Metal Halide....


Active Member
Does anyone on here flower with them???if so,hows your results?I have a 400 watter and dont really have the extra green for a conversion bulb....


Active Member
appreciate it man,i wonder though how much different in yield though without a hps bulb???or would it really make up the difference to buy it,its like 70$


Well-Known Member
It's quite a difference. MH doesn't have strong red radiance. You could throw in some 2700k/Warm White CFLs to help boost yield and quality.

But the HPS would probably be better.


Also prune the lower half of your plant as often as possible. This way the nutes/lights go to the colas.


Well-Known Member
MH has much more UV than most other lamps. This is great for trichrome production. While your buds won't be as big or as dense as they would with HPS, they will be the stickiest of the icky(higher quality smoke).


Well-Known Member
MH has much more UV than most other lamps.
You obviously know more than I do...:eyesmoke:

This is great for trichrome production.
I can buy that...

While your buds won't be as big or as dense as they would with HPS, they will be the stickiest of the icky(higher quality smoke).
Now here I disagree with you, based on my grow...

Same strain, same res, diff light, I notice more leaf under the MH, but the buds are just as big and just as dense...

I swear to you... you may not believe me, but I have it here, side by side for several harvests now...

My MH produces just as much of the same density and size nugs as my HPS...


Well-Known Member
Which may tell you I am not getting full potential out of my HPS... and I know I have more to learn and better...

But I am still getting at least 1g/w...