

Well-Known Member
yeah id rather fuck with some white girl its way better than meth but the high does last longer n from the lil bit i did it didnt really have the urge to redose like coke had

And that's the catch from all the tweekers I have talked to.....they prefer it over coke/crack cause its way more bang for the buck.


Well-Known Member
Have you robbed your neighbors, or held up a convenience store while buck naked yet?

(sorry had too)


Well-Known Member
What the fuck?? My hoes got arrested!? Fuck! Now how am I getting those new gators?...*accepting applications for escort services..must be available weeekends*


Well-Known Member
im only 32 fucking young are you kids on here? Jeezus you never seen Blazing Saddles? I am offended... this meth thread should get negative stars


Well-Known Member
lol the mel brooks movie yeah ive seen but i was just high outta my gord

aint that the part where the black dude get stuck in the quick sant wit that train thing and they save the train thing and leave the black guy


Well-Known Member
Hate racisim but that is a funny django and do a dab everytime the n work is spoke or the work fuck!!..can't do it..


Well-Known Member
I've cleaned up some meth houses. Some of the most disgusting shit I've come across was left by tweekers. We had a big epidemic here in trailer town. Near as I can tell most of the tweekers have died off now so it's not as bad as it was. Now we got the heroin addicts. I think I like them better than the tweekers. They seem to be pretty quiet in comparison. Fucking tweekers make noise and do wierd shit. Junkies just sleep. Rather have junkies two trailers down than tweekers any day. Tweekers don't fucking sleep.