed reefer addict. And a reefer ADDICT tells you to lay off because it might make the trip better, it miiiiiight be worth a shot