Meditate Me

ive checked out a few books to further grasp the concepts but no real meditation yet..
i would love to start doing a small session everyday but i dont really know what im doing.

but thanks for everyones kind words and wisdom.

heh! meditation is for doing, not for conceptualizing!

concepts are for letting go of, not for grasping!

best of luck. hope you find what you're looking for.
I repsectfully disagree. If you want to achieve results you must DO. And for anyone who's contemplating about trying meditation, I recommend they use a form that's based on the way that the mind works. And there's only one form that is:

The Energy Factor
I think your both right! Like if I say, what I am going to "DO" is meditate. My meditation is more about not thinking about anything.
But I guess there are alot of different types of meditation. I remember doing a healing meditation where I would meditate for a period of time to get relaxed, then I would do like a inside scan of my body starting at the head and just kinda using your imaginqation but not really. As you scan down thru the body you kinda take notes along the way about what feeling/perception the different parts give you. Does it have a color? A smell maybe pops up? shape etc. It sounds like alot but once you do it a few times it's kinda like doing a quick inventory, but not spending much time on it at all, as to not dwell on a pain or get distracted by a good feeling etc.
Now at the time my back was giving me problems. When I would get to that point my attn would be drawn to my abdomin? There was something there. I couldn't physically feel anything, but in my inventory the color was dark almost black, And the whole area just gave me negative feelings/thoughts. In the meditation if you get something like that you are also supposed to kinda take note of shape or if it was in a container maybe what the shape/color of the container is etc. This was in a small best described as a cardboard box.

Now every time I did this meditation over a week or two the abdomen area was always getting "brighter" colors. the box started turning into a pulsating colorful glob or ball. In the same time frame I went to see a massage therapist about my back. It didn't take her 10 minuits to tell me I had a few damaged muscles in my abdomin that were causing my back muscles to compensate in a weird way and become sore. I set up an appointment to see her again the next week to start trying to fix I but never needed to go. I continued this meditation and after few days maybe a week of the blog consistently getting brighter and having an overall better feeling involved it wasn't there. And my back was good to go and has been good since.:-o