For starters, sorry for the large pictures in advance.
This is the story of Joker (Bagseed) which has finally been named.. TKO, cause when you smoke this stuff it knocks your ass out!
It all began on 5/27/2009 when I had a random seed sitting around and decided to germinate it, figured eh what the hell if it grows cool if not what ever! (I had other girls in the garden so no big loss)
She germinated rather quickly! Off we were!
Planted in a nice mix of FF Ocean Forest, Light Warrior, Perlite as soil, and she sure did wanna grow!
Needless to say she got overly loved for the first week.. Over watered none the less...
That problem got fixed quick! I started to let the soil dry out more and she really took off!
Week by week she kept growing very vigorously, super healthy and showing all the good signs! Sweet!
Still not sure at this point if she was a boy or girl, my friend and I started jokingly calling her the Joker and it kind of stuck.
Sure enough, with the other girls I had going and this wonderful lady, and the cramped closet that was their home.. I quickly ran out of room.. Knowing a good friend who would take care of her and grow her out much longer than I'd be able to, I had to send her to a new home...
After nearly 4 months she's ready! Finally! Had a nice long veg! Ended up being nearly 6' before flowering! My friend flowered her out and here is the end result... Thus naming this gal TKO, because the first time I smoked this stuff I was having a super bad anxiety attack and holy sh*t! Instantly gone! and.. I was ready for bed! She knocked me the f*** out!
Check her out!
Now... the smoke...
Smell: Very sweet almost like pineapple, but also a real sour skunky smell almost like a fresh ran over skunk
Taste: Very smooth smoke both out of a bong or a pipe, the taste is very candy like with almost sour apple after taste.
Effect: Instant head rush, exhaling the head rush turns into a very calming body rush! Couchlock to the max! Did wonders for both my Anxiety and Insomnia! Don't smoke this if you have anything important to do that day!
And now.... She's back! As a clone from the original! This baby is sticking around my arsenal for a while I'll tell you that much
Long post, Long read, Sorry bout that! I hope it's enjoyable!
Burn on!