Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
if the wind would have picked up here it would have been worse than the last storm. we got more snow this time but it didnt drift up even half as bad as last time.


Well-Known Member
dam...sure doesnt feel close to spring after that storm last night....got over a foot of snow here..

it's BUNK... I hear ya cmt.

I am done, I have done all that I wanted too this winter and I am ready for the snow to go now. There is a time and place for this shit and it's in 2012 - c'mon spring!


Well-Known Member
everytime i think we all have got the white powder shook off, it comes again, all we can all do is just watch our clones for the outdoor season grow, i hope im not the only one lol


Well-Known Member
You are not the only one fatality. I am looking real hard at 2 of these critical trainwreck females for a one plant run for the summer. One says it's trainwreck with it's odor and one says it's trainwreck with it's wild branching. - And There Can Only Be One that I continue with for the summer

I am debating on the number of delsteles BB I put out as well. For I have 10 BB seeds and I sure was wanting to have 1000 at least at sometime in my life and now I know I can breed outdoors very efficiantly? - idk

Still have not chose the BW...? Won't be able to till flowering is over. due to this being such a new strain to me. May not run until next year? idk

Ahh but the CM's run is what I have been waiting for since the end of last sept!... those I am watching like a hawk and those are what I am painting it green with - I have cuts of all CM females currently in flower and I will say that the f-2's are fucking wicked!

I have one pheno that you cannot even see it's buds- it is like cousin IT of the Adams Family... you cannot see anything but yellow tinted hairs ... they were only white for like 2 -weeks and turned to this cool golden/yellow color. As if anyone gave a fuck


Well-Known Member
The deliberations have been complete.. it will go like this. BW male + BB female, + BW male + Jammy CM.

I will have a unigue BW's buzz and I will have excellent terpentines to work with "however they spell it". It will in the end, have what I seek - if I look for it!

Hics skunk will be made by one of these potent cm's and BW - very simple.

Things are as they should be - for even AK is back home!

The overgrown situation has been taking care of. The wife and kids will be sleeping with the dogs for the next 10 weeks. I am just joking LEO, they are safe.

Made as soon as seeds become viable!


Well-Known Member
Anyway you would be able to come up my way and burn that one with me rzza? You can do it - Give rachshow instructions for the days labor and head on up!.


Well-Known Member
lets meet in the middle. i only harvested one of two ...im guessing its a half oz. i swear it oughtta be my best yet:) after trimming the plant, i had one almost marble size ball of finger hash. i rolled it really nice into a ball and dropped it into my cleanest pipe. i hit it maybe 10-15 times and went to bed. medicated as fuck, LOL. i just finished it off today and was like another 10-15 hits. nice. cant wait for the nugs to dry.


Well-Known Member
I love them resin balls, I just love them. Glad you got a good one rzza. Hold that thought of meeting in the middle though

I think some of these boys wanted to smoke some pot before planting begins and maybe the middle is where I am heading anyways.

You guys do remember I have some land to stomp on.. for a day or two bring a tent, bring a camper, bring a fucing semi truck if ya want packed with whores, I don't give a shit. You are welcome here for the burn.

idk - where any of you live, I even forgot where del and GD were from.lol. But I have wheels as well and will be down whenever you all can get the stars to line up on how you would like them to be.