Meditation Jesus and weed


Well-Known Member
But if anything other then what really happend actually happened they why would God have man write down anything other then what actually happened
For one thing, show me where 'God' told anyone to write anything. Even the tablets that were given Moses were supposed to be written 'by the hand of God', not just dictated by 'him'.

Now, the church, and politics and power DEFINATELY have a reason to suppress the truth, same reason truth is ever suppressed. FOr purposes of Power and Control...... They were the original 'thought police' ya know.


Well-Known Member
Good God, if death hadn't existed, then how the fuck would they know they should be afraid of it? How can you scare someone into not doing something if they don't know what the consequenses are? IF 'God' THREATENED death, then it musta existed before they ate, HMMMMM?????

DUH. So if it didn't exist ALREADY, then they would not have known to fear it, and 'God' wuddn't have been able to use it for a punishment, now would he? You just restated my own point. You can't scare me outta doing something if I don't understand what the danger would be. If 'God' used it as a punishment, it musta LAREADY existed.

Thats exactly what i mean they didnt know what death was so they were like ok?? what that? so when they got deceived they didnt know what they where getting into

For someone who doesn't go to church, you shore think like they do.

And once more another example of your "great" listening skills

I said i wasnt catholic so i dont go by the church that doesnt mean i dont particapate in church related events

Your so focused on proving your point you dont even really take the time to fully analize what ive typed

This whole "argument" has just ben a big circle
u say somthing i make a reply and basically you say "o ya well...." and then you ask the same question u asked earlier without taking the consideration of my response


Well-Known Member
U just ignored evrything i said and completly repetead evrything u said b4
You IGNORED everything I said, don't project. I had to repeat, you can't even see where you proved my own point for me.


WHY the fuck would God use death as a threat, punishment, consequense, whatever, IF IT DIDN'T EXIST TO BEGIN WITH??????

Why would he use a word, concept, whatfuckingever, if they didn't know what it meant???????


Well-Known Member
Somthing doesnt have to be in our existence in this relm/dimension in order to exist

if paralel universes are true and theres a species of lombaks just because they are in this present here and now does that mean it doesnt exist?? i think not

"edited" So since they did not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil they would not have the knowledge of death


Well-Known Member
Thats exactly what i mean they didnt know what death was so they were like ok?? what that? so when they got deceived they didnt know what they where getting into
Sooo, when the serpent said they didn't have to worry about dying, they didn't know what THAT meant either? If God deliberately used a term they didn't understand, that wasn't too smart of him, and also means that it is his fault for not communicating properly? If he is God and perfect, how could he FUCK UP like that? THat would be being deceptive of him, now wuddint???
And once more another example of your "great" listening skills
Yeah, insult away, the church goers like to do that too. If you can't win an arguement from your own logic, make sure you make it personal. I don't remember insulting you, so if you are so full of the love of Jesus maybe you better stop making personal attacks to someone who has offered you NO personal offense. I ain't insulted you once, so give me the same respect.

Also, I debate this AD NASEUM with church going types, and they all have the exact same reasoning as you. I am on forums with them, and you and them use the exact same arguements, and logic.
I said i wasnt catholic so i dont go by the church that doesnt mean i dont particapate in church related events
Don't you hafta go to church to do that? I DO attend church (tho not regularly) but I don't hide my own translation, and the church I go to not only tolerates it, but finds my interpretation interesting.
Your so focused on proving your point you dont even really take the time to fully analize what ive typed
God, what projection, YOU are so busy proving YOUR point you can't listen to a single thing I say. Physician, heal thyself, get the 2X4 outta thine own eye before you work on the splinter in my own eye.
This whole "argument" has just ben a big circle
u say somthing i make a reply and basically you say "o ya well...." and then you ask the same question u asked earlier without taking the consideration of my response
Maybe you should consider someone else's response first, and then you will find yours considered. You are only getting out what you are putting in.....

And btw, if you wanna quote someone, instead of making it confusing, have (I am putting in spaces so it won't come back as a quote, but you do it without spaces)[ q u o t e ] at the beginning of the quote, and [ / q u o t e ] at the end of the quote. That way you can put the other person's quote in a box, and keep yours seperated. IF you wanna know. If you don't care, then ignore this part.


