Meditation Jesus and weed


Active Member
I don't mean to be a drag to you but in my case I smoked for 10 years, then became a christian and felt that it was good to quit for now to strenthen my relationship with Jesus. I felt that if I quit all bad habits and sin it would help me prepare for the day Jesus returns again as the Bible states. I guess in my case i felt more of a habit/addiction and did not want to be tied to any worldly addictions/habits. I believe it is your choice, as it the chanting/meditation you are doing. On a separate note if you want to be healthier there has been studies in the UK of marijuana users/rastafanarians/non-users health and the proof medically is a lower acid content in bodies of non-users-acidity in body leads to health problems. Finally, as the bible states we were all given free choice so we all have that as humans but I believe that smoking does not agree with any of the health concepts that are contained in the bible.:shock: By the way I do not smoke right now but I do grow things as a hobby that i never tried before.


Well-Known Member
why do u think i'm already in hell ?
My erhm, path, says that hell certainly exists, and this world we are in now, the physical existance, is 'hell'. To use a hokey, neo-gnostic term, the 'matrix', the illusionary physcially we all share, is hell.

Ask some poor kid who is being raped and tortured if this world is hell or not. There is NOTHING on the other side that can hold a candle to what goes on here.......:evil:


Active Member
Yeah you will be okay...on the other point there probably is a hell with people that choose to be there by choosing to not follow God, and would rather not submit...God is forgiving and loving to all those that choose him I believe...and we are all sinners since the earth began because of the choice Adam made....these are just my opinions.


Well-Known Member
Why was it their fault? What about a God that set them up to begin with, and obviously didn't want them to know the difference between good and evil? I would hold the one that set up the whole system responsible, not the victims of it.

My um, 'God' is the Father that Yeshua (Jesus) spoke of, but MY God doesn't send anyone to hell, or punish anyone.

Then again, MY God isn't the Jewish-Creator-God of the Old Testament, so I guess I don't hafta live in fear of eternally toasting.


Well-Known Member
u know lucifer wasnt gods fault either, but he fucked up and got 2 adam eve made em eat bad shit apples and abitta yelling screaming bitching later etc so on and so forth evil came into the world and yea look at were we r in today


Well-Known Member
WHile we are on the subject, here is the story.

Number one, Lucifer, s.a.tan, whatever isn't mentioned but in one book in ALL of the old testament, if he is mentioned there then why isn't he called BY NAME in Genesis in the garden? You would think a fact that important wouldn't be left out. So first we have no evidence that the snake IS s.a.tan, or lucifer, belezebub, whatever.

Number two, 'God' told them if they ate of the tree they would die. The serpent (which btw according to Hebrew geomatria 'serpent' and 'savior' have the exact same numberic meaning?) said that if they ate of the tree they would be like gods, and know the difference between good and evil. They ate, and they didn't die. ('God' LIED.) They ate, and they knew the difference tween good and evil.

And why didn't 'God' want us to know the difference anyway?

Would you consider a parent who puts a cookie jar full of cookies in a room with a kid, and opens the lid, but tells the kid if they take a cookie they are DEAD?

It was called the tree of knowledge, and 'God' didn't want us to know. Why? Control? Power? That is the reason most knowledge is banned....


Well-Known Member
Lucifer isnt mentioned because when he was banned from heaven he was no longer an angel therefor rejected his angelic name

ok and honestly the whole number thing is man made not god made so i could say that 13 is good luck and 7 is bad and 42789 means cotton candy it really is N/A in this matter

and well are Adam and Eve alive right now??? uhmm no that means that they are dead and are not alive. Get it??

God didnt want them to know the difference between good and evil so that they woudnt know of murder, sodomy, rape, jealousy ect. and that they wouldnt commit it but since they ate the fruit from the tree of THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL they understood all the negatives in the world

Also if you continue in the book of genesis there are subtle hints that the serpent is satan she says that the snake is a deciever and decieved her s.a.tan is known as the lord of deceivers it also says that the serpent was one of the craftiest creatures god created and later in the bible it refers to lucifer as a crafty angel and well angels are a creature of god also it says that one day eves offspring ("Jesus" since all of her offspring are us and we are all part of god which is jesus) ill crush the head the snake. Jesus vs. satan godd vs. evil however you wanna see it.

