Mescaline and tma2


Well-Known Member
At 9 o'clock I was on my way home ready to dose some mescaline. I was planning on waiting until 2pm the next day to dose, so I took a couple cuttings I had (about 1 foot of a really thick cut, and 7-8 inches of a more slender cut. I tried to blend it in a coffee grinder but ended up shocking myself a few times so stopped. I decided to chop it into smallish pieces and buy a blender in the morning. I put the cactus in a crock pot set on high and added 1 qt of water, also adding about 25 g b caapi. 9 hours later, around 9am I bought a blender and began blending the cactus, adding some pineapple chunks. Unfortunately the b caapi wasn't small enough and caused the blender to start smoking. I took the caapi out and blended again and then it started shooting sparks. Bad idea. So I stopped blending and took all my cactus juice and put it on the stove on low heat, until 2.
I then turned the heat up just a little and boiled it down to just about 2 shots of juice. Time for the fun to begin.

I rolled a blunt (had been smoking for a while) got a bottle of lime juice (next time will have to pick a different flavor did not go well together)

This time ladies and gentlemen I finished the brew with no problem.

I was set. Third attempt at mescaline. All of it was in me, and the tma2 I dosed at the beginning was kicking in.
30 minutes later-

There is something wrong with my stomach. The room is rippling. Like the entire surface of everything was made of a water which blew in the breeze. My stomach was flip flopping. I smoked more (probably smoked a blunt (1-1.5 grams every half hour) I was incredibly nauseous though. Shit maybe I won't finish my dose with no problem!

I had a trash bag waiting for the moment, but I was not prepared to purge so soon! I was really sad. All of my planning was going to go to waste. I spent 3 days fasting and cleansing my energy (6 am to 8pm fast each day) and now I was about to lose it all in the trash. I prepared the trash bag, then had a thought.

I spent so much time and effort the cactus spent time growing. There was one last trick up my sleeve.

The recycled dose
I reached out and grabbed a clean new bag instead of the half full one. Launched about half a qt of dark brown green juice in it... And then went into the kitchen and cooked it down again. I was beginning to trip harder and harder as time progressed. I turned the heat up a bit much but I was in a hurry to dose. If im starting to launch one I need to get this now. I now had about 3 quick swallows in the pan. Poured it in the my chaser.and drank it! I paid no attention to the taste I know it was bad but I want about to lose it this time.
As I finished I sat down and watched the carpet split in half. One half stayed on the floor slowly ebbing like waves. The other half floated up towards the ceiling with strange patterns and symbols faintly but stronger pulsating. The cacti I had left in the room grew and flowered really beautiful pink and blue and white flowers. When I closed my eyes I saw symbols and writing and lots of plant like things.

I felt amazing after about half an hour the sour in my stomach diminished and began to stop feeling bad instead feeling good. I was finding Youtube videos to listen to, sticking mainly with dubstep and electronic dance. I couldn't stop dancing or moving. There was a big smile on my face nothing could go wrong because I was high on mescaline (and a little tma2) and it just felt amazing. I felt a wonderful swell of chemical pleasure in my brain and body, later describing the feeling to my friend as having my brain fingered by God and a full body orgasm for hours. I don't know how I never managed to get that kind of trip on mescaline (perhaps the tma2 helped a lot) but I knee I had gotten a really strong dose.

There were incredible colors, at one point for maybe half an hour I was watching blue and white bubbles rise up to the ceiling and swirl around the room. I also began seeing bright glowing boxes that looked like dice floating around. Eventually they popped open and little elves came around the room and played around creating beautiful trinkets out of silver and gold stars.

I saw a few giant pink horse looking things come into my room and rainbow shimmers appear in the background. I was in awe I felt so good so happy and so loved. I danced for joy and happiness and love, without even leaving my bed! I realized I was watching myself project out with the elves and horses and other magical happy beings and share in their joy! There were so many flakes coming from the ceiling and ripples it was hard to physically move so I just stayed in one spot smoking weed every once in a while.

At around 5 am it seemed like everything moved underwater. It was calm and warm dark waters and full of life and bright green kelp looking stuff, extremely vivid and kind of abstract visuals! I meditated for a few more hours, thinking to myself I really want to get up and do something today but I wasn't sure Id be alert enough as I had been tripping very hard for 14 hours.

Around 2am I texted my friend a whole bunch, I really wanted someone to talk to but she was asleep and so was nearly everyone else (I also spammed the hell out of the chatroom I belong to (psychedelics whaaat and no one wants to talk to me? All in all I probably sent like 100 unanswered messages. Next time someone take my phone please or someone talk to me damn it (hindsight syzergicsoul I forgot about you entirely you would have been awesome and Id probably remember more) the times people were around they were probably wondering why I was so talkative!

Around 6 my friend texted me back to tell me to go to sleep and then she woke up at 10 so I finally had someone to talk to. We made lunch plans for when I felt good enough to drive, which at 10 am was not looking good (whole road still rippling really hard patterns coming out of wood grain and stuff and lights on the grass. Around noon the visuals stopped but I still felt absofuckinglutely fantastic. My powerlevel was totally above 9000 from 3ish (when I dosed) to probably around. 6pm. I spent the day running errands and got lunch. Talked to my tattoo artist, it always seems when I talk to him after tripping its easier to figure out trippy ideas for ink, and while not tripping visually after about 11, I still had about 4-5 hours of feeling really good from the afterglow and tma2 which lasts a little longer than 12 hours usually.

We decided on some badass designs and after running all the errands for the day I dropped my friend off and we smoked a little weed. I felt like I was sinking into the couch cause at that point I was so exhausted like Id been running hard all day, but with my friend I never feel bad so I was feeling the positive vibes she has for me and relaxing my brain, then I drove to my knee house smoked more weed and passed out, about 20 minutes after getting there. I had an amazing night sleep with such a positive glow.

I really want to do it again tomorrow yes I do. I feel that this trip was actually w bit stronger than a lot of lsd trips ive had and I have dosed higher on mescaline. So what the Wtf have I missed out on? This was probably the absolute greatest I have ever felt on any drug. Ever. Im in love right now I can't help but feel bliss and sheer ecstasy for mescaline. I seriously want to do it today guys come here and lets cook some tea!