meth help?


Active Member
we just found out that my half sister is on crystal meth from her ex-husband. she came to his house and asked for help because her boyfriend had been beating her. he called my mom who lives in texas(they live in hawaii) and she is flipped out telling her to go to a rehab place. I keep telling her to get her out to our house(I just graduated) so she can get help, but my mom thinks she needs to stay on the island untill she goes to rehab. the only problem is her ex husband and son cannot get her to go to a rehab center or doctor. and every time she tries to go there she runs off with a friend to get high.
everyone on the island is mad at her bacause she turned her boyfriend in at the hospital when he beat her really bad.
she wants to come to texas but doesnt want to be told she needs help.
what should I do?
please help me?
My opinion is she needs to get far away from any guy that beats her.Meth is the devil, she needs to leave that shit alone !!! Good Luck
It sounds like it's got her, bad. I really wish I had some encouraging words for you on that. She will never get help, and any help forced on her is wasted, until SHE gets tired enough of the shit to change it HERSELF. I know you love her dearly, and I am very sorry that you're having to go through this.

My own experience with it was that for me it wasn't hard to get "off" it at all. I could feel it killing my body, it FELT like I was taking poison. So, add that to a non-addictive personality and I just quit (never used that much in the first place). But I've known a LOT of people who got hooked, bad. I won't go into the details of what happened in and with their lives, but will just reiterate my point, which is that it won't change until she makes it change. You can never change anyone except yourself.
well the number one thing about an addict (as a former addict myself, but never to meth which can be much worse) is that you cant help someone that doesnt want help. the best thing you can do is really be a positive role model. if she comes to texas just be a friend. ask her about her addiction. why she started? why she does it? ask if she sees the bad sides to meth? just really get into a heart to heart (without bringing up rehab at first) and try and let her know that you're there for her if she needs to talk.

after that maybe on another heart to heart you could begin talking about it again just casually and then say "if you see the negative effects how come you dont want to consider rehab. if you want I'll go to some NA meetings with you. just wanted to let you know Im willing to go with you whenever I can."

typically if you throw out that youll go to meetings with the person they are more willing to attend them. they feel less intimidated and scared by the entire thing.

eventually if she can stay sober long enough she'll start to realize she does need help and eventually she will ask for it.

either way get her away from that guy!! far away!
i was a 6 year intravenous meth user and i can tell you from experience that you cannot force her to go to rehab she will just come out and get high again i hate to break the news to you but the ONLY!! way she will stop s when SHE!! is ready i know it sucks for you guys but you wont do anything good by trying to force her to quit you will only push her away

on a side note if she does decide to quit NA is a cult thaty will tell her not to smoke weed and weed will help her quit more than anything

that sucks that your sister or whoever yoiu said is on meth but seriously there isnt anything you can do
yeah, from what I've seen on TV, meth is pretty bad out there. I used to watch Dog the bounty hunter, and 99% of the people he dealt with were in the sling because of meth. If you ever watch a cop show in Hawaii, they're always dealin' with something because of meth. I know TV can distort reality, but if that's just what we see, it's probably much, much worse. She needs to get the hell up out of there
yeah ive always heard hawai was full of ice but i still dont think leaving the island will help there isnt anywhere you can go in the US and not get meth easy they even have it in new york now

plus it would take a bunch of money tro move out of hawaii and what do you think a tweakere is gonna do with that money lol

the samwe thing i did when i tried to "move away" from meth buy a bunch of meth and go on a road trip lol
thanks for all the kind words..

she has in the past said she needs/wants help but she keeps returning to it since she is addicted. She said she wants to come visit us for a month, but now shes (in a matter of hours) back in her boyfriends house.
She wants help badly(if she didn't we never would've known she did meth) but she keeps going back and my mom keeps stalling getting her a plane ticket.
Would she be okay for a 9 hour flight and what should I do when she gets here?
thanks for all the kind words..

she has in the past said she needs/wants help but she keeps returning to it since she is addicted. She said she wants to come visit us for a month, but now shes (in a matter of hours) back in her boyfriends house.
She wants help badly(if she didn't we never would've known she did meth) but she keeps going back and my mom keeps stalling getting her a plane ticket.
Would she be okay for a 9 hour flight and what should I do when she gets here?

a 9 hour flight would be tough. she'd probably be pretty sick when she got off and since meth wont necessarily make it through the airport theres not really a way that she can get a fix on her way there. she might want to see a doctor and get something to help with the plane ride first. Im sure they can prescribe something. she just needs to go in saying "im getting help for meth addiction but i have to take a 9 hour plane ride to get there. is there anything i can take to help with the sickness till i arrive at my destination?" they wont call the cops or anything!
Its not like you get sick like with heroin, and it wouldnt be that hard to get it on a plane and snort some on the plane, if thats really what she had to do...even at my worse point I could take a day or two off..mostly cause I needed sleep
just get her to come to where you are, if she comes then she wo't be able to get meth because she wont know anyone to get it from... i mean short of walking around in the getto and asking random dudes.

pluss have the brother around for moral dupport is good too.
What people have said about not being able to help someone unless they want to help themselves is true. Treatment wont do it. AA or NA or church or psychologists won't either. I went to half a dozen treatment centers and didn't get clean. Sure, I wanted to quit, but that wasn't enough. When I stopped using meth it was because something changed inside me, something that I really didnt have much control over. Once I had experienced enough bad shit, it finally clicked and I haven't looked back. And for me it took a lot of tough shit. Homelesness, destroyed family, lost friends, prison. All of these things and I continued to use meth. But these things add up and eventually an addict will get to the breaking point, unless they die first.
a 9 hour flight would be tough. she'd probably be pretty sick when she got off and since meth wont necessarily make it through the airport theres not really a way that she can get a fix on her way there. she might want to see a doctor and get something to help with the plane ride first. Im sure they can prescribe something. she just needs to go in saying "im getting help for meth addiction but i have to take a 9 hour plane ride to get there. is there anything i can take to help with the sickness till i arrive at my destination?" they wont call the cops or anything!

thats the only problem were having, every time we get her to go to a doctor she gets scared and goes home.
What people have said about not being able to help someone unless they want to help themselves is true. Treatment wont do it. AA or NA or church or psychologists won't either. I went to half a dozen treatment centers and didn't get clean. Sure, I wanted to quit, but that wasn't enough. When I stopped using meth it was because something changed inside me, something that I really didnt have much control over. Once I had experienced enough bad shit, it finally clicked and I haven't looked back. And for me it took a lot of tough shit. Homelesness, destroyed family, lost friends, prison. All of these things and I continued to use meth. But these things add up and eventually an addict will get to the breaking point, unless they die first.

this is exactly right if and its a big if she will quit something will just snap in her one day after loads of shit pile on her and she will just fucking stop the few and i mean few people who have successfully quit meth for years have all been the same as me and this guy one day she wakes up and is like ya know what fuck this

and as far as being ok on a plane first off she will have meth no tweaker is beyond putting a sack in thier snatch or asshole if thats all they have to bring it on the plane with them and there is no physical addiction to meth only mental so she woulld be driving herself crazy in her head wanting it but she wouldnt actually be sick vomitting and shitting and fever likei am coming off opiates right now ;(

but so far i been off opiates for like a week now which i havent done in oh say 3-4 years :hump: