i dont care about the people making money off of it, they are going to. just like corn, grapes ect.
To be clear, I have zero problem with people making money in the cannabis industry, including via direct sales of cannabis. In my opinion that's perfectly fine (and in fact, its even desirable economically).
What you "should" care about is having a situation where only a small number of politically well-connected people enjoy the legal "right" to make money selling cannabis, and where its a crime for anyone else. My understanding is that's basically how it is now in CA. The dispensaries have to be licensed, and their number is limited. That means *I* can't sell cannabis, and you can't. . .but multimillion dollar "medical dispensary, inc" can.
Without TRUE legalization where anyone can legally sell the stuff, you create, in effect, government sponsored drug cartels.
Arguably, that's somewhat better than total illegality, but it has many problems of its own.
For one thing, with only limited numbers of legal sellers, prices are kept artificially high for legal buyers (ie patients).
This situation can also lead to overt corruption. For example, if the only way to secure a license to run a dispensary is via a reviewed application, who is going to get them? Well, typically these sorts of things go to friends and family members of political appointees or elected officials, or simply those with the deepest pockets who can afford the bribes, or "political donations".
Once you have the license, you can use a portion of your earnings to ensure that you keep it, again the same way. Since nobody but you and other cartel members can legally sell cannabis, you enjoy a situation where the police effectively act as your enforcers to reduce competition!