Michigans Helicopter Awareness Program.


Well-Known Member
Well Michiganders it is flowering season for those of us with a patch outdoors again and we as growers know what that means... Eradication.

I made this thread to try to pull us all together as a group to help maintain information of the trade. I will watch your back you watch mine kinda thing.

The only purpose of this thread is to inform us growers as to where and when the eye in the sky was witnessed by you.

Please no lying or bullshit. I only want true sightings of michigans famous helicopters that fly low and make circles. You will know it is a pot copter when you see one.

I ask for info for all that is all. Give us a date,time of day, and direction headed to be a member of the awareness program.

You do not have to be a pot grower to participate... All Eyes Are Welcome.

I will note about 3 weeks ago in newaygo county they were here. They may be back again. When they do I will report to you.
OHHH I forgot to mention.. I do not wanna hear any fighting. They may fly this year but again they may not fly as much as years past due to budget issues. Fact is they ARE flying and will always fly. We need some sort of line of defense even if it is just information.

To have the ability to see everything is a true ability. We as Michigan Growers MUST come together in some way. Lord knows we are as far apart as engish is to arabic to each other and I do not wanna see that anymore. I want to see us grow, I am so sick of fighting with ya all over nothing.

I wish to come together as a online community. We together can create new lines of defense if we can all get past our own egos and realize everyone has bled a little already.

This is a start to more. I am sick of non building threads. Let us build a new way together. Let's be the "people of Michigan". Let's be "all a online community can be". I am done with the kid shit and wish to read more threads that have life instead of death.

It is up to you all.... your future that is.
I do not consider you being a hater. I thank you for that link. I will let the mods decide the fate of my role into an internet connection with the people. I have no use for many threads so I must make my own.

I will take full responsibility as the head fucking honcho. I am past the point of letting unfounded fear steer my life in any direction. I will gladley take a fine and let them slap my wrist if I have the ability to be me. They can even take the pot after this summer I will have pounds buried.

Nope, I will not stop but I do thank you for your information JOC.
Ya there broke for real...... In our town the cops are only to drive 72 miles a week each officer vs. there 250 they was allowed. I dont really know what chopper fuel cost but im sure its not cheap. Im sure they will be able to fly there choppers and look for your crops. But for as far as just flying around hoping to find a feild, I doubt it you would have to be rated out and then they would just walk in. But I will let anyone know if I see anything funny as I live next door to the airport and can almost see everything that goes on. Right now we have the 134th airborne practicing at all hours of the night. And we also have some white planes that say Department of Homeland Security on them. God only knows what them planes do but they sure are weird in a way. But they dont fly circles Just they leave in the morning and come back in the middle of the day sometime.

Oh Aviation Fuel is 6.70 a gallon. And a normal plane or chopper has a 250+ gallons Thats $1675 to fill it up........... And they run through that fuel FAST!!
So perhaps to keep everyone outta trouble we should turn this into a helicopter fan club. Much like bird watchers. We simply post when we see a beautifull helicopter. You see where there is a will there is always a way.

I am disapointed that 911 made it so that everything I try to do is a terrorist plot. Even before 911 the governments that be brainstormed for hours how to get the upper hand on any circumstance. Before long everyone that does not bow down to the bald eagles ways of intimidation and force will be a terrorist.

I could see if we were a violent group but that is not the case. Do I not have the freedom of speech and freedom to observe? I say fuck em! This is a helicopter fan club. I like black helicopters that make noise. Let them godless cock suckers put a felony on that.
I am so sorry my brothers and sisters.. I did not make this world. I will much understand if my efforts for information are obliterated. I guess in order for me to be complete in this life I will have to die first. Heck I have waited this long what is another 40 years of oppression?

I feel as though I am a slave in ancient times. I do not know why because I was born in the land of the free. I guess I just get sick sometimes of the scraps and options I have in my life. To think we as men are now subject to our daily routines and we call that LIFE.

I should be killing mastadons or some shit and yet if I want to eat I go to the grocery store. For it is illigal not too. I get so sick of this shit and just want our father to come save us from all of this horse shit.

We as MEN are as far from MEN as we have ever been. Afraid to bleed, afraid to say fuck you government, afraid to shoot a deer outta season cause you get a $25,000 dollar fine if you do. I just have no use for this world really. I am just passing time waiting for my father to destroy oppression and give me my freedom.

A Felony? I am past the point of caring anymore. Fuck they took most everything already they might as well just put me in a hole. Look America what the hell they are breeding with their ideas. You think I am a sad case? Remember where there is 1 there is 1000. I am not the only one that is damn near ready to puke after recent observations of our world, we are many.

God have mercy if my kind ever gets to the point where we all snap at once. I feel as though we will never have to for the earthquakes have come to tell me it will not be long now. Yea and to the stupid men who came up with the law...FUCK YOU TOO

I must vent sometimes or I will blow my top. I guess fuck the thread too I do not wish any of you to go to jail. I like you all enough not to be selfish I guess we can let this thread die just like the other ones that can create an impact.

I hate all the men that have good ideas of how I should live my life and I wish them all.... ahhh you know what I wish...

The only reason men are still alive is because there is a GOD. So I will put my hopes in him and wait. As if the helicopters matter to me... I will have wings someday you law writing pricks and that thought right there will keep you alive.. For if I did not have hope in heaven I would bring hell on this earth. If there were no GOD I would be free...do you see?

I just want a new world... not the new world order just a new world where being me is not a terrorist. I am not a terrorist but they try to make me feel like I am and that is shitty. I just want to be left the fuck alone from authorities.... Where are all them hippies? Come fucking take me away! Shit anymore I would rather just have the fucking aliens come down and eat me.

