Michigan... how can i find a doctor who will give me a card


Well-Known Member
Just a quick question Dr.Bob why are you having to defend patients in court? is is because they are outside the scope of the act like more than 12 plants and 2.5 ounces?
Because he has to answer to the prosecutor, and the judge as to why the patient in question was prescribe MM.

I'm in Cali. and have always been told the best doctors will go to court for you. Either way if he is subpoenaed to court, he has to show.


Well-Known Member

this is all very interesting. like all 32 people at the party have coke, and all know. but still go into the bathroom three at a time to rail it up.

noone is good anymore. the few left a re being targeted for assimilation. the disp. owners are the lobby, and have been. i wonder how they fit in in Wa.? does phillip morris just give them a job? VP?


Well-Known Member
and god as my witness-

i ever meet a nazi, imma probably........................

wear the pin asshat.


Well-Known Member
Man i finally see a doctor soon. One doctor said even if he dont refer me for mmj that i still had to pay him his $100 which isnt bad at all price wise


Well-Known Member
guys is this bullshi.t still going on. Man no one is better than the other, people who point the finger usually do the most dirt, i guess for some false sense of righteousness. We all do wrong whether its small to you it may be big to another. How can you point the finger calling the drug dealer a low life SOB when you by the drugs from him. so what does that make you. How can you call the drug dealer out and dog him to make yourself feel better when you give a friend of yours a couple perscription pills because his teeth hurt. All im saying that this finger pointing is childish and even more so hipocritical and fake as all hell. Let the doc do his thing. He's here helping others so what are you doing for people, is that the problem some small man i know more than the college grad syndrome. Shit some people break the law that dont mean he does, and yes he suppose to defend those who dont. If I was you I would be embarrassed because it was a petty desperate attempt to slander someones name over some "I act like I know more than the college grad and feel shitty about myself syndrome. Sh.t get over it.