james I am lead to believe that it is easier to catch cancer then your probability is to getting caught. But only if you set yourself some rules. I must have like 20 hard core rules or so that are at times hard to keep but you must keep them to ensure your safety and freedom. You will never stop learning new rules and ways of becoming the ultimate ghost grower
Growing marijuana is to some extent a serious ordeal and you must enter it as such. This is a game at which we were not all to play and so some fall. Probabilities of unforeseen dangers can be eliminated greatly with your rules.
There is offcourse always the unforeseen which is the only scary part of the grow. But do we not fear everything that is uncertain so why would we single out the dope thing.
Everyone is diffrent I am more affraid of too many people in a room then I am about walking out in the spring with a 4 foot spade shovel in hand in the morning hours.
Oh another rule james - there are more people in the world in the evenings. In the morning they are all off to there jobs. Do all the work you can in the morning - even the math agrees with that statement.
Growing marijuana is to some extent a serious ordeal and you must enter it as such. This is a game at which we were not all to play and so some fall. Probabilities of unforeseen dangers can be eliminated greatly with your rules.
There is offcourse always the unforeseen which is the only scary part of the grow. But do we not fear everything that is uncertain so why would we single out the dope thing.
Everyone is diffrent I am more affraid of too many people in a room then I am about walking out in the spring with a 4 foot spade shovel in hand in the morning hours.
Oh another rule james - there are more people in the world in the evenings. In the morning they are all off to there jobs. Do all the work you can in the morning - even the math agrees with that statement.