Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
hic you otta be a patient to be in the biz bro, gotta protect number 1, thats your first line of defense, what other excuse do you have for being stoned?


Well-Known Member

Cool I was not sure if you were off working?. How long you have you been running the BW? What pheno was the most hardcore?
I know that I will only be taking clones off of a few indica doms. Anyway this has ghotta be the best damn batch of seeds in the area of male to female ratio.

In this batch I have only 2 males so far and am hoping for at least one more. I am going to go the quick route with this one and instead of cutting clones off all of em and then re-growing. I am going to "spot pollinate" the ones that I know hold what I am looking for real soon.

Well I have doing alot of reading on Mr.Nice forums and I must say that french guys thread with all them pheno pics and huge growfile on the BW really gave me a look at all of the ones I have now - but months in the future with them. "I dare say after years of looking at dope can you do this"

So I have narrowed it down to the 5 BW I would consider seeding and cloning them as well and throwing all away but one clone for the summer grow. So needless to say in about a month or a little over I am going for my gold. BW+CM "potent" = my shit

I am also really considering starting my own BBS strain right now and this is where I need ya for the long sight.. There are a couple options in its creation..here is one- I take pollen from "sativa male" BW, I take pollen from CM and I spot pollinate your BB with both.

I grow both BB+BW - BB+CM sometime soon. and pollinate the BB+CM "cm leading" from the BB+BW "bw leading" = BBS

Option2 - BW+BB backcrossed to BB = BBB + potent CM = BBS "I really like option 2"

delstele which route would you go if you were going to make a devastaing Blue Berry Skunk? Also I need your input on which male you would use for the gold BW+CM in the area of BW? I got a sativa leader and a indica dom and maybe 1 , 2 at the most on the way. Right now I know it is way too early to tell I just want your input on which one will benifit CM the most.

If I use the BW indica dom will I lose alot of weight in the final product you think? If I use the sativa dom do I lose that ever impressive finishing time here in MI "potent cm pheno".

Now on to the issue of BW f-2's... I have heard that if you introduce a new strain and then continue to backcross it maintains perfection - as to just crossing BW and making f-2's I am also considering using a cm male to breed to my preferd BW and then backcrossing a few times.. what do you think delstele? I won't get offended if ya need me to word something diffrent. taking it slow on this one - but at the same time they are just about ready.


Well-Known Member
hic I have been running that strain for bout three years I'm am running the Affy dom pheno thats the one I picked because it had the best looking structure and node spacing and is potent. this year I will be looking for the sative leaning pheno just for a change of pace. I do know MrN CM has a BW parent not sure if its the Mother or Father, Best to ask Shatinbaba. So that would not be a new strain Shantibaba is a bit ahead of you bro..lol I like option 2 sounds yummy as hell. I don't think you will lose any if you do that cross but it may ya never know till ya try it. I'm not much into breeding bro but I will offer up what Shantibaba uses to select males..

1. Resin Production and Potency – the quickness, the amount and where it is being produced will all be factors. An eye glass will be the most accurate means to view this trait.
2. Aroma – if there is a distinct aroma or something interesting to the nose.
3. Quickness to flower and release of pollen maturation and speed to reach pollen dispersal.
4. Internode spacing – based on the Fibonacci ratio of 1:1.6, this ratio is used in many applications, one of which is a rating of beauty and another in stability and consistency of some genetic factors in a plants makeup.
5. Leaf structure and Stature – whether it is more leaning to sativa or indica and how the plant grows in visible structure.
6. Resistance to hermaphrodism – no visible signs that the male flower has any naturally occurring female pistilates combined within the male flower.
7. Vigor and fitness – visible factors that show the plant to behave in a healthy normal growth pattern.
8. Depth of coloration – of the plant from lime green to deep dark green (ornamental trait)


Taken from the MNS article on hobby breeding by Shanti...

The importance of selecting plants for the traits that are useful to the breeder/grower is the main reason genetics have evolved as they have. Male plants of this species need to be carefully selected to avoid a lot of laborious work, which means one will need to do a lot of testing of F1 seed made from a particular male to verify if the sex linked traits are real or not. Males that auto flower irrespective of daylight hours are normally eliminated to insure against hermaphroditism or unwanted male traits. Males that flower too quickly or too tall are also not the best for breeding since they put too much energy into fiber production which is not the trait one is looking for in a medicinal plant. Males that have large hollow main stems are sought out rather than males that are more pith-filled stems - the main reason are that large hollow stemmed males are better THC producers than other plants. Males that produce tight floral clusters rather than airy sparse floral clusters are usually better to breed with. Finally if you rub your fingers against the stem of a developing male and are able to get strong odors or aromas (terpines) you will be advised to use these males as trichrome production and flavor are directly related to plants that produce odors early on. There are several other traits to look for in a male but these are rather advanced and need microscope help which is not really relevant for the hobby grower/breeder.