I wanna just give up...But then again that would mean that they broke my spirit and we will not be having that shit for lunch.

Goodbye my coulda been helpfull little thread. We are not allowed to exsist in the eyes of the american authority so you must go away. I will tell your brother you had to go away. I am sure he will understand as to he too is alive in an american world.

I am not proud to be an american anymore. That is one way they divide us ya know. We are humans not mexicans not british not canadians but humans and we are the same. The people that are rioting right now are humans just like you... but if you call them libians or syrians it will not affect your heart the same....FIY.

What if on the news they said humans are clashing with their government...would you feel closer to them? I know you would because they are human not syrian. I am done but yet still very angry.
I am so sorry my brothers and sisters.. I did not make this world. I will much understand if my efforts for information are obliterated. I guess in order for me to be complete in this life I will have to die first. Heck I have waited this long what is another 40 years of oppression?

I feel as though I am a slave in ancient times. I do not know why because I was born in the land of the free. I guess I just get sick sometimes of the scraps and options I have in my life. To think we as men are now subject to our daily routines and we call that LIFE.

I should be killing mastadons or some shit and yet if I want to eat I go to the grocery store. For it is illigal not too. I get so sick of this shit and just want our father to come save us from all of this horse shit.

We as MEN are as far from MEN as we have ever been. Afraid to bleed, afraid to say fuck you government, afraid to shoot a deer outta season cause you get a $25,000 dollar fine if you do. I just have no use for this world really. I am just passing time waiting for my father to destroy oppression and give me my freedom.

A Felony? I am past the point of caring anymore. Fuck they took most everything already they might as well just put me in a hole. Look America what the hell they are breeding with their ideas. You think I am a sad case? Remember where there is 1 there is 1000. I am not the only one that is damn near ready to puke after recent observations of our world, we are many.

God have mercy if my kind ever gets to the point where we all snap at once. I feel as though we will never have to for the earthquakes have come to tell me it will not be long now. Yea and to the stupid men who came up with the law...FUCK YOU TOO

I must vent sometimes or I will blow my top. I guess fuck the thread too I do not wish any of you to go to jail. I like you all enough not to be selfish I guess we can let this thread die just like the other ones that can create an impact.

I hate all the men that have good ideas of how I should live my life and I wish them all.... ahhh you know what I wish...

The only reason men are still alive is because there is a GOD. So I will put my hopes in him and wait. As if the helicopters matter to me... I will have wings someday you law writing pricks and that thought right there will keep you alive.. For if I did not have hope in heaven I would bring hell on this earth. If there were no GOD I would be free...do you see?

I just want a new world... not the new world order just a new world where being me is not a terrorist. I am not a terrorist but they try to make me feel like I am and that is shitty. I just want to be left the fuck alone from authorities.... Where are all them hippies? Come fucking take me away! Shit anymore I would rather just have the fucking aliens come down and eat me.

I wanna just give up...But then again that would mean that they broke my spirit and we will not be having that shit for lunch.

Goodbye my coulda been helpfull little thread. We are not allowed to exsist in the eyes of the american authority so you must go away. I will tell your brother you had to go away. I am sure he will understand as to he too is alive in an american world.

I am not proud to be an american anymore. That is one way they divide us ya know. We are humans not mexicans not british not canadians but humans and we are the same. The people that are rioting right now are humans just like you... but if you call them libians or syrians it will not affect your heart the same....FIY.

What if on the news they said humans are clashing with their government...would you feel closer to them? I know you would because they are human not syrian. I am done but yet still very angry.

Ding fucking ding. You hit the nail on the head with a 50 lb sledgehammer buddy.

I hope more people feel the exact same way because it is no doubt the truth and we do need to stand up against the way our leaders run our lives.
I saw those basters flying around west of Lansing yesterday around 11:00 am makin big circles over the fields back a forth they must have been flying for over 2 hours. I did see this long appendage with what appeared to be a camera sticking out the the side of the chopper moving back and forth when they would hover over a patch of wood's or field..:evil::evil:
as you know delstele they who hold pwer will not let me rep you again and again and again it is not right when you have it coming...Just like the pay eh. lol I am glad to see you are a helicopter fan as well.

FBI I really do like helicopters as to I am a wittle retarted and I wike them... I am sorry you have built one I cannot speak about. In my world that is your own fault. I still believe I could kick this cases ass in court if it ever came up. Helicopter Watchers what the shit people look for U.F.O.'s and that is not illigal? How many of them U.F.O's are owned by the federal goverment? The fucking rabbit hole... I should have never took the pill cause this matrix is fucked up.
I understand why People bring the "law" into this but reality is... The feds are not going to be cracking down on RIU members for talking about watching copters im sorry. My point is, marijuana is still illegal under Federal Law, so Before they went trying to give CHARGES on people watching heli's They would 1st be going out and looking for everyones grow on here checking for its legitimacy. Which they do not do for the most part. =/
Thanks guys I really wanted to keep it a real clean thread with just spottings, but as you know there ain't much I do that does not cause drama in someones eyes. I want to thank you boys for the sightings and will try not to get this thread just one big mess of my rants "which this post is an example of" lol

To Mr RawBudzski - I know right! we got people on here talking about ingrediants for all kinds of shit in various places in this forum. I would think that a mentally ill mans thread about pretty black helicopters will be OK.

Shit you guys if they wanna take me to court I have the ability to tell the jury the marijuana was just a front... I was trying to keep eyes to the skys for the helicopters because I believe some of them take you to other planets.lol I took the pill remember and to see the world and it's Rules of Engagement is almost entertaining for me... Because I alone can outthink all of them and so can you if you apply yourselves.