Well-Known Member
Somthing doesnt have to be in our existence in this relm/dimension in order to exist

if paralel universes are true and theres a species of lombaks just because they are in this present here and now does that mean it doesnt exist?? i think not

"edited" So since they did not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil they would not have the knowledge of death
If they didn't have the knowledge, then why did 'God' use the term????

All that about other dimensions SHORE ain't something the Bible says anything about....... And you can use all the made-up words you want, you only prove my point (tho you obviously don't realise it) that IF 'God' used the word, the reality of it musta existed. Either that, or 'God; was deliberately deceitful or too stupid to realise that wouldn't scare them offa it. And, oh, btw, if they didn't know to be scared of it, then why did they still stay away from it until the serpent told them that they weren't gonna die if they ate? If they didn't know to be scared of it, they wudda snacked on it anyway. But the serpent said, 'It ain't gonna kill you to eat this,' and they ate CUZ THEY THOUGHT THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANYTHING TO FEAR THEN. Otherwise, why did they stay away from it if they weren't afraid of the death they already knew existed????


Well-Known Member
Just for all respect purposes im letting you know that i did not read your last post as this argument is very negative to both of our beleifs. I do not wish to bring negativity to this glorious site and what it stands for.

Theres just one last comment i would like to make. Although the bible does not make sense does it really have to? If everything was straightforward and you could make a fully consience decision on wether to beileve or not wouldnt that take away from the whole point of having faith which is basically the entire concept of christianity?

This argument cannot be "won" by logic for the ways of god is a logic far beyond human comprehension the only way to see who is "correct" is just to see where we end up in the "end"

P.S. I hope you had fun taking the thread


Well-Known Member
Shame. I had some good points. I haven't insulted you the first time(unless you think that what I said about you sounding like a church goer was an insult, it wasn't meant to be) but I will admit it seems to be getting heated. Not from me, I am a peaceful dragon right now. (You will KNOW when I get shitty, no doubt.) But I think you are takin offense at my own translation. Alot of mainstream christians do, but they usually admit later I did make them think. (something not encouraged in religion for the most part.) But try not to tell someone they ain't listening, or readin, when it is obvious that you don't (you just admited you didn't read my last post. I have read EVERY word of EVERY thing you have posted.)

I have seen way worse on this forum, you ain't ever taken a dip in the political part of this forum I take it. I think this has been relatively mild.

I have had fun. Did you?


Well-Known Member
The Bible is supposedly more like A tandem epic in moral endeavors instead of the literal truth,whats crazy though is there are people who actualy beleive that the earth/heaven/existence was created in 7 days and that every word in the Bible is true.Who knows what a day is to God,The thing is a day is only coneceptualized by mortal knowledge to be 24 hrs,Gods day is like a trillion years or some crazy number.Evidently enough mortal knowledge or humanity's knowledge pool in general is constantly subject to change to this day, so who knows just how many of those parrables have been twisted and turned in some way,only to be nuances of control and obedience.I feel kinda bad for those who beleive every word in the book,it is rather naive and fanciful to an extent when you think about it.

Not that Jesus didnt die or anything
:roll: think we might be on to something :roll:

Why was it their fault? What about a God that set them up to begin with, and obviously didn't want them to know the difference between good and evil? I would hold the one that set up the whole system responsible, not the victims of it.

My um, 'God' is the Father that Yeshua (Jesus) spoke of, but MY God doesn't send anyone to hell, or punish anyone.

Then again, MY God isn't the Jewish-Creator-God of the Old Testament, so I guess I don't hafta live in fear of eternally toasting.
Exactly, Hey'Zeus Knew.....

But if anything other then what really happend actually happened they why would God have man write down anything other then what actually happened

On hearing it, many of his disciples said, "This is a hard teaching.
Who can accept it?"

Only those who have been enabled :peace:


Well-Known Member
Brazko, that was awesome.

I tried to rep you but it wouldn't let me, gotta spread the love around 'fore I can rep you again, but consider yourself +repped!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
But if anything other then what really happend actually happened they why would God have man write down anything other then what actually happened

Think about it, The bible wasnt written by Gods own hands,It was man,During that transition man will find his own way of putting power into Gods rulebook ,though there are alot of moral truths in it,Thats why they call it the word of God, not the word by God.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but in 'the word' says that the word was in the beginning with God, and we all know a book of stuff that ain't happened yet ain't gonna be at the beginning.

