Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
Soloman, how did you see huge buds from an 18/6 cycle? 18/6 is a veg cycle man, I have my plants on it right now and zero buds have formed. Which is what I expect until I move to 12/12. If this is true how did you do it? Move from 24 hours of light to 18/6? Do tell...


Well-Known Member
Soloman, how did you see huge buds from an 18/6 cycle? 18/6 is a veg cycle man, I have my plants on it right now and zero buds have formed. Which is what I expect until I move to 12/12. If this is true how did you do it? Move from 24 hours of light to 18/6? Do tell...
I think he means 18 dark/6 light


Well-Known Member
Wolfman, how are you my friend? Still follow your thread everyday. I'm anxious to see your final buds, I can imagine how you feel!!

I have a lighting question for you: Being that we're using CFL's exclusively, should we use different spectrum CFL's when changing to flowering? I was just reading one of my favorite noob books, "An Uncomplicated Guide to Growing the World's Finest Cannabis - Grow Great Marijuana", by Logan Edwards. Great book for noobs, by-the-way. Anyway, it suggests a full or daylight spectrum for vegging (6500 kelvin) but then changing to a wide or warm spectrum for flowering (2700 kelvin)

Any thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
Hey man shits lookin good. Congrats on the ladies! Good luck with the rest, keep on growin.

JAYDOE: It is "recommended" to use the different spectrum in flowering to get the full bud dense, and quality. BUT you can use the same spectrum for all stages of growing. The lighting hours is what effects the veg/flower cycles mostly,


Well-Known Member
Damn wolfaman every time i check this thread you have made such progress. ever get around to measuring the dimensions of your cabinet?

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your comments guys...

WOOHOO Congrats on the female.
It's the most suspensful time of any grow waiting for the sex to show.
I bet you're relieved even though you had a fewplants going to give you a good chance.
Yes.. having 2 confirmed females does give me relief and it's all I need to go to the next step.. but.. I hate the thought of getting rid of the other 2 =[

looking good wolf.girls girls girls girls, did she show right after the 24 hours of darkness?..
Yes... after the 24 hour dark period, I sneaked a peak when they were about 6 hours in to their new light period.. and there they were =]

You lucky son of a bitch! Two ladies already!

I have been blessed with a few so far.

The three on the right are a new hybrid I bred. PPP x Sour Diesel, can't wait to see which is a girl so I can have my first TURBO DIESEL mother!
Turbo Diesel sounds tight! =D

Great thread I really like your box and I want to see how you SCROG works out with such limited height.
That makes 2 of us.. I will admit that the closer I get to harvest, the more nervous I get about something going wrong... lol but with all I have learned and accomplished it's already a win win situation =]

Nice setup fo sho. It is actually very similar to what I have going in a slightly different configuration and I'm holding out on a cabinet.

Even though your plants are already showing sex... I've read that you can sex them early by looking for those little pairs of "spikes" off the main cola. If you see those, that is the bud sight and it is a female, if you don't... idk. We determined that on our last plant and it worked. 1 plant. 1 female. Talk about luck!
Sorry to say man... those "spikes" are on both males and females... It's what happens between those spikes and the nodes that counts. Congrats on your 1 for 1 female though and thanks for the input.

Wolfman, how are you my friend? Still follow your thread everyday. I'm anxious to see your final buds, I can imagine how you feel!!

I have a lighting question for you: Being that we're using CFL's exclusively, should we use different spectrum CFL's when changing to flowering? I was just reading one of my favorite noob books, "An Uncomplicated Guide to Growing the World's Finest Cannabis - Grow Great Marijuana", by Logan Edwards. Great book for noobs, by-the-way. Anyway, it suggests a full or daylight spectrum for vegging (6500 kelvin) but then changing to a wide or warm spectrum for flowering (2700 kelvin)

Any thoughts on this?
Yes.. ant that is what I'm going... I started with just 4 daylight cfls (6500k)... I am now using 4 softwhite cfls (2700k) and 2 daylights. To give them a wider spectrum... so far it's working... the next flowering will be with 6 softwhites to see the difference.

Damn wolfaman every time i check this thread you have made such progress. ever get around to measuring the dimensions of your cabinet?
I knew I missed something last time lol...

3 chambers

each chamber's dimensions are...

