Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
No helis were seen or heard today! Hope they are done with this area. I have heard from a couple boys that they hit our county pretty hard yesterday and the day before.

See we live 20 minutes of GR so all the city boys that wanna do an outdoor grow have to go north, east, west, or south to do so. We have more plants in this county then I will ever know. I do know that a wise grower usually goes north and north from a big city is where I live.


Well-Known Member
Hey what up fellow michiganders I got a question for the seasoned outdoor growers. Ive been inducing flowering by covering my plants up for 12 hrs and the first couple weeks things were going real good but now it seems they are at a stand still the last 2 weeks could it be from this high heat and humidty we've been getting? If so what can I do to get the yield I want possibly let them grow a week or so longer then normal?


Well-Known Member
All depends, How hot does it get in the thing you were covering up the plant with when the sun is still shining?

Some strains do not like alot of water when at the end of flower... could it be overwatered? over fertilized? Roots getting into clay or sand?

It is in the ground right.. your plant?


Well-Known Member
I think that those afgani cm phenos would go good with a dash of fruity sativa.

I have a peppery apollo leading male in vortex that I am going to hit that cm onion skunk with.


Well-Known Member
All depends, How hot does it get in the thing you were covering up the plant with when the sun is still shining?

Some strains do not like alot of water when at the end of flower... could it be overwatered? over fertilized? Roots getting into clay or sand?

It is in the ground right.. your plant?
I'm in a home made green house and no I'm not in the ground I'm in 5 gallon bags. The room pretty much stays true to temp outside but at night the humidity jumps up. Like I was sayn all was good the 1st couple weeks they were eating, drinking, and growing good but it seem they've slowed down sense this bad weather have came...


Well-Known Member
Well my friend it is not the heat or humidity. I have the same shit go on as you in my greenhouse with the extreme heat and the humidity and my plants love it.overfertilized? rotten roots?


Well-Known Member
Well my friend it is not the heat or humidity. I have the same shit go on as you in my greenhouse with the extreme heat and the humidity and my plants love it.overfertilized? rotten roots?
I'm sure they're not over fertilized how would I know if the roots are rotten?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure they're not over fertilized how would I know if the roots are rotten?
You will know if you have rotten if the plant quits growing. lolHeat in your planters? I have had plants become cooked because the heat from the sun cooked the roots. Water logged would be the other reason... but I do not think over water is your issue?Look at your roots to tell if they are fried. They will be very thin and dark brown. When your roots are not cooked they will be thick and white.


Well-Known Member
You will know if you have rotten if the plant quits growing. lolHeat in your planters? I have had plants become cooked because the heat from the sun cooked the roots. Water logged would be the other reason... but I do not think over water is your issue?Look at your roots to tell if they are fried. They will be very thin and dark brown. When your roots are not cooked they will be thick and white.
Ok thanks alot buddy...
fucky'd up again.
I have the ice catcher going, 17"
Fdd's Sherlock, I call Harry because it has one eye like the resident in the workplace, "Harry" who also has one eye
sorry for the caps.

I had a co-worker explain that she is breaking up with the BF cause all he does is go to work and come home and smoke pot all night.
I said sounds like a good guy and laughed and left, poor poor big tittied girl...a youngster.

Listening to WhiteSnake-Greatest Hits


Well-Known Member
keep the caps coming. I still got one good eye to read with.

Watch out for the BW fan leaf, tis sharp along the edges.


Active Member
Have any of you got any signs of flowering? Im worried i got some early skunk out and im afraid they wont finish in time...When do you guys switch over to bloom nutes? my girls are getting huge with tons of foilage but no signs of flowering yet.