mexican dirt weed seeds

I know shit weed isnt grown, whoever said it was right, its because some turn hermie and sometimes the growers dont get all the males out at the right time. That is an obvious, but how can you say that a random bagseed bud is going to be just as good as a #1 cannabis cup winner?

You have no idea. I have a close friend who is a cannabis cup winner and he just GAVE it a random name. It was actually grown from some unknown bagseed. I know because I was there while he grew it, while the pictures were taken and when the pictures were featured in Cannabis Culture Magazine. The seed co. industry is a rip off. Anybody can take some random seeds and call them something special and sell them. People will buy them without question and in most cases be happy with the results.
Cool, a contest is on the way then... That'll be fun!

It's at least a month off though, can't afford seeds or anything at the moment.

Do you have pics up of your bagseed finished? I'd like to peek at what you are working with. You may have just randomly gotten a kick ass strain, but I'm curious to see how frosty it is with trichomes.
Cool, a contest is on the way then... That'll be fun!

It's at least a month off though, can't afford seeds or anything at the moment.

Do you have pics up of your bagseed finished? I'd like to peek at what you are working with. You may have just randomly gotten a kick ass strain, but I'm curious to see how frosty it is with trichomes.

I didn't take pictures of my last grow... and my current plants (32 SEEDLINGS IN MY SHED) are just babies. They are just getting over nute burn because after germination, I mistakenly potted them into a nuted soil. Once I realized what I had done, I re-potted them into a nutrient free soil. Once they get over their shock from nute burn, I will begin taking photos.

Sorry guys for sorta jacking your thread.

You can get a cannibas cup winner from anywhere. Random bagseed that's just a magic lucky bean or a clone only random plant that's just crazy good but the odds are against you.

Either way to the op and others it's certainly better to grow something than nothing, and no matter what lights or beans you have by all means just go and grow grow grow.
I have a random bagseed growing right now, today "she" turned 10 days old. And I have to say, out of all the bagseeds I have started and seen my friends start this ones leaves are huge. It has its 3rd true leaves in and the 4th are already peaking out about 4cm. And it already has the little leaves that form on the inner nodes. It looks like it is maturing so quickly. I dont think it is a autoflowering It is just a random good bagseed that turnes out to have good genitics so far. Its all about genetics.
I have a random bagseed growing right now, today "she" turned 10 days old. And I have to say, out of all the bagseeds I have started and seen my friends start this ones leaves are huge. It has its 3rd true leaves in and the 4th are already peaking out about 4cm. And it already has the little leaves that form on the inner nodes. It looks like it is maturing so quickly. I dont think it is a autoflowering It is just a random good bagseed that turnes out to have good genitics so far. Its all about genetics.

lets see some pics!
lets see some pics!

i have been taking pictures. I got pics from yesterday and today. I will be taking pics from here on. But I wont be able to put the pics up for a few days b/c I dont have the usb plug for my cam or the adapter for the memory card. My friend has one at his dads house, so as soon as I post them up I will let you know. Thats also when I will start my journal lol. bongsmilie:peace:
i have been taking pictures. I got pics from yesterday and today. I will be taking pics from here on. But I wont be able to put the pics up for a few days b/c I dont have the usb plug for my cam or the adapter for the memory card. My friend has one at his dads house, so as soon as I post them up I will let you know. Thats also when I will start my journal lol. bongsmilie:peace:

cool beans, i cant wait to see
so ive kept my lights on 24 hours a day and now on day 14 i have 4 nodes and my plants are super compact only about 4 inches tall, i have the aerogarden deluxe with the extra tall lights, when should i flower and how should i keep, i have 6 right now i know i hve to get rid of at least 2 more :-( thanks for the help
I'm glad you agree with some of my points... but you're wrong about shwag being mostly hermie. Those guys down there in Mexico know what they're dong when it comes to growing. All of the handling stages AFTERWARDS are a different story. Growing acres of hermies will not make the money they're after. Shit weed is seeded because they don't get all of the males out in time... and because theres just too many plants to go through to separate every single male. Also, they need males to be present so that they have seeds for the next crop. I'm sure SOME of their plants are gonna be hermies... but they haven't allowed their genetics to dictate that hermies are the majority.

You don't think those Mexican growers ever get their hands on seeds that are from other special strains of weed? You don't think they take those seeds and throw em out there in their crop and just have a huge mixture of strains going on out there? I think ALL weed strains are potent and capable of yielding nice big buds.

