Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
Well cool guys, I am done talking about the dispesary for awhile.

Now I will not be using the max 12 plants in this years outdoor med grow. I can legally only have 12 plants and I need ALL of that plus some to make my shit work out. I will kill one of the cm's plants in my garden at the end of june.. for by the time I am done taking clones for phase 3 the plant will be useless. thus giving me another plant to work with indoor

I am going to try to grow as less plants as possible when it come to this years med grow.. hard to believe but yea it's true. The less numbers I have outdoor the more genes I can play with indoor.

you see we all know damn well if I grew 12 giant plants the helicopter will tell someone, 12 of hics plants will get ripped up for sure just as KB's did. Now what if I grow 4 plants? I will yeild the same as a normal guy would 12, and if the state boys ever come out they will see 4 plants.. 4 plants is easier on the eyes to a cop then 12, even if they are much larger then normal.

So thats how the med grow is going to go. the same ol shadow shit for the outdoor illegal grows. going to get a couple sagrmatha BB seeds going on too at the same time as the bubba kush! Going to be very very busy this summer

p.s. that tw+cm is a stretcher


Well-Known Member
"dispencerys" are illegal in our state "co-ops" or a group of caregivers being compensated for the work that goes into cultivating marijuana is legal..to have a store youd have to pull permits and pay out the ass in taxes my parents owed a video store and was put out of buisness after being audit'd. taxes went up like 1000% it was rediculous.

an underground co-op would be the best way and most profitable, but thats kinda what we already are. co-op just means that you can hold more product on 2-3 ppl than one person, and can deal with more "customers" per day. exspecially if harvests were stagged. If you actually wanted to open a med store you'd have to get a permit, building, pay rent, taxes, sales taxes, and be in public eye for what your doing all day long. I personaly would rather do wht I do now with a few good freinds/growers/breeders open a breeding facility, and own a hydroshop. This way I can still have patients and income from that, while also owning a legit buisness that doesnt bring alot of "med" money in. hydroshops tho ppl know what they are for they taylor to the indoor gardener and you can grow anything indoors, hel alot of farmers have swithched to hydroponics in the last few years, better yeilds n a smaller space..more profit.

I'd rather be a breeder, and sell my genetics, rather than grow for the man because I wont see half the money owning a co-op...but it wont cost me much to do a few thousand seeds to sell to the bay or other local co-ops or maybe one day the tude. plus I can stay a ghost for the most part I dont even give my meds to dispencerys now even tho they have tried to get it from me..it just seems to public and I dont know them from anyone, whats to say they wouldnt use my name even tho i say im KB tot them as well, but still I dont need the extra eyes and running mouth...either does anyone here for that matter.

hic I dont care that you live 2 hours bro good ppl are hard to come by in this buisness, honest trustworthy ppl..im down to do buisness as a breeder and put up money for a facility plan to build in the fall...we dont have to live close to work on genetics..think amsterdam and cali


Well-Known Member
Well cool guys, I am done talking about the dispesary for awhile.

Now I will not be using the max 12 plants in this years outdoor med grow. I can legally only have 12 plants and I need ALL of that plus some to make my shit work out. I will kill one of the cm's plants in my garden at the end of june.. for by the time I am done taking clones for phase 3 the plant will be useless. thus giving me another plant to work with indoor

I am going to try to grow as less plants as possible when it come to this years med grow.. hard to believe but yea it's true. The less numbers I have outdoor the more genes I can play with indoor.

you see we all know damn well if I grew 12 giant plants the helicopter will tell someone, 12 of hics plants will get ripped up for sure just as KB's did. Now what if I grow 4 plants? I will yeild the same as a normal guy would 12, and if the state boys ever come out they will see 4 plants.. 4 plants is easier on the eyes to a cop then 12, even if they are much larger then normal.

So thats how the med grow is going to go. the same ol shadow shit for the outdoor illegal grows. going to get a couple sagrmatha BB seeds going on too at the same time as the bubba kush! Going to be very very busy this summer

p.s. that tw+cm is a stretcher
you dont plan on growing in your yard do you? outdoors is outdoors its guerilla, theres no legal outdoors in this great state of shit..cali can why cant we? an green house may work, but shit I plan to throw out about 4-5 10 plant plots..banking on 1-2 getting ripped or heli'd out..if they all pull thru then shit ill be overwhelmed but typicly not...I had 16 last year tho they were all withing 30 yard of each other and massive to say the least, I hid them very well, thinking they'd only be 6ft not 12-15, once they hit 9ft I knew if they flew over I'd be fucked.

new plan, new place, new year, new outlook ...I do know that I will be one cautious mother fucker out there this year tho, camo head to toe, police scanner on!

I'll have some updte pics tomar my fucking job decided that I have to work tomar as I was punching out...oh by the way dont start your weekend your working tomar...thanks alot fuckers! god if i didnt need legal income ID QUIT!


Glassblowing Moderator
Cmt did I read something about hanging your lights in ur journal... I found a way to hang them strong and moveable. L bracket is bad ass for hanging lights. Gives you flexability without having to keep drilling holes.


Well-Known Member
dank - hey dude you seem like a pro. Nice work - way to REP michigan! flint nonetheless.

KB- I am only a caregiver, I will be a patient come summer " need more cronic pain documentation" Hell I have not been to a MD doctor in 15 years so I need some paperwork.. Ahh they been trying to get me to go for some time - so now I will go.

Any way I am only going to grow 4 or 5 in this outdoor locked facility simply beacause it will look like 20 from the air - and I need hear no shit from leo this year..

Thus I will have my patiant covered with his 2.5 oz free smoke for the whole year in a snap. Getting him right out of my picture for a whole year! All plants grown indoor in the winter will be all mine - to say the least.

This is one reason why I just do not understand all of this BULLSHIT... I can give my cousin 2.5 ounces a month, a year, FOR FREE it's so fucking easy that it astounds me that this is the world I live in! I will never have to charge a patient for his legal amount in my life!

I will grow more then he will be allowed in a year no prob in a blink of an eye - I keep everything after his years stash. -- phase 1

If your caregiver can't grow outdoors get a fucking new one! PEOPLE - gosh holly shit f-n A



Well-Known Member
Needless to say 3 quarters of the year all the pot I pump out in winter indoors is also mine - my pot is my pot I can do what ever the heck I please with my what they call "overages" I think? My whole f-ing year is overages!!!!

Now the secret is out! and I guess I will indeed see how ingnorant Michigan will become.

KB- and let us not forget about the f-n other 6 that I am to legally have too - they will not be in the med patch but will be grown! perhaps a breeding session may also occur? or better yet find some more mommies for the winters work? idnk but yea they will also be utilized except they will be indoor and out of the eyes of all the helicopters. hmmm maybe there is 4 damn phases?



Well-Known Member
Cmt did I read something about hanging your lights in ur journal... I found a way to hang them strong and moveable. L bracket is bad ass for hanging lights. Gives you flexability without having to keep drilling holes.
yup, that was me...was lookin for a simple way to be able to move them around. hell yeah, thats a great idea...i was thinkin too complicated. i'm gona have to do that one of these days. i think we have some of that pre drilled angle iron laying around here on the farm too. good lookin out man.


Glassblowing Moderator
dank - hey dude you seem like a pro. Nice work - way to REP michigan! flint nonetheless.

KB- I am only a caregiver, I will be a patient come summer " need more cronic pain documentation" Hell I have not been to a MD doctor in 15 years so I need some paperwork.. Ahh they been trying to get me to go for some time - so now I will go.

Any way I am only going to grow 4 or 5 in this outdoor locked facility simply beacause it will look like 20 from the air - and I need hear no shit from leo this year..

Thus I will have my patiant covered with his 2.5 oz free smoke for the whole year in a snap. Getting him right out of my picture for a whole year! All plants grown indoor in the winter will be all mine - to say the least.

This is one reason why I just do not understand all of this BULLSHIT... I can give my cousin 2.5 ounces a month, a year, FOR FREE it's so fucking easy that it astounds me that this is the world I live in! I will never have to charge a patient for his legal amount in my life!

I will grow more then he will be allowed in a year no prob in a blink of an eye - I keep everything after his years stash. -- phase 1

If your caregiver can't grow outdoors get a fucking new one! PEOPLE - gosh holly shit f-n A

I got a doctor that is no questions asked no paperwork. Cash and id only. Legit. Got at least 20 people I know that went through him
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Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Cmt did I read something about hanging your lights in ur journal... I found a way to hang them strong and moveable. L bracket is bad ass for hanging lights. Gives you flexability without having to keep drilling holes.
Thanks for the great info sometimes thesimple solution is overlooked


Well-Known Member
dank - if the DR. is legit can you get me in? I would just assume the cheap easy route on this one.


Active Member
I went to the dr today and im pretty sure it was a waste of time... I just want my damn card! Dank... This dr isnt in flint is he? That kinda apt requires a babysitter and gas... Lol- i hate i75!


Glassblowing Moderator
DR. Graves
2337 W. Mt morris rd.
Mt. Morris, MI
Someone was charging 200.00 for that info 6 months ago on craigslist. I know it is for sure. I am proof and about 20 pf my friends are too.
Your welcome
Phone number is 8105649524... he was 50 when I went, then 100, now I think he's up to 150.

Dr. Graves is the man... its like woodstock in the parking lot


Well-Known Member
you got your rep from me dank. Thanks if it all pans out I may have more in the med grow than I had previously thought.


Well-Known Member
four phases?, hell im up to 6 a year now not including operation ghost guerilla..hahah..


belive the pics go room, deisel, great white, beggining of 6th week, three more to go maybe 4..