20.0" tall
15.5" deep
15.5" wide

I'll have more updates after the weekend.. I'm going camping so I'll be gone for awile... tonight I will give them fresh rez's and hope they do will over the weekend with out me as they have before.

Have a good weekend everyone.

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
OK before I leave I was checking them out one last time and came up with a thought.... I made my cab to be adaptable... so why not adapt it to the situation I have not...

I made up my mind... as soon as I get back from camping.. I'm going to check the last 2 plants for sex... if they don't show or show male.. I'm cutting them... as sad as that sounds... I'll continue to flower Spirit and Esperansa... I'll also start there clones to flower... they are huge!

I won't be keeping a clone mother for now... but will take cutting again when the 3rd chamber is finished right.

So that's the plan.. and I'm happy with that plan.

Have a good weekend guys..

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
wolfman, you are a serious wealth of info, thanks for your thoughtful individual responses it is very appreciated by those who read this cool thread (me) lol

oh yeah any porn?

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys ....

I ended up, coming home early, and boy do I have a lot to report =]

Looks like the pruning didn't do the girls any harm at all.. if anything, they responded with a vengeance... lots of new growth and many new bud sights! =]

My girl friend scored for me today, when her friends computer crashed and was replaced by a new one.. She pulled the coolling fan! =]

Quickly did some rearranging, and the cab is now... (in my Darth Vader voice)...

Which brings me to even more good news... Wind, and Star finally showed sex... THEY ARE GIRLS!!!... that's 4 for 4, girls =]

So as you can clearly see.. I have

2 girls in chamber 1 about 3 weeks into flower
2 girls in chamber 2 about 3 weeks into flower
and 8 clones/plants ready to replace any of the girls above as they veg away.

That's 8 back to back future harvests already!! This is working out way better then I ever thought it would =]

But its not over yet..

I still have tinkering to do
build another quick carbon filter
build another quick screen and may want to play with tie down lsd
and pick 2 mothers out of the 8 clones to keep.

But it should be all down hill from here.. just watch the buds get bigger and fatten up =]

I'll get more updates and pics soon, but for now I got to get some sleep lol.

Oh by the way... just thought I would share this with you...
I thought we packed all we need to go camping, but to our horror we realised we brought the bud, but forgot a pipe!.. I didn't waste time, I got my pocket knife and a nice stick... Split the stick and carved out my self a quick "honorary peace pipe" for our bond fire circle... GOOD TIMES. =]

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
Did I mention Macgyver, lol I know i did..something about him being your hero.. hahah

Dude, I can't tell you happy I am that you ended up with all ladies, that amazing and awesome. 8 FUTURE HARVESTS !!!!! kiss-ass

I wish that was more of a bow than ass kiss but you get the point, lol

I'm sorta lost for words, I'm just more and more impressed by your grow every day, I'm a save this thread and read it to my kids as a great bedtime story, I'll call it.. "The Great Micro Grow to Show them All"

LOL, sorry Wake n bake.. Anyway Welcome back buddy and great news and great pics



Well-Known Member
Wolf you never cease to amaze me. did you remove scrog? you gonna build one in each grom room? congrats on the 2 new girls.


Well-Known Member
WOOO fuck yeah man, 4 GIRLS??no FUCKIN way!hahaha
Congrats yo!!

OH and i got the same question, no screen?

edit:Cab is fucken bad ass to!

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Looking pro man! i like it a lot, im going to scrog my next grow but its going to be a full 2ftx4ft area directly under my t5 lights! i will build a screen to fit my lights perfectly and i will have so much more bud that way i think... your journal seems to be helping a lot of people out!!

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
been watching and i only have one criticism, it seems like you waste alot of space with your dwc containers.

what if you were to keep a central res in the bottom then top feed in little pipes or shallow trays?

does that make sense?
but your doing great, fun to watch


Well-Known Member
what if you were to keep a central res in the bottom then top feed in little pipes or shallow trays?
or what about shallow dwc trays with active circulation? sorta on the verge of a nutrient film technique. what about that idea? maybe not for your current grow, but something for someone to experiment with. in case of a power outage, there should still me water left in the dwc tray. it gives plenty of circulation and movement, keeping plenty of oxygen in the water and nutes mixed in. when you go to flush or change nute solution, you don't have to worry about moving the plants. you'd have a single central res to work with and test.