Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
james I am lead to believe that it is easier to catch cancer then your probability is to getting caught. But only if you set yourself some rules. I must have like 20 hard core rules or so that are at times hard to keep but you must keep them to ensure your safety and freedom. You will never stop learning new rules and ways of becoming the ultimate ghost grower

Growing marijuana is to some extent a serious ordeal and you must enter it as such. This is a game at which we were not all to play and so some fall. Probabilities of unforeseen dangers can be eliminated greatly with your rules.

There is offcourse always the unforeseen which is the only scary part of the grow. But do we not fear everything that is uncertain so why would we single out the dope thing.

Everyone is diffrent I am more affraid of too many people in a room then I am about walking out in the spring with a 4 foot spade shovel in hand in the morning hours.

Oh another rule james - there are more people in the world in the evenings. In the morning they are all off to there jobs. Do all the work you can in the morning - even the math agrees with that statement.


Well-Known Member
shwag tell that shit to the hippies of the 70's and you would be a dumb ass to them much as you are to me from the first day we talked.

yea we been growing legal for decades get a clue of marijuana life before you hack on me shwag - half the boys on here are not legal. Yes opinions the rise and fall of america.

and yes rest assured I am sure we will all be legal soon enough.
Although I am tempted to address your statements into greater detail, I will politely digress and move along after a quick response.

Honestly Hic, I wasn't hacking on you and I meant no disrespect, but thank you for your comments. I don't know what marijuana life is and I don't care. To each their own, I hope it is prosperous for you and all ends well. That goes for James and every other person watching this thread, legal or not. I'm not judging anyone based on their legality, do what you do and do it well, I hope you have no issues. If you want to discuss it on a public forum, go for it.

I think many people just starting to cultivate fail to acknowledge the reality of the seriousness a felony brings into a person's life and I think it is important to be reminded from time to time.


Well-Known Member
see I like you now shwag - to each his own. Do not attempt to tell me how to live my life and I will not attempt that same with you. We both digg smoking marijuana so let's you and I start to build a friendship with that raw material and see where it leads. You like blondes I like brunettes but we can still have a puff together.


Well-Known Member
see I like you now shwag - to each his own. Do not attempt to tell me how to live my life and I will not attempt that same with you. We both digg smoking marijuana so let's you and I start to build a friendship with that raw material and see where it leads. You like blondes I like brunettes but we can still have a puff together.
Never did hic, and I never will. I would burn with any one of you. After seeing your card first of course. Kidding!

For the record I like blondes, brunettes and red heads. Hell I've seen some blue hairs..... lol



Well-Known Member
Never did hic, and I never will. I would burn with any one of you. After seeing your card first of course. Kidding!

For the record I like blondes, brunettes and red heads. Hell I've seen some blue hairs..... lol


I will let you know when I get my patient card in the mail. I am currently a legit caregiver and very close to seeing a pot doc for myself. So like in under 150 days I will have a new i.d. By the end of may my 21 days of rejection will be up.


Well-Known Member
Hi hic and etal,

Hic we are neighbors, just inside the Oceana county line from Newaygo/Oceana county line. I have paperwork, but no card. Today is 4th month anniversary of the state receiving the paperwork. A tad slow, eh.

Just starting to try my hand at growing.

Glad you are here you are close! Perhaps one day you start posting on here and letting us know who you are. We might meet as well.


Well-Known Member
Another noob question.
What do you guys consider the minimum amount of direct light a plant needs in a day?
The spot I have picked out right now gets a solid 8-9 hours a day, but I'm starting to think the spot might not be as safe as I originally thought.
I have another spot that I actually grew at when I was a kid. There is zero chance anyone would just stumble on it there, but it only gets5- 6 hours of direct sunlight.


Well-Known Member
you will be safe with 8-9 hours. The more direct sun you get the less leafy your product will be in the end.

That is one of the reasons indoor grower believes there weed is better quality and it generally is compared to the standard MI outdoor grower. But I will tell you the secret to put an indoor bud to shame.... Get your plant 12 direct hrs sunlight.

If you are in no competion with anyone but yourself wtf does a little leaf matter. 6 hours of direct light will do the job.

A bit of more advise is if you do plant a plant to recieve 12 hours of sunlight plant it a little late, you are going to wanna keep the high times shit short to ensure it's stealth. you do not want a 10 footer in the middle of a field - well I would not want to, I wanna bring em all home! 5 foot at the end of flower for the 12 hour shit but only if it is an illigal grow. lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks hic.
I think ill sacrifice a little light and go with the spot that my gut is telling me is safer.
Its only a 75 yard long by 25 wide clearing in the middle of some seriously thick woods. I know the owner of the property. He has 200 acres and never comes within a quarter mile of this back corner. I have really convenient access to it from one of my family members property.
My only real threat is helicopters and that's pretty unlikely with this small of a setup


Glad you are here you are close! Perhaps one day you start posting on here and letting us know who you are. We might meet as well.
Hey Hic and Green Dave.

Nice to meet y'all.

Someone gave me a clone back in January. All he knows is the seeds came from Cali a while ago. It is two weeks into flower and it seems mostly sativa. I have a few Mexi seeds that I started and just put into flower to find out the sex. The leaves are huge. They almost look like poison ivy. And I got some clones from Stanton. I am not maxed out, but I seem to be making weekly trips to Plant Paradise in Rothbury for t-5 bloom equipment and nutes. ;-)

I am new to all of this, or should I say, revisiting this after a 40 year absence. MJ sure has made by ole back livable again. I am mostly trolling forums trying to learn all about this.

Yes, we should meet sometime. I don't get out much, but maybe we can have a coffee somewhere, sometime. Chances are we probably have some mutual friends as I have lived here for about 20 years. ;-)



Well-Known Member
james always go with the gut, if the head and heart are saying the same. Yes I often practice the stealth method with the plants. I would rather have them a touch leafy then them not be there at all.

skyflyfish - I am sure we do not have mutual friends and no I do not do the coffee scene and never will. As a matter of fact there will never be a public place that you meet me. unless of course I ever have to pay another ticket.


no started them indoors 24hrs light for 30 days then 18/6 then 48hrs of dark before i put them in the greatoutdoors
As a matter of fact there will never be a public place that you meet me. unless of course I ever have to pay another ticket.
LOL, good one. but i have wondered what would happen if i pu coffee beans in soil, if the flavor would make it to the bud or if the caffeine would have a negatived effect


Active Member
well im pretty sure coffee beans are acidic so you shuld watch the ph maybe if u culd buy pure caffiene or somthing? this are really starting to get exciting? hello to all the new people who have joined the party. i got ahold of 3 nl, 2 sugar babies (NOT SURE IF THEY WERE A LEGIT STRAIN) i got them from a friend, 8 mystery seeds from two different bags.... cant wait i hav everything picked out


Active Member
my friend had them left over. i had never heard of them but he said they were good so i wasnt going to pass up a good beans lol


Well-Known Member
i got two clones from some stranger on budtrader. these were the stickiest and stinkiest plants i have ever raised.


Well-Known Member
My best friend lives in the emerald triangle so if you cats ever want anything Cali beans I'll send em to ya. Just let me know.


Well-Known Member
no started them indoors 24hrs light for 30 days then 18/6 then 48hrs of dark before i put them in the greatoutdoors

and when you went outside to look at them they were purple.... that is the end of the story if this is how it starts. sun shocked they would be