Well-Known Member
Thanks delstele for the info as always! So what would shanti offer in the way of that strain CM+BW? To my understanding skunk1 was used for shark shock and others and the afgan in CM is the same used in Medicine Man.

I have yet to find one of his crosses that have all these 3 genetic properties in one strain skunk1, that afgani, and BW. I know medicine man has the same afgani but MM does not have skunk1 in it and that is what I want.


Well-Known Member
delstele- that is exactly why that CM pheno is so potent - it is that special MR.NICE afagan that he uses for a punch. so basically delstele what I am wanting to build is indeed a Medicine Man variation but with the Original Skunk1.. that is why I choose CM in the first place Skunk1 is sold everywhere but to get ahold of the real original skunk1 genes can only be done with mr.nice CM and other mr.nice related.

I was going to buy shit for skunk 1 genetics but when I saw that the original that shanti himeself found favour in was already inside of CM I had to take it...my research has made me happy with my selection as to the people that grow MR.NICE SHIT are not getting shantis chosing skunk1 but rather chance to find it.

I can't find anything with these 3 genetic lines in place - therefore I am led to believe shanti has it somwhere but not on the market.

I do not think shanti would release it anyway because if he did he, would practically wipe 3 or 4 strains right off his list of strains to buy - due to pheno selection.


Well-Known Member
delstele - remember this gold I am about to make with the BW+CM gives me my 100's of seeds to find that special male. Shanti can not do what I am about to do with that male because them breeders have that pact where they do not breed with others genetics right? Well I do not have that pact and I spent enough money on beans to fuck up the whole order of things. I can cross any of them with that male and it will be a one of a kind I assure you.


Well-Known Member
hic we can now enter the cannabis cup without owning a seed company, catch is we have to start one within a year to get the genetics out to the public. hortilab was found this way by taking 1st in the sativa category in 2009, we also can only enter the sativa/indica categories and its only judged by experts not the public. but this is a good thing because then we are being judged soley on genetic and quality over advertisement and hype.


Well-Known Member
delstele - remember this gold I am about to make with the BW+CM gives me my 100's of seeds to find that special male. Shanti can not do what I am about to do with that male because them breeders have that pact where they do not breed with others genetics right? Well I do not have that pact and I spent enough money on beans to fuck up the whole order of things. I can cross any of them with that male and it will be a one of a kind I assure you.
this isnt always true, they can use genetics and give credit where credit is due, greenthumbs DD G13 is actually 1986 g13 crossed with old subcool genetics i belive...you can see the actual doubled's ddg13 here


I plan on buying this to cash crop with and maybe breed its a 20 year old plant, and has amazing yeild boosting potential..yeilds 450-750g per sq yard 1-5lbs plus outdoors and grows 4-6ft tall, ending in october ima try a fe outdoors see if they end soon enough.


Well-Known Member
well KB perhaps you and I will just say screw the dispencary and start a seed farm?

Thats what I want to do start a seed bank thats MM friendly get some good genetics start some crosses With Michigan specific strains. I do have a pack of Mr N shit that I plan on looking for that old school skunk pheno from back in the day I know its there just godda grow em out to find that bitch..lol


Well-Known Member
Thats what I want to do start a seed bank thats MM friendly get some good genetics start some crosses With Michigan specific strains. I do have a pack of Mr N shit that I plan on looking for that old school skunk pheno from back in the day I know its there just godda grow em out to find that bitch..lol

That is indeed your fire is'nt it delstele? we have talked and talked and talked and no delstele. A couple word of seed-bank go floating around and your ears picked back up did'nt they delstele! LOL That is good that means you will be an asset if the road goes that way indeed.


Well-Known Member
Well my search for now is complete 2 real deal blue dream clones will be in my hands in about a month perfect time to replace my diesel. Need the gws for outdoors and sour kush for anxiety. Diesel just has to butt out I guess greenthumbs g13 comes next


Well-Known Member
Hmm .. all the information has been gathered, the weights have been weighed, and the lines have been made in the sand. I will not be able to partake in any dispencary boys. That is just not me and no matter how much I think that I would love it - in reality it would become a chore that I do not want.

I like to keep my weed and I always have. If I make it so that it is no longer have or be in control somewhat of my weed I will not be happy. I have thought long and hard about it and I cannot believe I was so stubborn not to see the picture all along.. It's been staring at me right in my face the whole time but it was hard to see.. I want a compassion club and I want either to be a real big part of a compassion club and if I can't find one with enough compassion I will make my own!

still down with making some seeds anytime.. going to be making them if I am part of a seedbank or not - so use me
no problems here, Hic and totally understand. people come and go and especialyl getting into compassion clubs you are going to meet all kinds of people.
i am making heandband seeds right now, got the male picked out and 3 of the best females and in the same pot.