Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
My best friend lives in the emerald triangle so if you cats ever want anything Cali beans I'll send em to ya. Just let me know.

I will take the seeds your best friend feels are the best in medicinal value which he can acuire within that triangle. My wife was pretty pissed when she found out I had a few guys mail me seeds, I see her point. I will come get the seeds myself when they come.


Well-Known Member
mine were done in under 40 days. thats 40 days after switching to 12/12 not 40 days from pistils!

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
Couldn't help but to notice the debate about the fear of growing, on the previous pages. First of all, in order to change the laws, we must break the laws. Our country was founded by a group of men, who were trying to avoid paying taxes. If they would've been to affraid to stand up for their beliefs. The best country in the world, The United States, would not exsist today. With that being said, I realize nobody wants to go to prison. Like hic said, the growing game is not for everyone. Loosing at this game means you're probaly going to jail. Thats something you should really think long and hard about before you ever sprout any beans. If your worried about getting caught, then you should probably stick to growing tomatoes. There's alot of things you can do to keep from getting caught, but even the house loses sometimes. Common since goes along way, If you have 10' plants in the middle of a bean field. They're gonna stick out like a sore thumb. I worked for a guy about 5 years back, who got busted with 1000 plants in his barn. He had 70k watts of light and didn't think about where all that heat was going. A Chopper with a flir cam flew over his barn, and seen all the heat escaping. It was enough for them to get a search warrant and kick his barn doors in. I had 35 plants spread out over 7 acres, within a mile of his barn, and they never found the 1st one. I am grateful for all the stupid people who do stupid shit. They take up alot of the law enforcments resources, and make It that much easier for the rest of us.

rzza, my shotglass grow off bean has sprouted..! Im gonna veg it untill it's no longer a seedling, Then pop her in the flower room.. If the green house is right about the flowering time, It should be finnished middle of July. That is if i can keep it alive this time...


Well-Known Member
well i shall be done before you concidering it actually finishes but i have something up my sleeve. you wait n see. you wanna start a new thread for it or do it here? im sure either way, people here wouldnt mind ..correct me if im wrong guys.

mine has sprouted as well. i am not vegging mine. straight to flower.

rules? and winner yields the most? loser changes avatar for a week winner picks? more to enter? just us?

lay it out, it was your idea:)

wanna do like 3 ounce pot?


Well-Known Member
Marry I Wanna, JOC I like what you have both just said. I am glad to hear all the widom is being pulled into one great big ball of wax.

Hey guys I had no idea the shot glass ordeal was already about to begin? shit I am not prepared to play. I can however put a bean in a shot glass right now if it is not too late. You boys would have to coach me on the whole shot glass thing. The thought of the whole ordeal has never even crossed my mind until I heard about it here a few days ago. So gonna need help if I play.


Well-Known Member
Could we also play a game with a 3+3+3 foot hole in the ground? Loosers buy the winner a trip to las vegas.


Well-Known Member
Marry I Wanna, JOC I like what you have both just said. I am glad to hear all the widom is being pulled into one great big ball of wax.

Hey guys I had no idea the shot glass ordeal was already about to begin? shit I am not prepared to play. I can however put a bean in a shot glass right now if it is not too late. You boys would have to coach me on the whole shot glass thing. The thought of the whole ordeal has never even crossed my mind until I heard about it here a few days ago. So gonna need help if I play.
get her soakin man. maybe do two in case its a male? im thinkin that. the trick is to keep it moist cause it will dry out real quick.


Well-Known Member
LOL that was just one of those blackbirds that are everywhere.

he was out there chasin em down all day after that. haha its his new game.

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
Hey guys I had no idea the shot glass ordeal was already about to begin? shit I am not prepared to play. I can however put a bean in a shot glass right now if it is not too late. You boys would have to coach me on the whole shot glass thing. The thought of the whole ordeal has never even crossed my mind until I heard about it here a few days ago. So gonna need help if I play.
Yeah hic your more then welcome to play, I'll help you as much as I can. Last time I entered one I killed her durning flowering though. So Im far from a pro, but we can all learn together..

rzza, I think we should keep it in this thread, and open it to anyone whos posted in here.. For a prize we could do something like, the losers have to give the winner what the winning plant yeilded.. Then at the end of the season, we could all meet up somewhere everyone is comfortable with, and have a shootglass smoke out.. Thats up to you guys, we could just do it for bragging rights and the avatar pic if you want. As far as rules I think we should keep it basic. 1oz shot glass with soil, no wicks, and all roots must be contained inside the shot glass, Anything else goes... We should also put a finish date on it, that way everyone has the same amount of growing time. When do you think we should have it end..? Do you think we should allow multiple entries.? We should probably require everyone to post a pic every couple weeks also, Thats up to you guys aswell. Im not sure how everyone feels about posting pics, im good with it though.. You guys have any other suggestions or rules we should implement speak up..


Well-Known Member
two blackbirds (starlings) found themselves in my enclosed porch this mornin, so what to do.. sick the dog on em, it was great, i expected instant death but the damn dog just wanted a couple new friends to play with, after i saw the dog wouldnt do the deed of killing i went out there with evil intent but couldnt find it in me to smash the lil bastards after one deep look into those two pairs of beedy blackbird eyes, so i opened the door and let them go,,,, grrrrrrr for soft spots in one's heart