Melbourne GG4 Balcony Grow

So being a determined fellow I had to know why the other girl was looking so different and is so far behind…and WTF is with all her hairy balls?
After a good research session I’m pretty sure she foxtailed. May have been stress from night light pollution or our hot summer, I have no idea.
I’m just hoping it doesn’t effect potency.
Renting and growing is a shitty mix. In the last 6 weeks I’ve had a mandatory gas inspection, mandatory electrical inspection, and now the annual general inspection has come up. I’ve asked if it can be pushed back a month and will make up reasons/excuses if they aren’t happy to postpone. If they accept my new date then I’ll have to harvest my big girl in 8 days and will allow for 12 days drying time. I’d harvest the remaining girl the day the first plant has dried and has been cleared out of the bathroom. This would give me approx 6-10 days to air out the apartment after both have finished drying and are in Grove bags. I’ve been checking my big girl with a jewel’s loupe and I’d say she is 50% clear, 40% cloudy and 10% amber. I also did a test on popcorn buds yesterday (picked and dried 5 days ago) and was blown away with the strength…GG#4 is a powerful vape!
More pics (taken from shitty iPad) cause why not.546BD2C6-EBB1-439C-9380-6DE53A321F01.jpeg
dude what do you do with em :weed: when the service guy comes round
I closed the blinds when the plumber came and he didn’t need to go out to the balcony. The electrician was a great bloke and I had to trust him to go out to the balcony, otherwise he had to say that he couldn’t check due to tenants refusal. Turns out he was a grower back in the day and loved my girls and swore not to mention them. The general inspection is done by my Real Estate Agent and they will definitely want to see the balcony so all I can do is have it cleared. If you get evicted for growing, you’re not gunna get another rental as it’s marked on your record.
All in all, I think my main girl will be within harvesting time as she’s been fast at every stage. The other girl will be there as well in 3 weeks so I recon both will be AOK. Kinda nice to have the dates dictated to me, takes out the guesswork!
You are going to be haunted by what could have been.
Yes but my hands are tied. As it stands the Real Estate wants to come Wednesday week. I’ve asked to postpone for 4 weeks (haven’t heard back but assuming they will accept). I can’t cover em, can’t take them out of the apartment and can’t refuse them access to the balcony. I’m forced to harvest but, as I mentioned, after the test I know I’ve got very strong buds that are more then fine to vape. I’m also in the window where many people harvest by choice…so all in all I’m in a good place. I’ll have 2 pounds of home grown GG#4 that knocks my socks off. I recon that’s pretty dam good for a first grow.
Yes but my hands are tied. As it stands the Real Estate wants to come Wednesday week. I’ve asked to postpone for 4 weeks (haven’t heard back but assuming they will accept). I can’t cover em, can’t take them out of the apartment and can’t refuse them access to the balcony. I’m forced to harvest but, as I mentioned, after the test I know I’ve got very strong buds that are more then fine to vape. I’m also in the window where many people harvest by choice…so all in all I’m in a good place. I’ll have 2 pounds of home grown GG#4 that knocks my socks off. I recon that’s pretty dam good for a first grow.
you should get a 3x3 and do another grow indoor this winter after they bugger off
Real Estate didn’t have a problem delaying the inspection 4 weeks.
I can safely harvest my first girl in 10 days from now and recon she’ll be ready or close to it. Pics below were taken just now…fuck it’s hard to use the loupe over the phones lens, these were the best from 4,000 attempts!
AND SO IT ENDS! Just got an email from my Real Estate Agent saying they’ve had a complaint about me growing marijuana and reminding me that it is illegal and if they receive another complaint police will be called. At least I’m not evicted…or busted…yet!
So I will harvest one now and chop and throw away the other (she’s 5 weeks off). I’m pissed off, upset, angry and feel sick about it. What pricks…dobbing is un-Australian.
AND SO IT ENDS! Just got an email from my Real Estate Agent saying they’ve had a complaint about me growing marijuana and reminding me that it is illegal and if they receive another complaint police will be called. At least I’m not evicted…or busted…yet!
So I will harvest one now and chop and throw away the other (she’s 5 weeks off). I’m pissed off, upset, angry and feel sick about it. What pricks…dobbing is un-Australian.
thats why i moved outa the city, people more chilled
Fuck dude sorry to hear, if I was closer I'd let you finish and/or dry them at my place. Assholes, your not hurting anyone.

At least you got a yield out of it. But you have bigger kahunas than me, I've been worried for you the whole grow with them on the balcony. Personally I would of setup a tent inside.

Hope things turn out OK for you mate.
Fuck dude sorry to hear, if I was closer I'd let you finish and/or dry them at my place. Assholes, your not hurting anyone.

At least you got a yield out of it. But you have bigger kahunas than me, I've been worried for you the whole grow with them on the balcony. Personally I would of setup a tent inside.

Hope things turn out OK for you mate.
Thanks mate. It’ll definitely be my last grow here. Couldn’t do an indoor grow,..just no room for it.
This scared the shit out of me so will make sure by this time tomorrow, the balcony will be clean and legal…then I can respond to the Real Estate Agent and honestly say “I am not growing cannabis inside or outside the apartment”. I just won’t mention I’m drying a pound cannabis in the bathroom and dumped a pound around the corner.
Growing is now in my blood and I will grow again, just not here. I’ll find a place that is MJ appropriate.
Last pics of the girls alive before the morning chop.
Got up at 5am and harvested the keeper and hung her up in the bathroom. Then bagged the other one which a mate (against my recommendation) is picking up in an hour to dry and smoke…she’s 5 weeks off with no browning pistols. Then I tossed out the grow bags on the nature-strip for hard rubbish collection tomorrow (good timing). Then I tossed leftover nutrients and other sundries that were fucked or not worth keeping. I recon I could have the DEA over for lunch and they wouldn’t know what went on here over the last 5 months…as long as they didn’t see the bathroom.
Bathroom is sealed up with no smell leaking so far. It’s darker than the pic shows.31D3420D-1982-402D-8B15-B93532775EE1.jpeg
Cool. I followed you all the way. Is cannabis legal in Oz? I guess so, eh?
Jeeze, it's sickening what these nazis do about smoke. Let you get drunk
as hell, smoke cigs, but cannabis, no. And now that some US states have
legalized it, it's still half ass, and just a PITA to deal with. Then the stupid
greedy corporations have to get involved and limit potency by producing
quantity and cloning and hybridizing. I wonder how it is that people came
by and never smelled it though? Anyway, i hope it all goes well. Fabulous nugs.
Can i ask, what's a "dobb"? Snitch, i gather from context, right? Enjoy, m8. :bigjoint: