Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
dam rzza, glad to see you made it through that ok....good thing you stick to your limits.

kinda sucks though if they really do come back in the future...no bid deal, just a pain in the ass..


Active Member
i hate youse guys... i thought i knew a little about herb.. being from the south originally, with amazing weather for grows... but everytime i check this theres about 5 or 6 of you that make me feel dumb... just because you have more exp @ this than me.. jealousy is such a new thing for me.. i learn more from just reading your guys posts than i do from the questions ive asked in other threads.. i admit i dont know jack about indoors. first go, and all. but all this outdoor talk is makin me drool... i grew monsters outdoor, i can post pics if you want. i was a landscaper so had acces to everything i needed. it was normal to get 1-1.5 lbs per plant. never got less than 6 ounces from the scrawniest plant. hopefully i can give valuable input into your outdoor grows. i am going to try this pisconing panther piss, outdoors this year. from what iv heard this is a michigan only strain that i tried last year. cant wait to see. ittl look so much better than these pathetic first atempt indoor plants.


Well-Known Member
dam rzza, glad to see you made it through that ok....good thing you stick to your limits.

kinda sucks though if they really do come back in the future...no bid deal, just a pain in the ass..
i will be happy to have them over anytime they please. so long as they leave and i stay:)


Well-Known Member
i hate youse guys... i thought i knew a little about herb.. being from the south originally, with amazing weather for grows... but everytime i check this theres about 5 or 6 of you that make me feel dumb... just because you have more exp @ this than me.. jealousy is such a new thing for me.. i learn more from just reading your guys posts than i do from the questions ive asked in other threads.. i admit i dont know jack about indoors. first go, and all. but all this outdoor talk is makin me drool... i grew monsters outdoor, i can post pics if you want. i was a landscaper so had acces to everything i needed. it was normal to get 1-1.5 lbs per plant. never got less than 6 ounces from the scrawniest plant. hopefully i can give valuable input into your outdoor grows. i am going to try this pisconing panther piss, outdoors this year. from what iv heard this is a michigan only strain that i tried last year. cant wait to see. ittl look so much better than these pathetic first atempt indoor plants.

It will be all good convict.. As long as you can identify what you can do next time to do to avoid scrawny plants indoors. First grow indoors for me was more or less a learning experiance. and now it's just a bunch of little memories of what not to do.

As are all the other years it took to get it down. trial and error, it sucks when error enters the trial I know.

But convict it is either the light distance or your soil is not gettin enough air which can be accomplished by a few things low temp, no air movement, to thick of soil base, or off course you fried em. - good luck


Active Member
i took bad advice and stopped giving them grow nutes, then after all the damage i *gasp* read the bottles!! the only nitrogen they were getting was from the grow! so they have been weened of nitrogen accidentally, now have the correct dosage, should see healing in 3-4 more days. the yellowing has definately stopped though. i thought i knew how to grow. turns out I knew very little.. mother nature, now she knows how to grow! a few tricks and bam youve got lbs! indoors one mistake and bam! there goes a half oz right out the window...

as to other probs.. i asked and everyone told me the 3 gallon bags were sufficent. wrong. i am root bound like crazy. getting 5 gal bags next time.
the scrawnyness, is somewhat genetic, just a bit. the labella im growin is sat dom, so i expected some heigth, i was all worried about keeping the light above her, wich put the light over 2 feet from the other 3. should have lst her sooner.
thought letting water set for a few days automatically corrected ph? lol now that i think what an idiot i was.. now have tester and test before waterings..
improper ventilation, still havent gotten fan/filter. have a 6 in clip on fan @ bottom of tent, bringing in cool air. have a window open to keep that room below 70, have an 8" inline duct fan setting on roof of tent to pull air out, releasing it freely throughout the house... also a window fan with 2 fans in it, laid across the top to help exhaust the excess heat.. none of this is satisfactory..
cant get my RH above 30 % have 2 large pie pans of water in tent evaporates 2 gallons every 3 days. temps were around 70-78 throughout most of the veg cycle. without the window open letting in the winter chill they would still be swealtering.

so yes im learnin. still missed alot im sure i should have noticed, and ill f up a little next go. then little less... its difficult for me as im going from seed, so i have this 4 week dead time so to speak, i have started some seeds from random bag, just so i can get cloning down.... can i grow a plant large enough to clone under just 4 cfl bulbs? th kind for lamps, not big ass ones.


