meth and shadow ppl...have u seen them...what are they?...experiences

Bats. Big evil bats emerging from trap doors in the freeway when I was doing 85 on my way from Seattle to San Diego.

Every so often they would manage to get through the windshield and into my shirt.

It was all I could do to keep from swatting them. It seemed real important at the time to keep both of my hands on the steering wheel.

Now. When I drive quite sober and clean, I sometimes imagine that every driver around me, while we are all speeding in tight Los Angeles formations, are struggling with those same phantom gray flying rats.
Shadow people are real. I was strung out in Seattle for a couple years long ago. Was getting ounces of straight shards for $800 a pop. Staying up 7-8 days in a row and straight tripping! I seen the shadow people. They are in the trees. Thousands if not millions of them, frothing around.

Once I was in park on Capital Hill in downtown Seattle. I was sitting under a tree watching them closely for hours. Then I noticed a women walking a dog near by and that the dog could see them too! One fell from the tree, the dog grabbed it and took off running with the damn shadow thingy in its mouth! I was going crazy watching. True story, my hand on the Bible. Them fuckers are real I tell ya.

Oh and I dont mess with the crap anymore been clean since 09..only the ganja and the coffee for an old man now... (funny havnt seen a shadow person since then either...hmmm)
Bats. Big evil bats emerging from trap doors in the freeway when I was doing 85 on my way from Seattle to San Diego.

Every so often they would manage to get through the windshield and into my shirt.

It was all I could do to keep from swatting them. It seemed real important at the time to keep both of my hands on the steering wheel.

Now. When I drive quite sober and clean, I sometimes imagine that every driver around me, while we are all speeding in tight Los Angeles formations, are struggling with those same phantom gray flying rats.

you don't need to imagine; that's because they are- have you ever been to DMV?