Metal Heads Unite

Anything rougher than Priest is a little too much for me. Im more into the 80's hair metals bands. Play a Jackson JS32 and just picked some Seymour Duncan pickups but haven't installed them yet.

A buddy at work got me into Opeth in around 2005 and I've just gotten heavier since. Still love all the classic stuff too of course. Which Duncan's? I still have my early 90's 16.8K Duncan Custom SH5 (DCJ) in my LP.
Only took 40 fucking years for Metal to get some respect.

You beat me to it. I just found it and was going to post.

They were inducted awhile ago but there was no performance due to covid.

I never thought I'd see them all on the same stage again. I feel sorry for Glenn though as his capacities are so diminished. :(

But he's there and that's all that matters.

This band was such a big part of my life back in the day and it still is today.

Awesome is all I can say.
Damn! Rob must be hitting the geritol hard

He's a beast. Despite the hype many of these old bangers were not doing a bunch of drugs. The ones like Halford and others stayed pretty sober. Same thing with most of those that are still around like Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley of Kiss, most of Iron Maiden. The first Iron Maiden singer was kicked out of the band for drug use.