I don't buy seeds from seed companies. Why? Because its a waste of money and an unworthy risk. My grows are ALL of seeds I get from my bags (which I purchase from my dealer). I've always had fat colas and Trichome laden buds. I've seen close up pictures of buds from all over and NONE of them had any more Trichomes than the bagseed I've grown (and I've used bagseed from many different sources). Also, the colas and buds I've grown (from commercial bagseed mind you) have always been just as large as any I've seen in pictures of these "great" strains sold by seed companies.

Like I always say "you can't blame it on the strain". There aren't strains that are of a low potency and there aren't strains that inherently have small buds. The Mexican growers sure as hell don't continue to grow plants from genetics that will be of small yields and low potency.... but they ARE hasty in their drying/curing process because they're anxious to hurry up and get their product to the buyers and they compact it into bricks in order to get large amounts of it into America and other places where it must be smuggled. Thats why its SHIT when it gets to us.

Bottom line: I don't think there are any strains of weed in existence that are of low quality. There aren't strains that produce small colas... and there aren't strains that are significantly less potent than others. Why would someone use up acres of land to grow impotent, small yielding weed? They don't... they grow GOOD weed... and the dry it quickly and then compress it into bricks (which damages the Trichomes).

I'll let you all in on another tid bit of information. The BAGSEED I grow is grown under FLUORESCENT tubes. I don't use MH or HPS lights. I don't even use CFLs. How is it that I can take seeds from my bags (which is medium quality weed), grow them under Fluorescent tubes ONLY) and STILL have large colas and lots of Trichomes? I'll tell you how. Its because you don't need to buy seeds online or through magazines and you don't have to use MH or HPS lights. A lot of growers just BELIEVE that this is the way you need to do it in order to get big buds with lots of Trichomes. They're wrong. They are wasting their money on seeds, buying MH and HPS lights (which are expensive), and the electricity to run them. I think a lot of growers need to stop trying so hard and quit being so meticulous about growing. Just give your plants what they want... and they will do what they have evolved to do.

Here in Florida, I can either buy commercial weed (which is fairly green and gets us very high) for $40 a quarter... or we can buy "dro" for $100 a quarter ...which is of the perfect texture, is covered in crystals, tastes fantastic and gets you as high as you've ever been. I've learned that "dro" doesn't have to be grown hydroponically under MH or HPS lights to be high quality. The reason why I'm so sure is because the weed I grow is JUST AS GOOD... and I grow in SOIL under fluorescent tubes.

At harvest time, I dry and cure it properly... and then I package it LOOSELY (not compacted). The weed I grow is almost completely consumed by ME... but occasionally I sell a bag here and there to close friends and I call it "dro" when I sell it to them for $100 a quarter. Nobody has ever disputed it being "dro". They've always told me that it was excellent and then asked for more.

I hope I've straightened things out for the new growers on this site... so they can finally grow weed at a minimal cost. Save seeds from your bags. Don't buy seeds online or through magazines... and don't spend hundreds of dollars on MH or HPS lights. Just give your plants a sufficient amount of light, the proper nutrients and a good soil... and you will have some of the most high quality weed that you've ever smoked.

Thank you, Mexicans... for sending me free seeds.


I'm going to put the link to this post in my sig so that it may help other growers in the future. I'm going to include the best tips I can give in a numerical order.

1. Save your bagseeds. Don't buy seeds from seed companies unless you want a specific flavor (like Tangerine which tastes exactly like Tangerines or some other flavorful strain). Even then, you need to seriously think about whether you're willing to associate your identity with buying seeds. Would you like to run the risk of a seed company's records being seized and the feds tracing purchases to you?

2. Don't run with the herd. You don't need Metal Halide or High Pressure Sodium lights to grow a lot of good bud. Fluorescent tubes will due just fine and they are MUCH cheaper.

3. Make sure that you plant your seedlings in a nutrient free soil. There are 2 reasons for this. Soil with nutrients will burn and kill seedlings. Also, you will be able to add nutrients at will.

4. Let the soil dry out before you apply water. Over watering is a common mistake. Water your plants... and then wait until the soil is dry 2-3 inches deep.

5. During the vegetative stage, let your lights stay on 24/0. Plants love light and they (contrary to what others might say) don't need "rest". During veg, they need all the light they can get. If you do this, your plants will be short and wide... and they will be ready for flowering a lot quicker.