I hope dis helps you understand


Well-Known Member
Genesis was written in the earliest of days, explanations later would not be needed, the book you refer to had all of the symbology explained in a book not allowed by the church, I can give you a link to the FULL story that was in Genesis....

and another version that validates much of the info in the above link, but it was not written by Yochannan (John) who wrote the revelations you referenced.....

In the first link, Yochannan (John) refers to a great, lion faced serpent as well, but he is describing Yaltaboath.

Genesis, and ALL the Bible was written by man, so it you wanna throw 'man's work' outta it, then the Bible will be the first to go.

Unless, of course, it was written by chimpansees.....

Knowledge of good and evil doesn't mean that they suddenly became murderers and rapists, it means they knew when something was wrong. They were kicked out, they didn't die as soon as they ate, and death OBVIOUSLY existed before, or they wouldn't have known what to be afraid of, now would they? Death had already been created, and existed, or it could not have been used as a threat.


Well-Known Member
first of all im not catholic so i dont go by the church

secondly i didnt refer to revelations i refered to genesis 3:15

There is a great difference between what man made and what man made through God Hebrew geomatria=No God influence Bible=Heavily influenced through god


Also I never said they became rapist or any of that. And no death did not already exist or else that means sin was already in the world. By eating the apple they brought sin/death into the world. So because they never understood death until they ate the apple they never knew the severness of there actions which is why they were so easily deceived.

Example if i said that if u ate my cookie u would develop a glarbleness on your toe you wouldnt know wtf i was talking about

same thing they didnt know what death was they never expeirienced it


Well-Known Member
The Bible is supposedly more like A tandem epic in moral endeavors instead of the literal truth,whats crazy though is there are people who actualy beleive that the earth/heaven/existence was created in 7 days and that every word in the Bible is true.Who knows what a day is to God,The thing is a day is only coneceptualized by mortal knowledge to be 24 hrs,Gods day is like a trillion years or some crazy number.Evidently enough mortal knowledge or humanity's knowledge pool in general is constantly subject to change to this day, so who knows just how many of those parrables have been twisted and turned in some way,only to be nuances of control and obedience.I feel kinda bad for those who beleive every word in the book,it is rather naive and fanciful to an extent when you think about it.

Not that Jesus didnt die or anything


Well-Known Member
But if anything other then what really happend actually happened they why would God have man write down anything other then what actually happened


Well-Known Member
well on the whole 7 days thing... yes i think the bible is kinda dumb and written with extreme prejudice. no human could know how long it took god to make earth

and a "day" back thousands of years was different than when the bible was written because of constantly moving planets etc...


Well-Known Member
first of all im not catholic so i dont go by the church

secondly i didnt refer to revelations i refered to genesis 3:15
When you said subtle hints or whatever, I assumed you meant that one. I would explain the verse you mentioned, but I don't think you would be listening.
There is a great difference between what man made and what man made through God Hebrew geomatria=No God influence Bible=Heavily influenced through god
Actually, the Bible is far more influenced by the politics of the day then by God, if you made a study of it like I have you would see that. Oh, and btw, the same Hebrews that claim thier scriptures are from 'God' also claim that Geomantria is from 'God' as well.
MEN wrote the Bible, so if you don't want something that is done by man, throw out the Bible, unless men DIDN"T write it? And if they didn't, did chimps write it? (Get it now?)
Also I never said they became rapist or any of that. And no death did not already exist or else that means sin was already in the world. By eating the apple they brought sin/death into the world. So because they never understood death until they ate the apple they never knew the severness of there actions which is why they were so easily deceived.
Good God, if death hadn't existed, then how the fuck would they know they should be afraid of it? How can you scare someone into not doing something if they don't know what the consequenses are? IF 'God' THREATENED death, then it musta existed before they ate, HMMMMM?????
Example if i said that if u ate my cookie u would develop a glarbleness on your toe you wouldnt know wtf i was talking about

same thing they didnt know what death was they never expeirienced it
DUH. So if it didn't exist ALREADY, then they would not have known to fear it, and 'God' wuddn't have been able to use it for a punishment, now would he? You just restated my own point. You can't scare me outta doing something if I don't understand what the danger would be. If 'God' used it as a punishment, it musta LAREADY existed.

For someone who doesn't go to church, you shore think like they do.:roll: