Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
james gordon - your plant is mostly sativa. your plant looks healthy to me. looks like it may have a drainage issue or water issue = water is stayin in the potter fot too long without movement "stagnant".

Your plant looks to me as if it is not sure if it should flower or veg? looks like at one time it was definatley confused about that. Your plant looks ok just try to get more air in the soil. That is all I can tell from pics

james what I am saying is based on a few pics - do not take it as 100% factual but take it as quick thoughts "opinions" about you plant


Well-Known Member
Hi James, it looks like you might have a case of powdery mildew to me. Not good at this stage of the plant's cycle. High humidity can cause this fungus and I have no idea how to treat that during flower.

Potassium bicarbonate would be fine during veg, but I don't know what to tell you considering the plant's stage of flowering. Good luck.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Looks like water issues as hic said and a touch of powdery mildew , a sulfur burner should take care of the mildew
keep a eye on your PH and slow down on the watering
Good luck Dude


Well-Known Member
What a nice day it's gonna be in MI today. Today I am just gonna sit back and go over the outdoor medical grow "facility". Gotta face the facts gotta be all done by middle of May at the latest.. I still have not even gone threw the paperwork for a building permit as a matter of fact I do not even know if I need one or not. It's not like it will be super huge or anything?

What do you boys think? Do you think a greenhouse with a locked door will pass as "secure" or should I put posts in the ground and make something similiar to Greenhouse but out of wood and clear plastic panels "more secure". The only issues I am looking to avoid is the cops thinking it is not legit as in the means of "secure".
The greenhouse would be cheaper, more conveniant. The wood built one would be more expensive, more hassle for the the same ending result.. hic rolling in smoke and of course the patient. That is why I am wanting opinions today cause the scenario is the same in the end if the cops let a greenhouse pass as secure!. Leaving more money to play in the fall

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
I got powdery mildew on one of my plants a while back it was in the corner of my tent which ment it wasnt getting enough air flow but on top of that i was experimenting where from the first week of bloom i was hitting it with a 60 watt uvb zoo lamp at very close range it got a really plasticy look to it turned dark green buds went a little purple i was excited then 2 weeks before harvest it went powdery mildew i was so mad i never over waterd but i think it was trying to protect itself with extra moisture in the leaves anyways bottom line good air flow no excessive moisture = no powdery mildew


Well-Known Member
Good air and air movement is so important indoors. Marijuana is an air loving plant the more airy you can keep your soil the better.The more air movement you can keep in your grow room the better.

Marijuana is an air whore and just loves the heck out of it.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Some strains love air even more thats why growing from feminized seeds will make you such a better grower like if you add master kush to your grow youll realize hey this plant needs more air flow other wise it will show signs of stress and in turn the rest of your other strains will get more air and be more potent the more strains and phenos you grow the better grower you will become theyll all teach you somethen kush loves light and airflow so much more people wanna just clone the hardy plant dismiss the rest as bad genetics not true make all your shit stronger


Well-Known Member
Just a little update(bored). I germed my seeds using paper towel in a zip lock bag and all 15 of them cracked within two days.
I planted them in 1 quart cups with marical grow seed starting mix last friday. So far all of the northern light blue have broken the surface and look good. None of the fruity chronic juice have popped up yet.
As soon as I get a little more cash, I'm gonna go out and get my holes dug and ready to go. I'm planning on using marical grow garden soil mixed with perlite because I'm on a budget.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Sounds good when its outdoors you gotta budget cant take em to seriously wheres your spot at? Lol never know whos gonna gaff em ive even herd of stories where the grower was slowly getten cut and gaffed in the fall cause they werent ready yet he had to stake out lol

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
I would go with the Greenhouse and put a tall locking fence around it that way it will be doube secure and the Man should leave it alone
the wood greenhouse will also last longer then a temp. and will take the wind better
One of those Pay me now or Pay me later things
I know not much help sorry

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Some guy in auburn hills was in the news paper last summer cause he had 12 monster plants in his back yard he had a card his fence was locked but still anyone could hop the shit another thing that didnt help him was he was withen 1000 ft of a skool so i dont know what happend to him in court but if i were ever to do some shit you gotta make it where you gotta break something to get in not just hop a fence


Well-Known Member
GD your statement is a big help with the decision process - thanks.

james42 - Easy with the MG soil. Last year I used it with my seedlings for the first time and many of my plants got stunted early on by the use of that soil. I added no ferts so it was not me. I will ask you to be generous when mixing that soil with something? I am not sure if perlite alone will dillute the impurities alone? I would try to mix it with some sort of "top soil in a bag". The MG soil is already lite enough and I do not think the perlite will help soak up all that shit in the MG soil? but again idk but it is a thought

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Man just from seeing this big ass weed thread in michigan i know that if Legalization made the option on our ballot that it would pass cause all the minorities got off there ass and voted in fucken big ass lines for obama not to mention a ton of the younger generation it was supposed to be on the city of Detroits ballot it made the pre vote and everything and then got taken off cause of one man Michigan has a better chance then cali cuz cali is all fucked up anyone can get a card for 50 bucks and deales@ would lose big cash so smokers and growers voted No someone get together with normal if it gets on our ballot it will pass i know it as long as obama is still running lol

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
I will help out get signatures do what ever it takes i believe michigan has more potential then cali its no secret minorities are the reason we even have medical marijuana in michigan im not black im not white im inbetween im Albanian lol Detroiters rely on much harder drugs that they sell to pay there bills i bet theyll vote in Marijuana i can just imagine how many people think there hopeless cant get a real job theyll drug test me and fire me so they go the wrong route legalization would help this country out the decleration of independance is written on fucken hemp paper im writting all this from my cell fon lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice hic,
The mg seed starting mix didn't say anything about having the time release nutes in it. Before I put the sprouts in it I microwaved the soil to kill any bugs that might have been in it. Then I put the soil in the cups and flushed it with water a couple times. I don't know if that helped things at all but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
I might rethink putting the mg in my holes. The plants should be about 6 weeks old by time they get transplanted in them. Do you think the mg would still be to much for them at that point?
The plan was to use it and not feed them until flower.


Well-Known Member
It will never pass until the goverments fix themselves first. Even if it did pass anytime soon our "authorities ha ha ha" will find plenty of ways to ruin a what could have been alright thing.

If it were to pass it would be all messed up - if passed anytime soon. More generation x senators please! See my generation does not get pushed around quit as easily like my fathers generation does and did.