Well-Known Member
well convict all I can say is... 1 - bad advise is everywhere. 2 - Outdoor can become a "bitch" real quick as well. It is just harder for you and me to mess it up. lol


Well-Known Member
One more bit of advise I can give you which I think is good advise... Learn the basics first. Go for life instead of weight. When you learn to make it LIVE you can teach it to do other things. Other things cannot be accomplished correctly if you have not masterd LIFE.

I still have never owned a ph neddle thing or a tester ph thing and never will have to. Because I learned about the Life back in the mid -90's and we had no internet and my mommy was not going to let there be any HIGH TIMES in the house... I have already done my "failure time" every good grower has to.

Keep the head up convict I had to deal with years of failures- you have "us" so your time to fail will be much shorter then mine!


Well-Known Member
Well I bet the police will be looking for an answer to my avatar, and if they read these threads now to gather info, the reason I say Fuck the police is you fucks raided me last year a took my livelihood away for a year. So thank you state & county boys, for Fucking my year up putting me in debt and costing me thousands of extra dollars I didn't need to spend. Oh and good job wasting tax payers money flying the helis and not getting anything out of it.

Glad to hear your all good rzza scared me with that txt. Fucking just woke up and my phone goes off saying you were raided. Was ready to gather cash for bail!

On my phone right now ill post some pics in a few minutes


Well-Known Member
lil update for you boys, 7 weeks 2 days..flushed good thursday night forgot to add final phase just 5.5-6.0 ph'd water.

plan to let them dry up this week then hit them hard agian with final phase the last week and then let them dry out completly and probably try the 24-36 hour of darkness before harvest. I've never done this before and dont belive it boost's potency or really puts out more resin, it does however remove extra nutes from the plant because the plant stores its nutrients in the roots during the night, so I can imagine that 24 hours in the dark would do a good job of removing excess nutrients in the plant itself, I have seen ppl do this then let the plants wake up, which defeats the whole purpose once the lights are on the plants are up in 5 minutes and photosynthesis starts, pulling the nutrients back up into the plant.

I always pull my plants if I can at like 5 am right before the lights turn on or outdoors right before the sun is up all the sugars are in the roots. honestly cant do much when using chemical ferts your cell walls are already built with chemicals, I have a side by side grow where im using advanced sunshine mix #4 with avanced's whole line, and happy frog soil with some old soil and compost mixed in, the happy frog/compost plants are 3x as thick stemmed and have 3x bigger leaves as the sunshine mix with advanced nutes and the HF/C mix has had no nutirents for 2 months now just about to go into flowering, i'll snap some pics i'll be going to that garden around 11 oclock tonight, I think i'l be switching to happy frog soil its abot 20$ more expensive per 6 cubic feet.

Now the happy frog soil is in a seperate garden than what I have at my home and I have set up and experiment to see whats making these plants that much better.

soil experiment
1: happy frog soil alone, fresh rooted clones, piranha, tarantula, voodoo juice, carboload

2: advanced sunshine mix#4 alone , fresh clones, same nutes

3: 50/50 sunshine and happy frog, clones, same nutes

4: 1 plant of each type of soil in organic conditions.

this will figure out if its the soil alone or if it was due to the old soil i mixed in with compost (not much at all) but these plants with compost would be 100% organic at this point, and theres a huge difference in my personal pants and the second garden i take care of, I also found out the owner of the second garden had been watering with water from a 90 gallon fish tank that had recently had fish in it (doesnt anymore) but fresh fish emulsion and algae, with al the benificial microbes, bacteria, and fungus thats already in happy frog + piranha, tarantula, voodoo juice, and carbo load. If this is due to organic growing I'M SWITCHING! I gaurentee these plants will yeild 20-30% more than mine just due to the shear size of them, my clones did take off faster, and grow faster for the first month but after that my main stems are still like pencil thick and the "organics" secondary branches are pencil thick main stalk and branches are are like a sharpie marker or bigger.

anyone use happy frog and other soils and have the same type of results, my boys at hydrovision are pushing the sunshine mix#4 but I think im making the switch, I just potted some clones in the 50/50 mix and will see what I come out with in the next run if its the soil i'll kno in a few weeks when the clones take off..

1&2 are diesel 3&4 are great white shark



Well-Known Member
Right On KB! Shit, I will take a bag of that for my patient. Looks real potent for sure.

Damn KB it sounds like you are trying to fine tune some shit. Hope you get real good results with the experiment. I have never used anything that you have asked for more info about - sorry bro.


Glassblowing Moderator
I used happy frog ocean floor to veg in 1 gal bags then transplanted into pro-mix and sunshine #4 5 gal bags for flowering. Some were promix and some were sunshine #4. Only difference in the two was promix was more dusty when you are transplanting.

Mccomb county sounds right. Do you know someone that lives off 28 mile? Does garage doors?


Well-Known Member
Thanks dank, ill have more info for.you all in a few weeks, ill know if its the happy frog alone or b/c of the old soil I mixed in.

Hi c - gotta fine tune, the only way I csn improve at this point is to get everything running at peak, and that means finding right soil mix, perfect ph, nutritious regiment ( not just reading the bottle lol!), which I've found it works much better to slowly switch notes then just switch and I do run lean until peak flowering.

Really once you've grown a few years you should have all the basics, and most advanced things down, only thing left is tweaking.

My sour kush plants are out of control, I popped 4 of 6 seeds and have a choice between 2 moms, a shorter bushier one more indicate dom, and a taller thinner one that's sativa dom, selection is deff key with this strain, the other 2 have very thin stems and #1's branches are already falling over deff gonna have to stake these up, I even have a fan blowing all day and they're moving around still hasn't thickened them up, I've also twisted the stems on them to create knots in the stems, making them thicker and stronger, while sort of super cropping them and forcing secondary branches to grow sooner.


Well-Known Member
I was kinda joking rzza about the sugar babe - Although part of me would have been pleased if it were made in MI. lol

There is one thing I do not understand and I wish to understand.. I do not understand why these strains that come around that are awsome do not get cloned for the future?

Example - guy grows out some of the best smoke he has ever had.And when it is cut down he can't get it again. I was amazed last year when I started using a forum and saw that practice being used.

I was 18 when I took 9 clones from an outdoor plant and kept it going for years. Why do people not take clones of plants they think are great?

I cannot understand, is it like there are so many strains to choose from why keep one "like a kid at a candy store"? or is it something else?

I see alot of guys doing grows. They grow out what they exclaim is pure gold. Never to grow the strain again? That is what I do not understand.

Not trying to step on any toes. I am just curious is all.
You gotta think hic when you have 1000 choices that are all potentially better than the one before most are searching for the next best thing, Its has been proven that when a person has so many choices that it can actually hinder them from picking the one the really want, and at the same time making them feel as tho they could have made a better choice. Which in the end makes them less happy with what they have and they need to choose something different, marketing counts on this feeling, and that's where hype and bs come into play, the backside of the trade.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya KB, It will be a real long time before I know everything.lol - which is one of the reasons marijuana is so fun for me.

Damn I sure am sick of spending money on " getting the drive-way plowed" It will be almost $200 bucks come the end of winter for that shit this year. I could have bought 4 x-box games this winter if it werent for the snow.

hmm - may have to put an extra one in the ground for this shit, it's getting real old real quick.


Well-Known Member
thanks rzza I'm try'n to get shit tweaked in. thier getting there next round will be better and so on, as soon as I have a house instead of an apartment ill be able to set up everything the right way and not have to worry about making it easy to tear down and pack up, I'm also a little worried about whats going to happen when I add another 600 in there, the flowering room is only 5x8 barely holds 24 5 gal buckets, plus my 55 gal drum, cloner, its just a bedroom cut in half. Right now the carbon filter dumps into the veg room and I built an air box that lets the veg air flow into the flowering room w/o letting light in (basicly a closed circut) the window for the room is in the flowering half, I have it blacked out with poly and there is a piece of ducting in the top letting in 30 degree air from outside to let in fresh air and keep temps down (72F-80F all times). This way my air isn't melting snow on the roof (im on the second floor,top floor), have any of you seen the show alaskan troopers, they pic out grows in apartments by what they call the "glacier effect" growers pump out their hot air the only place they can, the window, since theres no other place without destroying the apartment and possibly getting sued, but the hot air melts the snow on the roof and gutter and since its still cold outside it creates like a 6-10ft icicle by the window. and the cops and pick you out instantly. My delema lays in here that as it warms up, which looks like its not coming for another month with our 12 inches of snow so far, my room warms as well and ill have to exhaust outside hopefully not while theres still snow. I'd like to avoid glaciers

hic you youd think living where you do you'd own a truck and plow, shit then you could be getting the 200$ back from the drives you plow..maybe you should put a couple lants in for that?

flowering room yesterday one of the time lapse pics (6 plants, next run is 24)



Well-Known Member
Killer plants KB, I like the pics! You do know what you are talking about after all.LOL

Na ain't going to buy a plow KB anytime soon. I will however just throw an extra plant in the ground and label the mason jar "PLOW" when I cut it down for next years budget.lol