I think it means the word in your heart, telling you when something is really cool or not.


Well-Known Member
The definition for literal in describing a written translation is; following the original closely or even word for word. I believe we would say today the bible is the literary word of God. It is more precisely a testament to God and God's word. It is History, parables, poems, and proverbs. Advice, instruction, entertainment and enlightenment. It is beautiful, ugly, tragic and yet comforting. God Himself warned that we would bring death to the earth by disobeying. What knowledge we gain by reading the bible is God's Gracious gift of Salvation, because he knows we can NOT save ourselves. Hell is made for those angels that were created to serve God, and yet refused, turning it around and saying "we will not serve" was not an option. Freewill gives mankind, at least, choice. Well, we get caught up in our own little existence in a very confusing world where you have tons of information thrown at you every moment your awake, and sometimes when your not. It is a testament to God's handy work that we still have brains. You put yourself in Hell by your refusal to accept a gift, and someones word that there is more to life than death(& taxes). Hell was not made for you, you were meant to return to God. The reason for tragedy in the world is because if God didn't give satan this earth and everything in it to rule, well then the devil would accuse God of not giving him a chance in Hell(every pun intended). What was the first charge God gave, GO FUCK YOURSELVES, and make more little heathens, and teach them correctly and all your days on earth will be worth something. Meditate on God's laws that we have written on our hearts, for we have no morality. It is when we pray and meditate on God's Word, that we realize all we have is moral purpose. That gives glory to God. No one is free from sin, even after we become Christian, this is why we ask for forgiveness, and strength to keep on asking because everyday the world presents itself with a new set of challenges, and sometimes a new set of rules. So we are also charged with paying attention, and learning, and teaching. I have Faith in our Heavenly Father, I believe Jesus is the Christ, and I have received the Holy Spirit. I Love people, and Hope and Pray to see and meet everyone when we can finally forget this mess and work in God's garden again. On that note... be polite, be patient, be planting...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The definition for literal in describing a written translation is; following the original closely or even word for word. I believe we would say today the bible is the literary word of God. It is more precisely a testament to God and God's word. It is History, parables, poems, and proverbs. Advice, instruction, entertainment and enlightenment. It is beautiful, ugly, tragic and yet comforting. God Himself warned that we would bring death to the earth by disobeying. What knowledge we gain by reading the bible is God's Gracious gift of Salvation, because he knows we can NOT save ourselves. Hell is made for those angels that were created to serve God, and yet refused, turning it around and saying "we will not serve" was not an option. Freewill gives mankind, at least, choice. Well, we get caught up in our own little existence in a very confusing world where you have tons of information thrown at you every moment your awake, and sometimes when your not. It is a testament to God's handy work that we still have brains. You put yourself in Hell by your refusal to accept a gift, and someones word that there is more to life than death(& taxes). Hell was not made for you, you were meant to return to God. The reason for tragedy in the world is because if God didn't give satan this earth and everything in it to rule, well then the devil would accuse God of not giving him a chance in Hell(every pun intended). What was the first charge God gave, GO FUCK YOURSELVES, and make more little heathens, and teach them correctly and all your days on earth will be worth something. Meditate on God's laws that we have written on our hearts, for we have no morality. It is when we pray and meditate on God's Word, that we realize all we have is moral purpose. That gives glory to God. No one is free from sin, even after we become Christian, this is why we ask for forgiveness, and strength to keep on asking because everyday the world presents itself with a new set of challenges, and sometimes a new set of rules. So we are also charged with paying attention, and learning, and teaching. I have Faith in our Heavenly Father, I believe Jesus is the Christ, and I have received the Holy Spirit. I Love people, and Hope and Pray to see and meet everyone when we can finally forget this mess and work in God's garden again. On that note... be polite, be patient, be planting...:blsmoke:

YAY! Im glad u noe how to use werds better then i do


Well-Known Member
YAY! Im glad u noe how to use werds better then i do

Thank you, I get lucky sometimes. I do enjoy language and the many ways it affects the human mind, and changes as different dialects merge to become something more than just noise. Communication is key even when your talking to yourself.