Michigan Forum Mod ?

We need to ALL pM rollie and/or sunni and petition for this......

I will after work tonite-

Come back stump........

Send pMs.......to both!
Stump........heres a 'bump'

I sent to the high holy zu zus-

We shall see if they reply-:eyesmoke:

Sent from the 10tHD using my my interstellar fone-

To: rollitup

Greetings and salutations to your high holies-:eyesmoke:

We at the michigan forum are wondering if you could 'unbann' some previous member(s)that have had long absences and severe sentences-(bloody trichomes?)

We feel collectively as a group that a certain member >>'stumpjumper' could possibly be restored to posting privledges....

Please hear our petition and and prayer and give redress to our collective grievance

Stumpjumper used to be 'our' mod for the michigan forum......

We hope and pray your high holy zuzus mayb stumpjumper could be restored as our mod as sunni has left for greener pastures and lots of homework....

....he promises to be fair and equitable and follow all terms and conditions for the RIU site.....

He was banned for deleting certain politically sensitive subjects that we as a collective whole we're ALL dealing with collectively and individually with a certain Dr----BOB.....

He had gotten quite a few of our closest members banned and we feel since he has been absent and was only in here stirring the shit pot that mayb some of these banned members might be restored to posting

Bob was only here to start trouble and our community suffers from the absence of certain individuals....specifically stumpjumper

If you could see any light in our petition towards you your holienesses please address our petition and we pray a fair and amicable judgement on your part

Thank you for your time your eminence(s)

Peace and enjoy a fattie emoticon on the michigan forum members

The strain is called "virtual"......enjoy!:p------------>:joint:

Again thank you for your time and reading this drivel.......:peace:
If anyone should be banned it is bob townsend.
He is a leach on this community as a whole.
Any forum he posts in he poisons.

I obviously don't post often here. I did hover
around for a while last year.
When I saw bob spewing bile all over RIU
as he does @ 3ma... I stuck primarily to 3mg.

I have felt the same about him as what all
of you have already stated here in this thread,
and then some... for years.
However, I felt quite alone in my beliefs.
So glad to find out otherwise.

Sad that so many got banned bc of this
Repugnant little man. He needs to go away.

Banning viable members of any forum leads
to discontent and often demise.
We all saw what happened elsewhere.

/rant ty :)

I say reinstate all banned riu mi med mj members.