6. Top your plants. My method of topping is waiting until your plant is about a foot tall and then pinching off the newest leaves at their base. If you do this every now and then, you will create 2 colas where there would be 1.

7. During the vegetative cycle, give your plants a vegging nutrient formula. A good nutrient formula for vegging is high in Nitrogen (which is the nutrient used by plants for leaf growth) and lower in Phosphorus and Potassium. For vegging, I use Miracle Grow All Purpose (24-8-6).

8. During flowering, give your plants a nutrient high in Phosphorus. Phosphorus (which is used by plants for flower growth). I use Miracle Grow Bloom Booster (15-30-15).

9. Let your plants get at least 2 feet tall before flowering. When you're ready to flower, reduce the light cycle to 12/12 (which is 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark).

10. Use a fan to blow on your plants. They need a fan for 2 reasons. One reason is to reduce the heat in the area. The second reason (and the most important reason) is because wind strengthens the stems. The thicker/stronger the stem, the bigger the buds.

11. Wait until 75% of the bud hairs are brown before harvesting. Also, wait until at least SOME of the Trichomes are amber. If you follow that advice, you'll get the best (most balanced) high. This way, you'll get a buzz that you'll feel in your body and in your mind.

12. Dry your harvest properly. Don't throw it in the microwave (like your friends might suggest). Hang them up in a dark, well ventilated, cool area until they feel dry on the outside.

13. Cure your buds after drying. This is an extension of the drying process and will make your weed taste delicious. Place the buds in air tight jars and open each jar every day to let dry air in. Move the buds around so that they all get some fresh air. Do this for a few weeks. Once the buds feel like they are just as moist on the outside as they are on the inside. Remember not to pack them down in the jar. Packing them will damage the Trichomes. Now they are ready to store and smoke.

14. Store your finished product in air tight bags... and DO NOT compact them.

15. Don't try too hard. Don't spend hundreds of dollars on Mh/HPS lights... or hydroponic systems. Don't be so meticulous about what brand of soil/nutrients/light proportions. Plants are happy as long as they get what they need. They have grown successfully in the wild for millions of years... and they didn't need babying.

16. If you can grow outside rather than inside, do it. No light compares to sunlight. Your yield will be much better.


Those are my basic tips. (in general) if you follow these tips, you will spend the least amount of money and yield the best results. You'll also run into little or no nutrient problems.

Now from learning about how feminized plants and how they are created, are all hermies putting out fem seeds, because my grow has 1 bag seed plant and a sour d plant that I cloned, now all are flowering, no seeds so far but I'm worried about the quality of my smoke I'm thinking they are almost 4 or 5 weeks, they don't smell too much. (unless you break a leaf or stem) but all the seed I tried were female ( seven seeds germinated and grown to show sex). 4 died but they all showed fem sex parts, I'm just wondering what others thougth of this
Now from learning about how feminized plants and how they are created, are all hermies putting out fem seeds, because my grow has 1 bag seed plant and a sour d plant that I cloned, now all are flowering, no seeds so far but I'm worried about the quality of my smoke I'm thinking they are almost 4 or 5 weeks, they don't smell too much. (unless you break a leaf or stem) but all the seed I tried were female ( seven seeds germinated and grown to show sex). 4 died but they all showed fem sex parts, I'm just wondering what others thougth of this

*ALSO, sorry I didn't see the date on this post if you reply. my bad, I googled this topic and I was a member of roll it up so I figured I would reply with my questions, sorry again and thnx
I cant believe what I just read...

I have grown thousands of pounds of hundreds of strains and there is a HUGE difference between yield, effect, quality, potency, etc.

What did I even just read?
I cant believe what I just read...

I have grown thousands of pounds of hundreds of strains and there is a HUGE difference between yield, effect, quality, potency, etc.

What did I even just read?

So. This is my first grow, please no judgment (thought I can take advice). I just need some help
You sure about that?
I was kinda hoping to see the contest go through, lol it would have been interesting. Now they can argue about LEDs with it also... man I miss the simpler times

And this doesn't include my pictures from blasting, and is only 1 small sample of my pictures.

I have literally thousands of these.

Anyway, to get back to the discussion, I have detailed spreadsheets detailing different strains by yield and potency through hundreds of runs in similar conditions. There is a marked difference by strain. In fact, dictating strains was one of the ways we helped increase overall yield per month. Tracking yields and potency through lab testing over time allowed us to maximaze potential by choosing better strains through trial and error.


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