Mephisto, Sweet Seeds, HSO & Fastbuds


Well-Known Member
So I am planning a new auto run. I'm still getting things figured out. The run I'm on now is going better than the last one. I'm about halfway through the current grow and trying to plan the next run. Here is what I have planned.

I'm going to try to fill my grow space to make the most of my large bar style light. Right now I have 6 autos going and they haven't come close to filling the tent. So here is what I have planned for the next run. I will be growing 9 plants, 9 strains from 4 different breeders. 6 of these will be in earthbox juniors and the remaining 3 will be in either 3 or 5 gallon grass roots fabric pots. The breeders and strains are as follows.

Mephisto Super Orange Haze
Mephisto Creme de la Chem
Humboldt Seed Organization Bubba Kush
Humboldt Seed Organization Blue Dream
Sweet Seeds Gelato
Sweet Seeds Red Strawberry Banana
Fastbuds Mexican Airlines
Fastbuds Blueberry
Fastbuds Rhino Ryder

This will be an organic dry amendment grow. I have a few different things to help the grow. I have some DynoMyco, Recharge, Mammoth P, and I am using Yucca as a wetting agent. I mix my own soil... This run is a 50/50 mix of Coco and happy frog as the base. I add pumice and rice hulls along with worm castings and compost. I may even toss in a little dry fertilizer blend too ..
Thats a nice mix you got there and Mephisto is awesome really can't go wrong with them. Try adding some dry molasses into the soil mixture for carbohydrates. I add one heaping tablespoon to every 5 gallon pot when preparing them. Also, try some Aloe Vera powder I have noticed a difference in overall growth since I began using it.


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Thats a nice mix you got there and Mephisto is awesome really can't go wrong with them. Try adding some dry molasses into the soil mixture for carbohydrates. I add one heaping tablespoon to every 5 gallon pot when preparing them. Also, try some Aloe Vera powder I have noticed a difference in overall growth since I began using it.
I have a 2x4 tent also... I have given thought to trying to run 3-4 more autos in that tent... Maybe 3 of the bigger more sativa dominant strains like Mephisto Hubbabubbasmellascope, & sour orange diesel kush, or maybe a couple of the Dutch Passion strains like critical orange punch and white widow. Or I could do smaller 3 gallon pots and a bunch of them... And run more small strains like sweet seeds original cream mandarin, crystal candy and Mohan Ram.... And Mephisto Sour Crack, 24 Carat, and sour livers... I could probably run 6-8 of these smaller strains in there.
I have a 2x4 tent also... I have given thought to trying to run 3-4 more autos in that tent... Maybe 3 of the bigger more sativa dominant strains like Mephisto Hubbabubbasmellascope, & sour orange diesel kush, or maybe a couple of the Dutch Passion strains like critical orange punch and white widow. Or I could do smaller 3 gallon pots and a bunch of them... And run more small strains like sweet seeds original cream mandarin, crystal candy and Mohan Ram.... And Mephisto Sour Crack, 24 Carat, and sour livers... I could probably run 6-8 of these smaller strains in there.

Yep if you have run them before and know how they grow then that is good to take into consideration. I have a "7 by "2 1/2 and I could fit 8 or 9 Creme De La Chem or 6 Forum Stompers or Sour Stompers. I haven't ran alot from Mephisto just those 3 but the CDLC was always short and squatty but stout. The Stomper strains always went wild and needed support. If you haven't tried Forum Stomper yet give it a shot it was really good strain one of my favorites. CDLC is beautiful and has a really great Earthy flavor and very unique terp profile. From left to right Forum Stomper, Chem Stomper and Creme De La Chem


