Well-Known Member
Perhaps the shadow people made dna,and they are checking up on their fish see shadow people?...ok...I'm sorry,I'm trying to be a
Ive seen zeitgeist several times....I like the part when it explains the monetary systemOh..wanted to leave this "zeitgeist"..its a good movie..part 2 not as centered on the issue as the 1st.
Oh..wanted to leave this "zeitgeist"..its a good movie..part 2 not as centered on the issue as the 1st.
Theyre there ive seen them and felt them...I dont fuck around like that anymore stayin hi for days n tweekin out but when I did they came out usually after day two...theyd tug at my shirt from each other around the room thru walls and ceilings..peek at me from behind trees n houses n happened so much I researched it n found it was a common phenomenon....lots of other things happened that seemed supernatural during these binges...hearing things seeing things..seeing subliminal mssgs in the television is what did it for me n made me think it possible that u can twist ur mind so much w drugs that it allows u to access parts of ur brain u normally cant use allowing u to see the spirit world...I know it sounds crazy but idk how else to explain some things ive seen....opinions?...experiences? like to hear
If u think the zeitgeist is interesting ull love "the theory of everything"....I cant believe ive suggested u watch it several times n u stil havent...zeitgeist is little boy stuff compared to "the theory of everything"
I never done meth but I used to freebase back before they started calling it crack. Yep stayed up for days on that shit & freaked out all the time thinking people are trying to get in the house. One time an owl screeched outside in the backyard & my roomie & I totally wigged thinking it was aliens coming or something. I have caught glimpses of the "shadow people" too and thought maybe it was spirits haunting me for my misdeeds when really it was just paranoid delusion. I have been startled by noises I'm not sure were even there and pushed my blood pressure so skyhigh my own heartbeat was deafening....don't smoke is whack. The healing herb keeps me on the path to enlightenment these dayz but I never forget my old demons.
Sooo I have absolutely no idea why I clicked on this thread. I have never done meth, crack, cocaine, or any really hard substance. Although reading this thread there is one thing that sticks out, and it's the word "Shadow people"
I know this is going to sound crazy, but I was NOT high this day or on anything to be honest. I was in my room, dark as night, with a TV facing me and me in my bed. The room is pitch black can't see a thing besides what is in front of the T.v. Now my Bed and T.v are like this =D (Tv being the "D" bed being "=") so if you can imagine that basically not being able to see anything behind the tv only what is in front of me which is basically my body and blankets. Regardless I was trying to fall asleep at the time not really paying attention to the T.v when I had that sixth sense of someone watching me (Everyone has this type of sense, when you can literally feel someone staring at you) well I opened my eyes and I saw a "Shadow" person. The only thing I could see was their outline of a body behind the T.v, remember its pitch black & that's the scary part. I was able to see a black shadowy figure in a pitch black room. It literally was staring at me and I was staring back in pure sock I didn't move, talk, even flinch. Staring at each other directly for about a minute its head tilted not that I could see the head but the outline of it moved after that I blinked really hard it had gone away and I still couldnt move for about a minute after then I got up turned on the lights and stood up and finally passed out like 20 hours later from sleep deprivation.
Scary fucking night, I still sleep in the same apartment, I haven't seen him sense. I honestly don't know what to think I've told a few people and they think it was a ghost or demon that probably was going to haunt me that night but I was lucky I was awake.
Anyway figured I'd share that since I ended up here somehow.
Again I didn't do drugs that night and I dont do meth or crack so cant say it was that.