Paranoid?.. Yes, Still have my freedoms... Yes, Ever tasted jail for growing 50 pounds plus...No.NOIDED-paranoid-HIC-batty-daft-fatuous etc...
Hey hic, isn't late august or September the normal time of year that the helis fly? That's what some of my buddies have been telling. It makes sense because they would be at there biggest and easiest to spot.
on our first date with my wife I had Harry COnick in the CD player blasting when I started it up. "I am sorry for the volume I just love to sing along." LOLI go as far as to put 2 cristian music CD's on the passanger seat for all to see.
bitter much? you seen my michigan girls thread....
you and i both know i have no gf. LOL
made 30pounds of slow cooked BBQ pork for tomorrow bonfire/get together in the woods. Come on up north and get some. Just listen for the Jamiroquai and look for the red jeep sitting on 36's.Ahh but rzza I am too a master of the joke.
Bitter Much?... You ever had my wife cooking? I am very bitter as to her telling me today that all this week we will be having new things. I am bitter as to this means I will be losing 5 fucking pounds this week so yea, very bitter today.
It gets to a point where her left overs are more like scientific experiments then a food product.
I know ya ain't got a girlfriend rzza maybe you should try not telling jokes to the next one so she sticks around. lol
Bitter? all this week with dinner time suprise