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Yep if you have run them before and know how they grow then that is good to take into consideration. I have a "7 by "2 1/2 and I could fit 8 or 9 Creme De La Chem or 6 Forum Stompers or Sour Stompers. I haven't ran alot from Mephisto just those 3 but the CDLC was always short and squatty but stout. The Stomper strains always went wild and needed support. If you haven't tried Forum Stomper yet give it a shot it was really good strain one of my favorites. CDLC is beautiful and has a really great Earthy flavor and very unique terp profile. From left to right Forum Stomper, Chem Stomper and Creme De La Chem
Thanks... The grow I am on is only my 2nd auto run indoors. I'm still finding my groove. I'm counting on most of these plants turning out a little smaller because of me... The crystal candy and original cream mandarin I have not run before but Mr Canuck grew them both and they stayed small for him. I don't have the forum stompers but I do have Creme de la Chem, Jammy Dodgers#2, Sour orange diesel kush, super orange haze, strawberry nuggets, 24 Carat, sour crack, sour livers, 4 assed monkey, Hubbabubbasmellascope, Ripley's OG, double grape, 3 bears og, Northern Cheese Haze, and a pile of freebies! That's just the Mephisto stash.
Ah man nice collection! Oh yeah Double Grape is another one I ran twice and got very nice ladies each time and they were both exactly the same. Idk how I forgot about that one it was also one of my favorites. DG is usually sold out too looks like other people have had good experiences with it. I had to go directly through Mephisto and yeah man tons of freebies and some stickers. Way more than I deserved for $150 dollar order they really take care of their customers. If you are going to document this run then I will follow it I have been curious as to the quality of Humboldt Seed Organization they have a few strains I would like to try. Ive ran a few of Humboldt Seed Companies strains but not HSO yet.
Ah man nice collection! Oh yeah Double Grape is another one I ran twice and got very nice ladies each time and they were both exactly the same. Idk how I forgot about that one it was also one of my favorites. DG is usually sold out too looks like other people have had good experiences with it. I had to go directly through Mephisto and yeah man tons of freebies and some stickers. Way more than I deserved for $150 dollar order they really take care of their customers. If you are going to document this run then I will follow it I have been curious as to the quality of Humboldt Seed Organization they have a few strains I would like to try. Ive ran a few of Humboldt Seed Companies strains but not HSO yet.
Yes I am going to document it. Most of the time, you only see the really good runs. People don't like to post runs that are not super success and I think it's important for new growers to see other people struggle. They give up too easily when they get discouraged. They should do like me and just strive to do better each grow. You are making me want to grow the double grape now... I haven't tried it yet. I was trying to have a good selection of breeders and strains. Wanted to have some indica and sativa leaning strains.
Ah man nice collection! Oh yeah Double Grape is another one I ran twice and got very nice ladies each time and they were both exactly the same. Idk how I forgot about that one it was also one of my favorites. DG is usually sold out too looks like other people have had good experiences with it. I had to go directly through Mephisto and yeah man tons of freebies and some stickers. Way more than I deserved for $150 dollar order they really take care of their customers. If you are going to document this run then I will follow it I have been curious as to the quality of Humboldt Seed Organization they have a few strains I would like to try. Ive ran a few of Humboldt Seed Companies strains but not HSO yet.
I have about 45 strains that I really want to run! I'll probably stick to these 9 for now .. then in the summer I might cut back to just doing some in the 2x4. I am actually hoping to sell my 4x4 light and tent and just get another 2x4 setup going. But it's kinda hard to sell grow equipment.
For sure I totally agree with that. I am guilty myself I have runs that I began to document and when I realized they were duds I would stop taking pictures but you have a good point. People should be well advised as to all the possibilities they could encounter. I had to learn the hard way about F1 hybrids. Once I started running strains that had been more stabilized I started getting less mutants, more consistency and just overall better yields. When I was brand new though those F1's sounded amazing until I ran them and realized there is still alot of work to be done to create an actual new strain. It was a great learning experience though because I have been studying how genetics work so I have been learning alot of very interesting information on how new strains are created. I think that people get the best possible results when they properly make seeds in their own environment because the following generations will be genetically acclimated to those conditions. They already know what light, food, temps, etc. they will encounter so they have greater chance of thriving rather than spending energy acclimating themselves to a new environment. If you want to look more into that it is called Epigenetic memory its very interesting stuff.
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For sure I totally agree with that. I am guilty myself I have runs that I began to document and when I realized they were duds I would stop taking pictures but you have a good point. People should be well advised as to all the possibilities they could encounter. I had to learn the hard way about F1 hybrids. Once I started running strains that had been more stabilized I started getting less mutants, more consistency and just overall better yields. When I was brand new though those F1's sounded amazing until I ran them and realized there is still alot of work to be done to create an actual new strain. It was a great learning experience though because I have been studying how genetics work so I have been learning alot of very interesting information on how new strains are created. I think that people get the best possible results when they properly make seeds in their own environment because the following generations will be genetically acclimated to those conditions. They already know what light, food, temps, etc. they will encounter so they have greater chance of thriving rather than spending energy acclimating themselves to a new environment. If you want to look more into that it is called Epigenetic memory its very interesting stuff.
I didn't really think about that with plants but it is that way with tropical fish... For example guppies. If I have guppies and give some to you, they will have to get used to your water conditions. But their babies will have a much easier time acclimating. And the next generation will be almost bulletproof.
That's where I want to get the ladies, bulletproof. I tell you what though Mephisto sure is nice. Making me want to get a quick run in while these others veg. I have some Sour Bubbly/N. Cheese Haze I haven't popped yet sounds pretty nice. Some Sour Stomper too. The Sour Stomper gave me one type that had a rancid garlic and onion smell it was alot like GMO but different and of course, super easy to grow. Have you heard of or tried Night Owl yet? The guy who started it used to work for Mephisto so he has alot of their genetics too, I hear they have some really good stuff too.
That's where I want to get the ladies, bulletproof. I tell you what though Mephisto sure is nice. Making me want to get a quick run in while these others veg. I have some Sour Bubbly/N. Cheese Haze I haven't popped yet sounds pretty nice. Some Sour Stomper too. The Sour Stomper gave me one type that had a rancid garlic and onion smell it was alot like GMO but different and of course, super easy to grow. Have you heard of or tried Night Owl yet? The guy who started it used to work for Mephisto so he has alot of their genetics too, I hear they have some really good stuff too.
I have heard of night owl... I have a 4 pack of foot cheese that is from them. I haven't tried growing their gear yet. I hear it is good but I hear it is also new... So a lot of f1 crosses that aren't as stable as the Mephisto stuff. For me I haven't bought a lot yet mostly because their seeds tend to run just a little more expensive than Mephisto, sweet seeds, and a few other breeders. Also they are alhardernto find, probably because he is new and still doesn't have the production capacity of the larger breeders yet. I'm hoping in time his capacity improves and allows his prices to come down just a little. Or his 4 packs turn to 5 packs and stay the same price.
So I am open to suggestions... I don't have to stick to these strains. I know id like a good mix of sativa and indica strains... It can be indica heavy as long as there are a couple sativa's in there. I am pretty dead set on the Blue Dream & Bubba Kush from HSO. Also the Gelato and Red Strawberry Banana from Sweet Seeds. And the Rhino Ryder. But other than that I could be talked into another strain for the last 4 strains. Also I haven't used the earthboxes before... I have see guys get great results. I worry that if they do really well, and I do 9 plants, I won't have room for the last 3 plants..