Most of my info comes from 5 or so sites Each adds its little bit: Stop the Drug War .Com., the Chronicle A.M. and Med. MJ articles are Good for state news. Cannabis Culture Marijuana Magazine, Mark Emery's site, good west coast and Canadian Site..MAP. Media awareness project/index,, continuisly updated (you have to get on the right page, 1 good,1 not so good,(lots of newspaper articles, op eds, etc). The Weed Blog, good site, updated 3/4 times a day. Topix, Marijuana News, so so cite that occasionally has articles found no place else. Norml, State news section, articles from newspaper within that state. The MJ section of the Denver paper, good for Colo. news On some of these the First/main page is not where U want to be. U may have to go to a page or 2, but when U are in the right spot u should know it.